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Studies on primary production, nutrients and decomposition in a mown grassland ecosystem
(1980). Studies on primary production, nutrients and decomposition in a mown grassland ecosystem

The effects of mowing intensity and cessation of mowing on ecosystem structure and function in a semi-permanent grassland are studied, with particular application to amenity grasslands. Intensive mowing leads to increased investment in below-ground p... Read More about Studies on primary production, nutrients and decomposition in a mown grassland ecosystem.

Standing at the crossroads: politics and the hero in black popular music
(1980). Standing at the crossroads: politics and the hero in black popular music

Black popular music, since it was first recorded cemmercially in 1920, has, through all its evolving styles, been primarily a vocal music, where lyrical meaning is crucial to its appeal. The music comes but of a racially-defined, lewer-class communit... Read More about Standing at the crossroads: politics and the hero in black popular music.

Visual comparison of patterns: the significance of pattern transformation and pattern arrangement in the visual field
(1980). Visual comparison of patterns: the significance of pattern transformation and pattern arrangement in the visual field

The two main types of scheme for the internal representation and internal processing of visual stimuli involve either a 'pointlllistic' internal representation to which various internal compensatory transformations can be applied, or a structured, in... Read More about Visual comparison of patterns: the significance of pattern transformation and pattern arrangement in the visual field.

The effects of hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour on the work function and resistance of titanium films
(1980). The effects of hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour on the work function and resistance of titanium films

The changes of work function; ? and resistance; R of titanium films were measured in U.H.V. at room temperature, when- hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour interacted with them. The interaction of hydrogen reduced R by 30% after an initial increase of 1... Read More about The effects of hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour on the work function and resistance of titanium films.

Social stress in female mice: effects of differential housing on adrenocortical activity and the oestrous cycle
(1980). Social stress in female mice: effects of differential housing on adrenocortical activity and the oestrous cycle

The general aim of this study has been to examine some physiological and behavioural aspects of crowding in mice. The notion of stress has been central to this study. Using Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome hypothesis as a framework, modern ideas o... Read More about Social stress in female mice: effects of differential housing on adrenocortical activity and the oestrous cycle.

Aspects of the stratigraphy and ammonite faunas of the Aalenian-Bajocian stages in Great Britain
(1980). Aspects of the stratigraphy and ammonite faunas of the Aalenian-Bajocian stages in Great Britain

A detailed stratigraphic revision of parts of the Aalenian-Bajocian Stages is undertaken. The status of the Sowerbyi zone is discussed and reasons given for its rejection and replacement by the Discites and Laeviuscula
Zones. The Sauzei Zone is rede... Read More about Aspects of the stratigraphy and ammonite faunas of the Aalenian-Bajocian stages in Great Britain.

Fracture and flow in glass
(1980). Fracture and flow in glass

The indentation creep Behaviour and the apparent healing of cracks are studied in several silicate glasses in different environments and at different temperatures.
The results obtained do not confirm previous findings that the indentation creep rate... Read More about Fracture and flow in glass.

1497 and the western rising
(1981). 1497 and the western rising

1497 waa a year critical to the development of the Tudor state. The first dawning of a distinctly Tudor, as opposed to Yorkist or Lancastrian regime emerged from it. The events of that year are described in narrative form, as are the preceding ten ye... Read More about 1497 and the western rising.