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Biocatalytic Nucleobase Diversification of 4'‐Thionucleosides and Application of Derived 5‐Ethynyl‐4'‐thiouridine for RNA synthesis detection (2024)
Journal Article
Westarp, S., Benckendorff, C., Motter, J., Rohrs, V., Sanghvi, Y., Neubauer, P., …Miller, G. J. (in press). Biocatalytic Nucleobase Diversification of 4'‐Thionucleosides and Application of Derived 5‐Ethynyl‐4'‐thiouridine for RNA synthesis detection. Angewandte Chemie, Article e202405040.

Nucleoside and nucleotide analogues have proven to be transformative in the treatment of viral infections and cancer. One branch of structural modification to deliver new nucleoside analogue classes explores replacement of canonical ribose oxygen wit... Read More about Biocatalytic Nucleobase Diversification of 4'‐Thionucleosides and Application of Derived 5‐Ethynyl‐4'‐thiouridine for RNA synthesis detection.

Conceptualizing decent work: an explorative study of decent work in England’s Midlands region (2024)
Journal Article
Dobbins, T., Cao, X., Green, A., Johnstone, P., & Foster, W. (2024). Conceptualizing decent work: an explorative study of decent work in England’s Midlands region. Policy Studies, 1-22.

Despite an increased focus on the quality as well as quantity of work, conceptualisation of decent work remains underdeveloped. There is no single agreed definition of decent work. The ILO (1999) provides an overarching definition of decent work as ‘... Read More about Conceptualizing decent work: an explorative study of decent work in England’s Midlands region.

Prognostic Factors and Models for Predicting Work Absence in Adults with Musculoskeletal Conditions Consulting a Healthcare Practitioner: A Systematic Review. (2024)
Journal Article
Wynne-Jones, G., Wainwright, E., Goodson, N., Jordan, J., Legha, A., Parchment, M., …Peat, G. (2024). Prognostic Factors and Models for Predicting Work Absence in Adults with Musculoskeletal Conditions Consulting a Healthcare Practitioner: A Systematic Review. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation,

It is difficult to predict which employees, in particular those with musculoskeletal pain, will return to work quickly without additional vocational advice and support, which employees will require this support and what levels of support are most app... Read More about Prognostic Factors and Models for Predicting Work Absence in Adults with Musculoskeletal Conditions Consulting a Healthcare Practitioner: A Systematic Review..

An extended low-density atmosphere around the Jupiter-sized planet WASP-193 b (2024)
Journal Article
Barkaoui, K., Pozuelos, F. J., Hellier, C., Smalley, B., Nielsen, L. D., Niraula, P., …West, R. G. (in press). An extended low-density atmosphere around the Jupiter-sized planet WASP-193 b. Nature Astronomy,

Gas giants transiting bright nearby stars provide crucial insights into planetary system formation and evolution mechanisms. Most of these planets show certain average characteristics, serving as benchmarks for our understanding of planetary systems.... Read More about An extended low-density atmosphere around the Jupiter-sized planet WASP-193 b.

Hypervalent iodine mediated cyclization of bishomoallylamides to prolinols (2024)
Working Paper
Butt, S. E., Kepski, K., Sotiropoulos, J.-M., & Moran, W. J. Hypervalent iodine mediated cyclization of bishomoallylamides to prolinols

A change in mechanism was observed in the hypervalent iodine mediated cyclization of N-alkenylamides when the carbon chain between the alkene and the amide increased from two to three atoms. In the latter case, cyclization at the amide nitrogen to fo... Read More about Hypervalent iodine mediated cyclization of bishomoallylamides to prolinols.

Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile (2024)
Journal Article
Cortés, J. A., Gertisser, R., & Calder, E. S. (2024). Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 113, 1145–1163.

We report whole-rock chemistry, mineral chemistry, and volatile content from Villarrica volcano’s major recent paroxysms and background activity. Composition of the volcanic products are basalt to basaltic andesite with whole-rock SiO2 content betwee... Read More about Magma recharge in persistently active basaltic–andesite systems and its geohazards implications: the case of Villarrica volcano, Chile.

