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Toby Helliwell's Outputs (69)

A person-centred primary care pharmacist-led osteoporosis review for optimising medicines (PHORM): a protocol for the development and co-design of a model consultation intervention (2024)
Journal Article
Sturrock, A., Grabrovaz, M., Bullock, L., Clark, E., Finch, T., Haining, S., …Paskins, Z. (2024). A person-centred primary care pharmacist-led osteoporosis review for optimising medicines (PHORM): a protocol for the development and co-design of a model consultation intervention. BMJ Open, 14(11),

Introduction: Adherence to medicines in osteoporosis is poor, with estimated 1 year persistence rates between 16% and 60%. Poor adherence is complex, relating to combinations of fear of side effects, beliefs about medication being unnecessary, doubts... Read More about A person-centred primary care pharmacist-led osteoporosis review for optimising medicines (PHORM): a protocol for the development and co-design of a model consultation intervention.

2236 Emergency department attendance stratified by cause and frailty status: a national cohort study of over 155 million patients (2024)
Journal Article
Sokhal, B., Matetić, A., Protheroe, J., Helliwell, T., Myint, P., Paul, T., …Mamas, M. (2024). 2236 Emergency department attendance stratified by cause and frailty status: a national cohort study of over 155 million patients. Age and ageing, 53(Supplement_3),

Introduction Data are limited on whether the causes of Emergency Department (ED) attendance and clinical outcomes vary by frailty status. Methods Using data from the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample, all ED attendances from 2016 to 2018 were st... Read More about 2236 Emergency department attendance stratified by cause and frailty status: a national cohort study of over 155 million patients.

The Relationship Between Obesity and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in People with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (2024)
Journal Article
Scott, I. C., Bajpai, R., Hider, S. L., Helliwell, T., Mallen, C. D., & Muller, S. (in press). The Relationship Between Obesity and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in People with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 8(3), Article rkae081.

To examine the association between obesity and patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) in a primary care-based cohort of people with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR).

The PMR Cohort Study recruited people with incident PMR from... Read More about The Relationship Between Obesity and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in People with Polymyalgia Rheumatica.

Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Woodcock, C., Cornwall, N., Dikomitis, L., Harrisson, S. A., White, S., Helliwell, T., …Jinks, C. (2024). Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), Article BJGPO.2023.0221.

Background Opioids are frequently prescribed for persistent non-cancer pain despite limited evidence of long-term effectiveness and risk of harm. Evidence-based interventions to address inappropriate opioid prescribing are lacking.

Aim To explore... Read More about Designing a primary care pharmacist-led review for people treated with opioids for persistent pain: a multi-method qualitative study.

Identifying carers in general practice (STATUS QUO): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England (2024)
Journal Article
Lawton, S., Mallen, C., Hussain, Z., Bajpai, R., Muller, S., Holmstrom, C., …Helliwell, T. (2024). Identifying carers in general practice (STATUS QUO): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. BMJ Open, 14(4), Article e083816.

Objectives: To determine General Practice (GP) recording of carer status and the number of patients self-identifying as carers, while self-completing an automated check-in screen prior to a GP consultation.

Design: A descriptive cross-sectional st... Read More about Identifying carers in general practice (STATUS QUO): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England.

Risk of adverse outcomes during gabapentinoid therapy and factors associated with increased risk in UK primary care using the clinical practice research datalink: a cohort study (2024)
Journal Article
Muller, S., Bailey, J., Bajpai, R., Helliwell, T., Harrisson, S. A., Whittle, R., …Ashworth, J. (2024). Risk of adverse outcomes during gabapentinoid therapy and factors associated with increased risk in UK primary care using the clinical practice research datalink: a cohort study. PAIN,

Growing evidence from pharmacovigilance data and postmortem toxicology reports highlights the misuse potential of gabapentinoids. This study aimed to investigate the risk of serious adverse outcomes (drug misuse, overdose, major trauma), and their ri... Read More about Risk of adverse outcomes during gabapentinoid therapy and factors associated with increased risk in UK primary care using the clinical practice research datalink: a cohort study.

