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An Intriguing Monastic Collection? The Case of Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense MS 2010 (2025)
Journal Article
Cushing, K. G. (in press). An Intriguing Monastic Collection? The Case of Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense MS 2010. Rechtsgeschichte,

Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense MS 2010 is an intriguing witness to canonistic activity in eleventh-and early twelfth-century Rome and its environs. The manuscript itself-or more properly the two manuscripts that were combined (as I will argue) sometime... Read More about An Intriguing Monastic Collection? The Case of Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense MS 2010.

"‘Chronicles of many strange Occurrences’: Early Modern English Parish Registers and the Memories of Local Communities" (2025)
Journal Article
Atherton, I. (in press). "‘Chronicles of many strange Occurrences’: Early Modern English Parish Registers and the Memories of Local Communities". The Seventeenth Century,

English parish registers listing baptisms, marriages, and burials are commonly source mined for curiosities, but are rarely examined holistically. Building on recent work that has seen sixteenth-century registers as records of memory, this article an... Read More about "‘Chronicles of many strange Occurrences’: Early Modern English Parish Registers and the Memories of Local Communities".

Impeachment as an EU Law Concept (2025)
Journal Article
Cotter, J. (in press). Impeachment as an EU Law Concept. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies, 26,

This article is the first panoramic survey of the various, idiosyncratic procedures relating to the removal for cause of EU institutional officeholders scattered throughout the Union’s primary and secondary law. After describing these provisions, the... Read More about Impeachment as an EU Law Concept.

A post-work approach to influencer labour: the paradox of sustainability influencers (2025)
Journal Article
Wood, R. (in press). A post-work approach to influencer labour: the paradox of sustainability influencers. Social Media + Society,

How do Instagram sustainability influencers communicate criticisms of consumer culture, and try to promote more sustainable alternatives, in the context of a platform and industry that seeks to promote consumption by design? Drawing on an ethnography... Read More about A post-work approach to influencer labour: the paradox of sustainability influencers.

Mapping migratory routes: Avian conservation-focused opportunities for a pan-European automated telemetry network (2024)
Journal Article
Mitchell, L., Brust, V., Karwinkel, T., Åkesson, S., Kishkinev, D., Norevik, G., …Schmaljohann, H. (in press). Mapping migratory routes: Avian conservation-focused opportunities for a pan-European automated telemetry network. Conservation Biology,

Accelerated biodiversity loss during the Anthropocene has destabilised functional links within and between ecosystems. Migratory species that cross different ecosystems on their repeated journeys between breeding and non-breeding sites are particula... Read More about Mapping migratory routes: Avian conservation-focused opportunities for a pan-European automated telemetry network.

Multi-voice commentary for sample-based music: an inclusive approach (2024)
Journal Article
Blackburn, M. (in press). Multi-voice commentary for sample-based music: an inclusive approach. Journal of the Royal Musical Association, 150(2), 47

Discussions of sample-based music as found within academic literature traditionally operate as single authored documents, despite the frequency of multi-genre content found within this repertoire, enabled so via sampling. This article builds a case f... Read More about Multi-voice commentary for sample-based music: an inclusive approach.

Towards Designs for Virtual Interconnected Curation Spaces of Heritage Artefacts, Experiences and Histories (2024)
Conference Proceeding
Rhodes, R., Woolley, S. I., & White, D. (in press). Towards Designs for Virtual Interconnected Curation Spaces of Heritage Artefacts, Experiences and Histories.

Where immersive museum and digital heritage experiences exist, they are often only available for limited project timespans and they do not generally connect to other similar experiences and artefacts, nor connect to physical museums or heritage locat... Read More about Towards Designs for Virtual Interconnected Curation Spaces of Heritage Artefacts, Experiences and Histories.

Conceptualising the use of Blockchain technology to enhance trust in supply chain transactions: An IS Perspective (2024)
Journal Article
Jabbar, A., Dani, S., Imran Ali, S., & Mirza, M. (in press). Conceptualising the use of Blockchain technology to enhance trust in supply chain transactions: An IS Perspective. International Journal of Business Information Systems,

The horsemeat case study and subsequent food fraud cases have demonstrated the complexity of food supply chains (SC). Risks and fraud instances in the SCs create issues of trust within SC relationships and trust for the product amongst the consumers.... Read More about Conceptualising the use of Blockchain technology to enhance trust in supply chain transactions: An IS Perspective.

Social Media and Academic Freedom: A Critical Reflection of Martin Weller’s The Digital Scholar: How Technology is Transforming Scholarly Practice. (2023)
Journal Article
Higson-Bliss, L. (in press). Social Media and Academic Freedom: A Critical Reflection of Martin Weller’s The Digital Scholar: How Technology is Transforming Scholarly Practice. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

As the neoliberal state has taken hold of the university sector, we as academics are feeling increasing pressure to publicise ourselves, our scholarship, and our research online. In recent years there has been a drive in showcasing our work across so... Read More about Social Media and Academic Freedom: A Critical Reflection of Martin Weller’s The Digital Scholar: How Technology is Transforming Scholarly Practice..