Calibration plots for multistate risk predictions models (2024)
Journal Article
Pate, A., Sperrin, M., Riley, R. D., Peek, N., Van Staa, T., Sergeant, J. C., …Martin, G. P. (in press). Calibration plots for multistate risk predictions models. Statistics in Medicine,

There is currently no guidance on how to assess the calibration of multistate models used for risk prediction. We introduce several techniques that can be used to produce calibration plots for the transition probabilities of a multistat... Read More about Calibration plots for multistate risk predictions models.

The tidal deformation and atmosphere of WASP-12 b from its phase curve (2024)
Journal Article
Akinsanmi, B., Barros, S. C. C., Lendl, M., Carone, L., Cubillos, P. E., Bekkelien, A., …Walton, N. A. (2024). The tidal deformation and atmosphere of WASP-12 b from its phase curve. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 685, Article A63.

Context. Ultra-hot Jupiters present a unique opportunity to understand the physics and chemistry of planets, their atmospheres, and interiors at extreme conditions. WASP-12 b stands out as an archetype of this class of exoplanets, with a close-in orb... Read More about The tidal deformation and atmosphere of WASP-12 b from its phase curve.

Identifying archived insect bulk samples using DNA metabarcoding: A case study using the long-term Rothamsted Insect Survey (2024)
Journal Article
Petsopoulos, D., Cuff, J. P., Bell, J. R., Kitson, J. J. N., Collins, L., Boonham, N., …Evans, D. M. (2024). Identifying archived insect bulk samples using DNA metabarcoding: A case study using the long-term Rothamsted Insect Survey. Environmental DNA, 6(3), e542.

Insect populations are declining in many parts of the world, but a lack of long-term monitoring data is impeding our ability to understand and mitigate the causes of insect biodiversity loss. Whilst high-throughput sequencing (HTS) approaches, such a... Read More about Identifying archived insect bulk samples using DNA metabarcoding: A case study using the long-term Rothamsted Insect Survey.

Development of the Community-based complex Interventions to sustain Independence in Older People (CII-OP) typology: a qualitative synthesis of interventions in randomised controlled trials (2024)
Journal Article
Crocker, T. F., Jordão, M., Lam, N., Ramiz, R., Mirza, L., Patel, I., …Walford, R. (2024). Development of the Community-based complex Interventions to sustain Independence in Older People (CII-OP) typology: a qualitative synthesis of interventions in randomised controlled trials. Age and ageing, 53(5), 1-13.

Introduction Community-based services to sustain independence for older people have varying configurations. A typology of these interventions would improve service provision and research by providing conceptual clarity and enabling the identification... Read More about Development of the Community-based complex Interventions to sustain Independence in Older People (CII-OP) typology: a qualitative synthesis of interventions in randomised controlled trials.

Discovery of two warm mini-Neptunes with contrasting densities orbiting the young K3V star TOI-815 (2024)
Journal Article
Psaridi, A., Osborn, H., Bouchy, F., Lendl, M., Parc, L., Billot, N., …West, R. G. (2024). Discovery of two warm mini-Neptunes with contrasting densities orbiting the young K3V star TOI-815. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 685, Article A5.

We present the discovery and characterization of two warm mini-Neptunes transiting the K-V star TOI-815 in a K-M binary system. Analysis of its spectra and rotation period reveal the star to be young, with an age of 200(-200)(+400) Myr. TOI-815b has... Read More about Discovery of two warm mini-Neptunes with contrasting densities orbiting the young K3V star TOI-815.

Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVII. The F-type twin system CW Eridani (2024)
Journal Article
Overall, S., & Southworth, J. (2024). Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVII. The F-type twin system CW Eridani. Observatory, 144(1299),

CW Eri is a detached eclipsing binary system of two F-type stars with an orbital period of 2728 d. Light-curves from two sectors of observations with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and previously published radial-velocity data are a... Read More about Rediscussion of eclipsing binaries. Paper XVII. The F-type twin system CW Eridani.

