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Temperature dependence of the interface moments in Co2MnSi thin films (2008)
Journal Article
Telling, N. D., Keatley, P. S., Shelford, L. R., Arenholz, E., van der Laan, G., Hicken, R. J., …Miyazaki, T. (2008). Temperature dependence of the interface moments in Co2MnSi thin films. Applied Physics Letters, 92(19),

X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) is utilized to explore the temperature dependence of the interface moments in
(CMS) thin films capped with aluminum. By increasing the thickness of the capping layer, we demonstrate enhanced interface sensi... Read More about Temperature dependence of the interface moments in Co2MnSi thin films.

Morphology and capping effects in the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of nanoparticulate Co films (2008)
Journal Article
Clavero, C., Martínez, L., García-Martín, A., García-Martín, J. M., Huttel, Y., Telling, N. D., …Armelles, G. Morphology and capping effects in the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of nanoparticulate Co films. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 77(9),

Magnetic and magneto-optical properties of Co films are studied as a function of the morphology and the capping layer. We show that the nanoparticulate structure of the Co films has a clear influence on the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of... Read More about Morphology and capping effects in the magnetic and magneto-optical properties of nanoparticulate Co films.

Controlled cobalt doping of magnetosomes in vivo (2008)
Journal Article
Staniland, S., Williams, W., Telling, N., Van Der Laan, G., Harrison, A., & Ward, B. (2008). Controlled cobalt doping of magnetosomes in vivo. Nature Nanotechnology, 3(3), 158-162.

Magnetotactic bacteria biomineralize iron into magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles that are surrounded by lipid vesicles. These ‘magnetosomes’ have considerable potential for use in bio- and nanotechnological applications because of their narrow size and... Read More about Controlled cobalt doping of magnetosomes in vivo.

Rapid magnetosome formation shown by real-time x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (2007)
Journal Article
Staniland, S., Ward, B., Harrison, A., van der Laan, G., & Telling, N. (2007). Rapid magnetosome formation shown by real-time x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(49), 19524-19528.

Magnetosomes are magnetite nanoparticles formed by biomineralization within magnetotactic bacteria. Although there have been numerous genetic and proteomic studies of the magnetosome-formation process, there have been only limited and inconclusive st... Read More about Rapid magnetosome formation shown by real-time x-ray magnetic circular dichroism.

Cation site occupancy of biogenic magnetite compared to polygenic ferrite spinels determined by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (2007)
Journal Article
Coker, V. S., Pearce, C. I., Lang, C., van der Laan, G., Pattrick, R. A., Telling, N. D., …Lloyd, J. R. (2007). Cation site occupancy of biogenic magnetite compared to polygenic ferrite spinels determined by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. European Journal of Mineralogy, 19(5), 707-716.

Ferrite spinels, especially magnetite (Fe3O4), can be formed either by geological, biological or chemical processes leading to chemically similar phases that show different physical characteristics. We compare, for the first time, magnetite produced... Read More about Cation site occupancy of biogenic magnetite compared to polygenic ferrite spinels determined by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism.

Nano-spinel synthesis using Fe (III)-reducing bacteria (2007)
Presentation / Conference
Coker, V., Pearce, C., Pattrick, R., Laan, G., Telling, N., Charnock, J., & Arenholz, E. L. (2007, August). Nano-spinel synthesis using Fe (III)-reducing bacteria. Presented at Awards Ceremony Speeches and Abstracts of the 17th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Cologne, Germany

Ion irradiation and thermally induced mixing of CoCrPt∕Cr multilayered films (2007)
Journal Article
Georgieva, M. T., Grundy, P. J., & Telling, N. D. (2007). Ion irradiation and thermally induced mixing of CoCrPt∕Cr multilayered films. Applied Physics Letters, 90(4),

A set of
multilayered films with variable layer thicknesses has been used in an investigation of interlayer mixing and “patterning” of samples with relatively high coercivity and in-plane magnetization. The multilayers with the highest coercivitie... Read More about Ion irradiation and thermally induced mixing of CoCrPt∕Cr multilayered films.

Interfacial structure and half-metallic ferromagnetism inCo2MnSi-based magnetic tunnel junctions (2006)
Journal Article
Telling, N. D., Keatley, P. S., van der Laan, G., Hicken, R. J., Arenholz, E., Sakuraba, Y., …Miyazaki, T. Interfacial structure and half-metallic ferromagnetism inCo2MnSi-based magnetic tunnel junctions. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 74(22),

X-ray absorption (XAS) and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) techniques are utilized to explore the ferromagnetic/barrier interface in
full Heusler alloy magnetic tunnel junctions. Structural and magnetic properties of the in... Read More about Interfacial structure and half-metallic ferromagnetism inCo2MnSi-based magnetic tunnel junctions.

XAS and XMCD Evidence for Species-Dependent Partitioning of Arsenic During Microbial Reduction of Ferrihydrite to Magnetite (2006)
Journal Article
Coker, V. S., Gault, A. G., Pearce, C. I., van der Laan, G., Telling, N. D., Charnock, J. M., …Lloyd, J. R. (2006). XAS and XMCD Evidence for Species-Dependent Partitioning of Arsenic During Microbial Reduction of Ferrihydrite to Magnetite. Environmental Science and Technology, 40(24), 7745-7750.

