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The French (non)Connection: A Closer Look at the Role of Secularism and Socio-Educational Disparities on Domestic Islamist Radicalization in France. (2021)
Journal Article
(2021). The French (non)Connection: A Closer Look at the Role of Secularism and Socio-Educational Disparities on Domestic Islamist Radicalization in France. Journal for Deradicalization, 39 - 66

Along with the US, France remains among the most impacted Western countries by Islamist terrorism. To explain radicalization in the French context, researchers have emphasized the country’s specificities such as colonialism and secularism (i.e. “Laïc... Read More about The French (non)Connection: A Closer Look at the Role of Secularism and Socio-Educational Disparities on Domestic Islamist Radicalization in France..

Tactical interventions in online hate speech: The case of #stopIslam (2020)
Journal Article
Poole, E., De Quincey, E., & Giraud, E. (2020). Tactical interventions in online hate speech: The case of #stopIslam. New Media and Society, 23(6), 1415–1442.

This article sets out findings from a project focused on #stopIslam, a hashtag that gained prominence following the Brussels terror attack of 2016. We initially outline a big data analysis which shows how counter-narratives – criticizing #stopIslam –... Read More about Tactical interventions in online hate speech: The case of #stopIslam.

The Devil is not in the Detail: Representational absence and Stereotyping in the Trojan Horse News Story (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). The Devil is not in the Detail: Representational absence and Stereotyping in the Trojan Horse News Story. Race Ethnicity and Education, 15-29.

Using Content Analysis, this study investigated the coverage of the Trojan Horse news story aiming to ascertain whether its representation by the British press emphasised ‘Islamist extremism’ over ‘poor school governance’. The sample coverage was ext... Read More about The Devil is not in the Detail: Representational absence and Stereotyping in the Trojan Horse News Story.

Terrorism and visibility in Algeria’s ‘black decade’: Des hommes et des dieux (2010) (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Terrorism and visibility in Algeria’s ‘black decade’: Des hommes et des dieux (2010). French Cultural Studies, 62-72.

This article addresses the audio-visual representation of the victims of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism in Algeria in the 1990s, drawing on both historical and testimonial sources before examining Xavier Beauvois’s Des hommes et des dieux (2010). B... Read More about Terrorism and visibility in Algeria’s ‘black decade’: Des hommes et des dieux (2010).

What is a Cohesive Community Anyway? The Role of Mainstream Media in Narratives of (Dis)Integration (2014)
Journal Article
Holohan, S. (2014). What is a Cohesive Community Anyway? The Role of Mainstream Media in Narratives of (Dis)Integration. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 27 - 45.

The perceived failure of minority communities to integrate into mainstream culture and society has been of such concern in recent years that there have been a series of political endeavors to shore up notions of citizenship, inclusion, and (national)... Read More about What is a Cohesive Community Anyway? The Role of Mainstream Media in Narratives of (Dis)Integration.

‘Muslim Media’ and the Politics of Representation: Media and Cultural Responses to Diversity Issues in Britain (2014)
Journal Article
Poole, E. (2014). ‘Muslim Media’ and the Politics of Representation: Media and Cultural Responses to Diversity Issues in Britain. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 7(1), 101-118.

This article examines data from a year-long project, ‘Muslims in the European Mediascape’, which explored the production and consumption of diversity issues in the United Kingdom and Germany. Here, I report on the findings from minority (predominantl... Read More about ‘Muslim Media’ and the Politics of Representation: Media and Cultural Responses to Diversity Issues in Britain.

The case of Geert Wilders: Multiculturalism, Islam, and Identity in the UK (2012)
Journal Article
Poole. (2012). The case of Geert Wilders: Multiculturalism, Islam, and Identity in the UK. Journal of Religion in Europe, 162 - 191.

This article aims to show how in the current political climate in the UK debates about multiculturalism, religion, and identity, in relation to Muslims, have played out in the public sphere through an examination of British news media coverage of the... Read More about The case of Geert Wilders: Multiculturalism, Islam, and Identity in the UK.

Change and Continuity in the Representation of British Muslims Before and After 9/11: The UK Context (2011)
Journal Article
Poole. (2011). Change and Continuity in the Representation of British Muslims Before and After 9/11: The UK Context. Global Media Journal, 49 - 62

9/11 is often marked out as a significant event in the current political and
historical context in that it signalled a discernable shift to a new politics
categorised in specific “Western” countries by the “war on terror”. Through an
examination o... Read More about Change and Continuity in the Representation of British Muslims Before and After 9/11: The UK Context.

Discourses of the War on Terror: Constructions of the Islamic Other in the wake of 7/7 (2010)
Journal Article
Featherstone, M., Poole, E., & Holohan, S. (2010). Discourses of the War on Terror: Constructions of the Islamic Other in the wake of 7/7. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 6(2), 169-186.

It is widely agreed that the events which took place on 11 September 2001 have played a large part in reshaping global imaginings about contemporary acts of terrorism and their Islamic perpetrators. Given this transformation in the understanding of t... Read More about Discourses of the War on Terror: Constructions of the Islamic Other in the wake of 7/7.