Health and lifestyle advice in community pharmacy for musculoskeletal conditions: a focused ethnography (2024)
Journal Article
Long, A., O’Brien, N., Rapley, T., & Dziedzic, K. (2024). Health and lifestyle advice in community pharmacy for musculoskeletal conditions: a focused ethnography. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 32(Supplement_1), i4-i4.

Introduction Musculoskeletal health conditions are common, painful, and disabling, and often occur alongside other long-term conditions. Around a third of the UK population live with a musculoskeletal condition placing a huge burden on health and soc... Read More about Health and lifestyle advice in community pharmacy for musculoskeletal conditions: a focused ethnography.

The Gaia-ESO Survey: The DR5 analysis of the medium-resolution GIRAFFE and high-resolution UVES spectra of FGK-type stars (2024)
Journal Article
Worley, C. C., Smiljanic, R., Magrini, L., Frasca, A., Franciosini, E., Montes, D., …Morbidelli, L. (2024). The Gaia-ESO Survey: The DR5 analysis of the medium-resolution GIRAFFE and high-resolution UVES spectra of FGK-type stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684, Article A148.

The Gaia-ESO Survey is an European Southern Observatory (ESO) public spectroscopic survey that targeted 105 stars in the Milky Way covering the major populations of the disk, bulge and halo. The observations were made using FLAMES on the VLT obtainin... Read More about The Gaia-ESO Survey: The DR5 analysis of the medium-resolution GIRAFFE and high-resolution UVES spectra of FGK-type stars.

How aphids fly: take off, free flight and implications for short and long distance migration (2024)
Journal Article
Bell, J. R., & Shephard, G. (in press). How aphids fly: take off, free flight and implications for short and long distance migration. Agricultural and forest entomology, 1-10.

An introduction to high‐speed photography and its entomological impact is provided, emphasizing the importance of high frame rates and high resolution. The take‐off and free flight of Drepanosiphum platanoidis and Myzus persicae were studied in still... Read More about How aphids fly: take off, free flight and implications for short and long distance migration.

The EBLM Project XII. An eccentric, long-period eclipsing binary with a companion near the hydrogen-burning limit (2024)
Journal Article
Davis, Y. T., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Freckelton, A. V., Mortier, A., Brahm, R., Sebastian, D., …Udry, S. (2024). The EBLM Project XII. An eccentric, long-period eclipsing binary with a companion near the hydrogen-burning limit. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530(3),

In the hunt for Earth-like exoplanets it is crucial to have reliable host star parameters, as they have a direct impact on the accuracy and precision of the inferred parameters for any discovered exoplanet. For stars with masses between 0.35 and 0.5... Read More about The EBLM Project XII. An eccentric, long-period eclipsing binary with a companion near the hydrogen-burning limit.

The EBLM project – XIII. The absolute dynamical masses of the circumbinary planet host TOI-1338/BEBOP-1, and applications to the study of exoplanet atmospheres. (2024)
Journal Article
Sebastian, D., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Brogi, M., Baycroft, T. A., Standing, M. R., Maxted, P. F. L., …Nielsen, M. B. (2024). The EBLM project – XIII. The absolute dynamical masses of the circumbinary planet host TOI-1338/BEBOP-1, and applications to the study of exoplanet atmospheres. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530(3), 2572–2589.

High-contrast eclipsing binaries with low mass M-dwarf secondaries are precise benchmark stars to build empirical mass-radius relationships for fully convective low-mass ($\rm M_{\star } < 0.35\, M_{\odot }$) dwarf stars. The contributed light... Read More about The EBLM project – XIII. The absolute dynamical masses of the circumbinary planet host TOI-1338/BEBOP-1, and applications to the study of exoplanet atmospheres..

Asymmetry in the atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76 b (2024)
Journal Article
Demangeon, O. D. S., Cubillos, P. E., Singh, V., Wilson, T. G., Carone, L., Bekkelien, A., …Walton, N. A. (2024). Asymmetry in the atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76 b. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 684, Article A27.

Context. WASP-76 b has been a recurrent subject of study since the detection of a signature in high-resolution transit spectroscopy data indicating an asymmetry between the two limbs of the planet. The existence of this asymmetric signature has been... Read More about Asymmetry in the atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76 b.