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Peter Matthews' Outputs (37)

Exploring Supramolecular Frustrated Lewis Pairs (2025)
Journal Article
Hawkins, P. R., Hawes, C. S., & Matthews, P. D. (2025). Exploring Supramolecular Frustrated Lewis Pairs. ChemPlusChem, 1-11.

Frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs) have rapidly become one of the key metal‐free catalysts for a variety of chemical transformations. Embedding these catalysts within a supramolecular assembly can offer improvements to factors such as recyclability and se... Read More about Exploring Supramolecular Frustrated Lewis Pairs.

Substrate-induced strain in molybdenum disulfide grown by aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition (2024)
Journal Article
Adams, L. J., Matthews, P. D., Morbec, J. M., & Balakrishnan, N. (in press). Substrate-induced strain in molybdenum disulfide grown by aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition. Nanotechnology, 35(39), Article 395602.

Transition metal dichalcogenides have been extensively studied in recent years because of their fascinating optical, electrical, and catalytic properties. However, low-cost, scalable production remains a challenge. Aerosol-assisted chemical vapor dep... Read More about Substrate-induced strain in molybdenum disulfide grown by aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition.

Juggling Optoelectronics and Catalysis: The Dual Talents of Bench Stable 1,4‐Azaborinines (2023)
Journal Article
van Beek, C. M., Swarbrook, A. M., Creissen, C. E., Hawes, C. S., Gazis, T. A., & Matthews, P. D. (2023). Juggling Optoelectronics and Catalysis: The Dual Talents of Bench Stable 1,4‐Azaborinines. Chemistry - A European Journal, 30(8), Article e202301944.

Boron‐ and nitrogen‐doped polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (B‐PAHs) have established a strong foothold in the realm of organic electronics. However, their catalytic potential remains largely untapped. In this study, we synthesise and characterise two... Read More about Juggling Optoelectronics and Catalysis: The Dual Talents of Bench Stable 1,4‐Azaborinines.

Colloidal III-V quantum dots: a synthetic perspective (2023)
Journal Article
Gazis, T. A., Cartlidge, A. J., & Matthews, P. D. (2023). Colloidal III-V quantum dots: a synthetic perspective. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11(12), 3926-3935.

With the advent of stricter environmental regulation, quantum dots based on cadmium, lead and other heavy metals have become anathema. III–V semiconductors constitute a promising alternative because they not only match but indeed surpass the optoelec... Read More about Colloidal III-V quantum dots: a synthetic perspective.

55 Cancri e's occultation captured with CHEOPS (2023)
Journal Article
Matthews, P., Demory, B., Sulis, S., Valdes, E., Brandeker, A., Billot, N., …Walton, N. (2023). 55 Cancri e's occultation captured with CHEOPS. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

Past occultation and phase-curve observations of the ultra-short period super-Earth 55 Cnc e obtained at visible and infrared wavelengths have been challenging to reconcile with a planetary reflection and emission model. In this study, we analyse a s... Read More about 55 Cancri e's occultation captured with CHEOPS.

Reeling them in: Ph2PSiMe3 in the sequential formation of InP magic-sized clusters (2022)
Journal Article
Gazis, T. A., & Matthews, P. D. (2022). Reeling them in: Ph2PSiMe3 in the sequential formation of InP magic-sized clusters. Chemical Communications, 58(99), 13799 - 13802.

Indium phosphide magic-sized clusters (MSCs) have been identified as a key step in the growth of InP quantum dots (QDs). However, the need for elevated temperatures to form QDs from MSCs has limited our understanding of this transformation. Herein, w... Read More about Reeling them in: Ph2PSiMe3 in the sequential formation of InP magic-sized clusters.

Indium(III) promoted oxidative P-P coupling of silylphosphines (2021)
Journal Article
Cartlidge, A. J., & Matthews, P. (2022). Indium(III) promoted oxidative P-P coupling of silylphosphines. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 120772 - 120772.

The reaction of indium(III) salts with Ph2PSiMe3 and PhP(SiMe3)2 gives rise to a one- and two-electron reductive P-P coupling respectively, with the formation of new P-P bonds resulting in the preparation of (Ph2P)2 and the cyclicoligophosphane compo... Read More about Indium(III) promoted oxidative P-P coupling of silylphosphines.

Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tin Sulfide from Diorganotin(IV) Dixanthates (2018)
Journal Article
Al-Shakban, M., Matthews, P., Lewis, E., O'Brien, P., Haigh, S., Lewis, D., …Vitorica-Yrezabal, I. (2018). Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tin Sulfide from Diorganotin(IV) Dixanthates. Journal of Materials Science,

We report the synthesis and single-crystal X-ray characterization of diphenyltin bis(2-methoxyethylxanthate) and diphenyltin bis(iso-butylxanthate). These xanthates have been used as a single-source precursor to deposit tin chalcogenide thin films by... Read More about Chemical Vapor Deposition of Tin Sulfide from Diorganotin(IV) Dixanthates.

