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Caught in the middle: early career researchers, public health and the emotional production of research (2018)
Journal Article
Lucherini. (2018). Caught in the middle: early career researchers, public health and the emotional production of research. Critical Public Health,

In this short report, I discuss how public health research, its assessment, and its dissemination outside the academy are produced, in part, through emotional circumstances. Using current debates on e-cigarettes as an example, I show that researchers... Read More about Caught in the middle: early career researchers, public health and the emotional production of research.

Materiality, magic and belief: framing the countryside in fantastical live-action roleplay games (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Materiality, magic and belief: framing the countryside in fantastical live-action roleplay games. Ethnography, 326-349.

This account of a UK live-action roleplay (LARP) event highlights complex shifts between different interpretive frames, foregrounding the role of the physical setting as well as non-players and locals in providing symbolic resources that inhibit or s... Read More about Materiality, magic and belief: framing the countryside in fantastical live-action roleplay games.

“Drinking definitely wasn’t something that we’d seen anybody do”: The relevance of childhood experiences of family drinking for parenting strategies of alcohol-socialisation (2015)
Journal Article
Holdsworth, C., Laverty, L., & Robinson, J. (2017). “Drinking definitely wasn’t something that we’d seen anybody do”: The relevance of childhood experiences of family drinking for parenting strategies of alcohol-socialisation. Families, Relationships and Societies, 37-52.

This article considers the significance of family context for intergenerational drinking practices. Socialisation approaches to drinking behaviours assume that people carry forward actions and ideals that are developed in formative settings during ch... Read More about “Drinking definitely wasn’t something that we’d seen anybody do”: The relevance of childhood experiences of family drinking for parenting strategies of alcohol-socialisation.