Acceptability of a proposed practice pharmacist-led review for opioid-treated patients with persistent pain: A qualitative study to inform intervention development (2023)
Journal Article
Cornwall, N., Woodcock, C., Ashworth, J., Harrisson, S. A., Dikomitis, L., White, S., …on behalf of the PROMPPT team. (2023). Acceptability of a proposed practice pharmacist-led review for opioid-treated patients with persistent pain: A qualitative study to inform intervention development. British Journal of Pain,

Regular review of patients prescribed opioids for persistent non-cancer pain (PCNP) is recommended but not routinely undertaken. The PROMPPT (Proactive clinical Review of patients taking Opioid Medicines long-term for persistent Pain le... Read More about Acceptability of a proposed practice pharmacist-led review for opioid-treated patients with persistent pain: A qualitative study to inform intervention development.

Recommendations for early referral of individuals with suspected polymyalgia rheumatica: an initiative from the international giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica study group (2023)
Journal Article
Keller, K. K., Mukhtyar, C. B., Nielsen, A. W., Hemmig, A. K., Mackie, S. L., Sattui, S. E., …Dejaco, C. (in press). Recommendations for early referral of individuals with suspected polymyalgia rheumatica: an initiative from the international giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica study group. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, ard-2023-225134.

Objective: To develop international consensus-based recommendations for early referral of individuals with suspected polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR).

Methods: A task force including 29 rheumatologists/internists, 4 general practitioners, 4 patients a... Read More about Recommendations for early referral of individuals with suspected polymyalgia rheumatica: an initiative from the international giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica study group.

Musculoskeletal disorders and pain in agricultural workers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Shivakumar, M., Welsh, V., Bajpai, R., Helliwell, T., Mallen, C., Robinson, M., & Shepherd, T. (2024). Musculoskeletal disorders and pain in agricultural workers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Rheumatology International, 44, 235–247.

Agricultural workers constitute two-thirds of the population of Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC) and are at increased risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) due to high-risk activities. This systematic review and meta-analysis aim... Read More about Musculoskeletal disorders and pain in agricultural workers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Exploring the perspectives of community members on use of Nyaope in Tshwane, South Africa (2023)
Journal Article
Nzaumvila, D. K., Mash, R., & Helliwell, T. (in press). Exploring the perspectives of community members on use of Nyaope in Tshwane, South Africa. South African Family Practice, 65(1),

Background: Substance use is a major public health issue in South Africa. Cocktails, containing two or more low-quality substances, have been reported. Nyaope is one of the most popular and is widely available. It has a significant impact on users an... Read More about Exploring the perspectives of community members on use of Nyaope in Tshwane, South Africa.

The aftermath of war; mental health, substance use and their correlates with social support and resilience among adolescents in a post-conflict region of Sri Lanka (2023)
Journal Article
Dissanayake, L., Jabir, S., Shepherd, T., Helliwell, T., Selvaratnam, L., Jayaweera, K., …Sumathipala, A. (in press). The aftermath of war; mental health, substance use and their correlates with social support and resilience among adolescents in a post-conflict region of Sri Lanka. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 17(1), Article 101.

Armed conflicts impact on the health and well-being of everyone, but its effect on adolescent mental health is a significant, yet under-explored area in global health. Mental health disorders which develop during adolescence often lead... Read More about The aftermath of war; mental health, substance use and their correlates with social support and resilience among adolescents in a post-conflict region of Sri Lanka.

Symptom patterns and life with post-acute COVID-19 in children aged 8-17: a mixed methods studyprotocol. (2023)
Journal Article
Faux-Nightingale, A., Burton, C., Twohig, H., Bucknall, M., Carroll, W., Chew-Graham, C., …Welsh, V. (2023). Symptom patterns and life with post-acute COVID-19 in children aged 8-17: a mixed methods studyprotocol. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), 7(2), Article BJGPO20220149.

Background: While there is a substantial body of knowledge about acute COVID-19, less is known about long-COVID, where symptoms continue beyond 4 weeks.

Aim: To describe longer-term effects of COVID-19 infection in children and young people (CYP)... Read More about Symptom patterns and life with post-acute COVID-19 in children aged 8-17: a mixed methods studyprotocol..

Trends in gabapentinoid prescribing in UK primary care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink: an observational study (2023)
Journal Article
Ashworth, J., Bajpai, R., Muller, S., Bailey, J., Helliwell, T., Harrisson, S., …Mallen, C. (2023). Trends in gabapentinoid prescribing in UK primary care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink: an observational study. The Lancet Regional Health Europe, 27, Article ARTN 100579.