Exploiting Inherent Instability of 2D Black Phosphorus for Controlled Phosphate Release from Blow-Spun Poly (lactide-co-glycolide) Nanofibers (2018)
Journal Article
Kamyar, N., Greenhalgh, R., Nascimento, T., Medeiros, E., Matthews, P., Nogueira, L., …Blaker, J. (2018). Exploiting Inherent Instability of 2D Black Phosphorus for Controlled Phosphate Release from Blow-Spun Poly (lactide-co-glycolide) Nanofibers. ACS Applied Nano Material,

Efforts have been made to stabilize black phosphorus (BP) to utilize its tunable band gap and anisotropic mechanical properties. Here, the intrinsic instability of BP is exploited for controlled therapeutic ion release, namely phosphate. BP was incor... Read More about Exploiting Inherent Instability of 2D Black Phosphorus for Controlled Phosphate Release from Blow-Spun Poly (lactide-co-glycolide) Nanofibers.

Energy transfer and photoluminescence properties of lanthanide-containing polyoxotitanate cages coordinated by salicylate ligands (2018)
Journal Article
Li, N., Wright, D., Reisner, E., Luo, H., Matthews, P., Xiao, J., …Rosser, T. (2018). Energy transfer and photoluminescence properties of lanthanide-containing polyoxotitanate cages coordinated by salicylate ligands. Dalton Transactions, 5679-5686.

Polyoxotitanate (POT) cages have attracted considerable attention recently; much of this from the fact that they can be considered to be structural models for the technologically important semiconductor TiO2. Among the reported POT cages, lanthanide-... Read More about Energy transfer and photoluminescence properties of lanthanide-containing polyoxotitanate cages coordinated by salicylate ligands.

On the Phase Control of CuInS2 Nanoparticles from Cu-/In-Xanthates (2018)
Journal Article
Matthews, P., Zhong, X., Vitorica-Yrzebal, I., Al-Shakban, M., Raftery, J., Lewis, D., & O'Brien, P. (2018). On the Phase Control of CuInS2 Nanoparticles from Cu-/In-Xanthates. Dalton Transactions, 5304-5309.

In this paper we report the synthesis and single-crystal X-ray characterisation of six novel indium(III) xanthate complexes. These xanthates have been used as an In-source for the synthesis of highly crystalline CuInS2 nanoparticles in conjunction wi... Read More about On the Phase Control of CuInS2 Nanoparticles from Cu-/In-Xanthates.

Black phosphorus with near-superhydrophobic properties and long-term stability in aqueous media. (2018)
Journal Article
Lewis, D., O'Brien, P., Bissett, M., Haigh, S., Dryfe, R., Derby, B., …Zeng, N. (2018). Black phosphorus with near-superhydrophobic properties and long-term stability in aqueous media. Chemical Communications, 3831-3834.

Black phosphorus is a two-dimensional material that has potential applications in energy storage, high frequency electronics and sensing, yet it suffers from instability in oxygenated and/or aqueous systems. Here we present the use of a polymeric sta... Read More about Black phosphorus with near-superhydrophobic properties and long-term stability in aqueous media..

A simple route to complex materials: the synthesis of alkaline earth–transition metal sulfides (2017)
Journal Article
Al-Shakban, M., Matthews, P., & O'Brien, P. (2017). A simple route to complex materials: the synthesis of alkaline earth–transition metal sulfides. Chemical Communications, 10058-10061.

A simple, low-temperature synthesis of a family of alkaline earth metal chalcogenide thin films is reported. These materials have previously only been produced from demanding, high temperature, high pressure reactions. The decomposition of calcium, b... Read More about A simple route to complex materials: the synthesis of alkaline earth–transition metal sulfides.

Updating the road map to metal-halide perovskites for photovoltaics (2017)
Journal Article
Matthews, P., Lewis, D., & O'Brien, P. (2017). Updating the road map to metal-halide perovskites for photovoltaics. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 17135-17150.

Metal-halide perovskites have revolutionised photovoltaics in a short space of time due to their large power-conversion efficiencies and flexibility in device processing. However, questions loom over the deployment of these materials in photovoltaic... Read More about Updating the road map to metal-halide perovskites for photovoltaics.

The synthesis and characterization of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films from melt reactions using xanthate precursors (2017)
Journal Article
Savjani, N., Zhong, X., Wang, Y., Missous, M., Al-Shakban, M., Matthews, P., & O'Brien, P. (2017). The synthesis and characterization of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films from melt reactions using xanthate precursors. Journal of Materials Science, 12761 - 12771.

Kesterite, Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS), is a promising absorber layer for use in photovoltaic cells. We report the use of copper, zinc and tin xanthates in melt reactions to produce Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films. The phase of the as-produced CZTS is dependent on... Read More about The synthesis and characterization of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films from melt reactions using xanthate precursors.

Novel xanthate complexes for the size-controlled synthesis of copper sulfide nanorods (2017)
Journal Article
Matthews, P., Deogratius, G., McNaughter, P., Rafery, J., O'Brien, P., Vitorica-Yrezabal, I., …Al-Shakban, M. (2017). Novel xanthate complexes for the size-controlled synthesis of copper sulfide nanorods. Inorganic Chemistry, 9247-9254.

We present a simple, easily scalable route to monodisperse copper sulfide nanocrystals by the hot injection of a series of novel copper(I) xanthate single-source precursors [(PPh3)2Cu(S2COR)] (R = isobutyl, 2-methoxyethyl, 2-ethoxyethyl, 1-methoxy-2-... Read More about Novel xanthate complexes for the size-controlled synthesis of copper sulfide nanorods.