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Rapid processing and quantitative evaluation of structural brain scans for adaptive multimodal imaging (2021)
Journal Article
Váša, F., Hobday, H., Stanyard, R. A., Daws, R. E., Giampietro, V., O'Daly, O., …Cole, J. H. (2022). Rapid processing and quantitative evaluation of structural brain scans for adaptive multimodal imaging. Human Brain Mapping, 43(5), 1749-1765.

Current neuroimaging acquisition and processing approaches tend to be optimised for quality rather than speed. However, rapid acquisition and processing of neuroimaging data can lead to novel neuroimaging paradigms, such as adaptive acquisition, wher... Read More about Rapid processing and quantitative evaluation of structural brain scans for adaptive multimodal imaging.

Measurement of GMPT Coefficients for Improved Object Characterisation in Metal Detection (2021)
Journal Article
Ledger. (2021). Measurement of GMPT Coefficients for Improved Object Characterisation in Metal Detection. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2430-2446.

Magnetic polarizability tensors (MPTs) have become popular for characterising conducting permeable objects and assisting with the identification of hidden objects in metal detection for applications in security screening, humanitarian demining and sc... Read More about Measurement of GMPT Coefficients for Improved Object Characterisation in Metal Detection.

Constraining the initial conditions of NGC 2264 using ejected stars found in Gaia DR2 (2021)
Journal Article
Schoettler, C., Richard J., P., & Bruijne, Jos, D. (2022). Constraining the initial conditions of NGC 2264 using ejected stars found in Gaia DR2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

Fast, ejected stars have been found around several young star-forming regions, such as the Orion Nebula Cluster. These ejected stars can be used to constrain the initial density, spatial and kinematic substructure when compared to predictions from N-... Read More about Constraining the initial conditions of NGC 2264 using ejected stars found in Gaia DR2.

Constraints on star formation in NGC 2264 (2021)
Journal Article
Parker, R. J., & Schoettler, C. (2022). Constraints on star formation in NGC 2264. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510(1), 1136-1147.

We quantify the spatial distribution of stars for two subclusters centred around the massive/intermediate-mass stars S Mon and IRS 1/2 in the NGC 2264 star-forming region. We find that both subclusters have neither a substructured nor a centrally con... Read More about Constraints on star formation in NGC 2264.

Police Powers and Public Assemblies: Learning from the Clapham Common ‘Vigil’ during the Covid-19 Pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
Stott, C., Radburn, M., Pearson, G., Kyprianides, A., Harrison, M., & Rowlands, D. (2022). Police Powers and Public Assemblies: Learning from the Clapham Common ‘Vigil’ during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Policing, 16(1), 73-94.

The policing of peaceful public assembly during the Covid-19 pandemic has been one of the most central challenges to police legitimacy. This is arguably because mass gatherings are assumed to carry a high risk of contagion yet, at the same time, peac... Read More about Police Powers and Public Assemblies: Learning from the Clapham Common ‘Vigil’ during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Procedural justice as a reward to the compliant: an ethnography of police–citizen interaction in police custody (2021)
Journal Article
Savigar-Shaw, L., Radburn, M., Stott, C., Kyprianides, A., & Tallent, D. (2022). Procedural justice as a reward to the compliant: an ethnography of police–citizen interaction in police custody. Policing and Society, 32(6), 778-793.

This paper contributes to the literature on Procedural Justice Theory (PJT) by exploring its capacity to explain the dynamic interactions between police and citizens within the context of police detention. Analysis is based on observation and intervi... Read More about Procedural justice as a reward to the compliant: an ethnography of police–citizen interaction in police custody.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and outcomes of COVID-19 in the ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Protocol UK cohort: a matched, prospective cohort study (2021)
Journal Article
Drake, T. M., Fairfield, C. J., Pius, R., Knight, S. R., Norman, L., Girvan, M., …Investigators, I. (2021). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and outcomes of COVID-19 in the ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Protocol UK cohort: a matched, prospective cohort study. The Lancet Rheumatology, 3(7), e498 - e506.

Background Early in the pandemic it was suggested that pre-existing use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) could lead to increased disease severity in patients with COVID-19. NSAIDs are an important analgesic, particularly in those wit... Read More about Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and outcomes of COVID-19 in the ISARIC Clinical Characterisation Protocol UK cohort: a matched, prospective cohort study.

Tian-Huang Formula, a Traditional Chinese Medicinal Prescription, Improves Hepatosteatosis and Glucose Intolerance Targeting AKT-SREBP Nexus in Diet-Induced Obese Rats (2021)
Journal Article
Li, K., Yu, Y., Yuan, M., Zhang, C., Rong, X., Turnbull, J. E., & Guo, J. (2021). Tian-Huang Formula, a Traditional Chinese Medicinal Prescription, Improves Hepatosteatosis and Glucose Intolerance Targeting AKT-SREBP Nexus in Diet-Induced Obese Rats. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2021, 1-15.