The UK government reclassified gabapentin and pregabalin as ‘controlled drugs’ from April 2019. This study aimed to describe the trends in gabapentinoid prescribing before and immediately after reclassification, in the UK Clinical Practic... Read More about Trends in gabapentinoid prescribing in UK primary care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink: an observational study.

An international survey of current management practices for polymyalgia rheumatica by general practitioners and rheumatologists (2023)
Journal Article
Donskov, A. O., Mackie, S. L., Hauge, E. M., Toro-Gutiérrez, C. E., Hansen, I. T., Hemmig, A. K., …Keller, K. K. (in press). An international survey of current management practices for polymyalgia rheumatica by general practitioners and rheumatologists. Rheumatology,

To explore current management practices for PMR by general practitioners (GPs) and rheumatologists including implications for clinical trial recruitment.

An English language questionnaire was constructed by a working group of... Read More about An international survey of current management practices for polymyalgia rheumatica by general practitioners and rheumatologists.

Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. (2023)
Journal Article
Lawton, S., Mallen, C., Muller, S., Wathall, S., & Helliwell, T. (2023). Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England. BMJ Open, 13(1), Article e062389.

Objectives: To investigate the usefulness of using automated appointment check-in screens to collect brief research data from patients, prior to their general practice consultation.

Design: A descriptive, cross-sectional study.

Setting: Nine ge... Read More about Investigating the usefulness of Automated Check-in Data Collection in general practice (AC DC Study): a multicentre, cross-sectional study in England..

Immunogenicity and safety of an inactivated whole-virus COVID-19 vaccine (VLA2001) compared with the adenoviral vector vaccine ChAdOx1-S in adults in the UK (COV-COMPARE): interim analysis of a randomised, controlled, phase 3, immunobridging trial (2022)
Journal Article
Lazarus, R., Querton, B., Corbic Ramljak, I., Dewasthaly, S., Jaramillo, J. C., Dubischar, K., …Torku, D. (2022). Immunogenicity and safety of an inactivated whole-virus COVID-19 vaccine (VLA2001) compared with the adenoviral vector vaccine ChAdOx1-S in adults in the UK (COV-COMPARE): interim analysis of a randomised, controlled, phase 3, immunobridging trial. Lancet Infectious Diseases, 22(12), 1716-1727.

The Valneva COVID-19 vaccine (VLA2001; Valneva Austria, Vienna, Austria) is an inactivated whole-virus, adjuvanted SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. We aimed to assess the safety and immunogenicity of primary vaccination with VLA2001 versus the ChAdOx1... Read More about Immunogenicity and safety of an inactivated whole-virus COVID-19 vaccine (VLA2001) compared with the adenoviral vector vaccine ChAdOx1-S in adults in the UK (COV-COMPARE): interim analysis of a randomised, controlled, phase 3, immunobridging trial.

The impact of polymyalgia rheumatica on intimate sexual relationships: findings from the PMR Cohort Study (2022)
Journal Article
Muller, S., Hider, S. L., Hider, S., Ranasinghe, . P., Helliwell, T., Lawton, S. A., …Mallen, C. (2022). The impact of polymyalgia rheumatica on intimate sexual relationships: findings from the PMR Cohort Study. Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 6(3),

Objectives To determine the impact of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) on intimate and sexual relationships over time. Methods The PMR Cohort study (UKCRN ID16477) is a longitudinal study of patients with incident PMR in English primary care. Participant... Read More about The impact of polymyalgia rheumatica on intimate sexual relationships: findings from the PMR Cohort Study.

Journal Article
Overgaard Donskov, A., Mackie, S., Hauge, E. M., Toro Gutiérrez, C., Hemmig, A., Van der Maas, A., …Keller, K. (2022). AB0583 REFERRAL PATTERN AND TREATMENT OF POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA IN GENERAL PRACTICE: AN INTERNATIONAL QUESTIONNAIRE BASED STUDY. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 81(Suppl 1), 1416.2-1417.

Background In most countries polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is diagnosed and managed by both general practitioners (GP) and rheumatologists. However, the referral pattern from GP’s to specialist around the world has not been described. The initial pred... Read More about AB0583 REFERRAL PATTERN AND TREATMENT OF POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA IN GENERAL PRACTICE: AN INTERNATIONAL QUESTIONNAIRE BASED STUDY.