Poorly crystalline Fe(III) oxyhydroxides, ubiquitously distributed as mineral coatings and discrete particles in aquifer sediments, are well-known hosts of sedimentary As. Microbial reduction of these phases is widely thought to be responsible for th... Read More about XAS and XMCD Evidence for Species-Dependent Partitioning of Arsenic During Microbial Reduction of Ferrihydrite to Magnetite.

Facility for combined in situ magnetron sputtering and soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (2006)
Journal Article
Telling, N. D., van der Laan, G., Georgieva, M. T., & Farley, N. R. S. (2006). Facility for combined in situ magnetron sputtering and soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. Review of Scientific Instruments, 77(7),

An ultrahigh vacuum chamber that enables the in situ growth of thin films and multilayers by magnetron sputtering techniques is described. Following film preparation, x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) me... Read More about Facility for combined in situ magnetron sputtering and soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism.

Evidence of a barrier oxidation dependence on the interfacial magnetism in Co/alumina based magnetic tunnel junctions (2006)
Journal Article
Telling, N. D., van der Laan, G., Ladak, S., Hicken, R. J., & Arenholz, E. (2006). Evidence of a barrier oxidation dependence on the interfacial magnetism in Co/alumina based magnetic tunnel junctions. Journal of Applied Physics, 99(8),

edge have been applied to explore the near-interfacial magnetism of Co electrodes in Co/alumina based magnetic tunnel junctions. By taking into account the formation of CoO at the ferromagnetic (FM)/barrier interface, the change in the total magneti... Read More about Evidence of a barrier oxidation dependence on the interfacial magnetism in Co/alumina based magnetic tunnel junctions.

A link between the coercivity and microstructure of high moment Fe films and their use in magnetic tunnel junctions (2005)
Journal Article
Georgieva, M., Telling, N., & Grundy, P. (2006). A link between the coercivity and microstructure of high moment Fe films and their use in magnetic tunnel junctions. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 126(2-3), 287-291.

Magnetron sputtered single Fe films have been “softened” magnetically by controlled N-doping during the sputter deposition. This technique allows a reduction in grain size and coercivity of the Fe films, without decreasing the saturation magnetizatio... Read More about A link between the coercivity and microstructure of high moment Fe films and their use in magnetic tunnel junctions.

Probing magnetic ordering in multilayers using soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering (2005)
Journal Article
Marrows, C. H., Steadman, P., Hampson, A. C., Michez, L., Hickey, B. J., Telling, N. D., …Langridge, S. Probing magnetic ordering in multilayers using soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 72(2), Article 024421.

We have carried out resonant magnetic x-ray scattering from

multilayers with weak antiferromagnetic coupling. We have measured hysteresis loops at different points in reciprocal space (specular or diffuse, integer or half-order peaks),... Read More about Probing magnetic ordering in multilayers using soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering.

Spin polarization and barrier-oxidation effects at the Co∕alumina interface in magnetic tunnel junctions (2004)
Journal Article
Telling, N. D., van der Laan, G., Ladak, S., & Hicken, R. J. (2004). Spin polarization and barrier-oxidation effects at the Co∕alumina interface in magnetic tunnel junctions. Applied Physics Letters, 85(17), 3803-3805.

The electronic structure and polarization in magnetic tunnel junctions prepared with varying degrees of barrier-layer oxidation have been studied using x-ray absorption spectroscopy across the

absorption edges. It was found that the
electron... Read More about Spin polarization and barrier-oxidation effects at the Co∕alumina interface in magnetic tunnel junctions.

Magnetically soft, high moment grain-refined Fe films: Application to magnetic tunnel junctions (2004)
Journal Article
Georgieva, M. T., Telling, N. D., Grundy, P. J., Faunce, C. A., & Jones, G. A. (2004). Magnetically soft, high moment grain-refined Fe films: Application to magnetic tunnel junctions. Journal of Applied Physics, 96(5), 2923-2926.

The effect of
-doping on the microstructure and magnetic properties of thin
layers has been employed to construct all
-electrode magnetic tunnel junctions that displayed the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) effect. Using low nitrogen doses, a... Read More about Magnetically soft, high moment grain-refined Fe films: Application to magnetic tunnel junctions.

Fe M2,3 X-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity on epitaxial Fe3−δO4 thin films (2003)
Journal Article
Telling, N., Haznar, A., van der Laan, G., Roper, M., Schedin, F., & Thornton, G. (2004). Fe M2,3 X-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity on epitaxial Fe3−δO4 thin films. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 345(1-4), 157-160.

We report the use of soft X-ray resonant reflectivity at the Fe M2,3 edges to probe the magnetic circular dichroism of non-stoichiometric Fe3−δO4 thin films grown epitaxially on Al2O3. Photon energy scans of the magnetic dichroism display features th... Read More about Fe M2,3 X-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity on epitaxial Fe3−δO4 thin films.