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Pastoral support in higher education: a survey of university provision and students’ perceptions of it (2021)
Hunter, N. (2021). Pastoral support in higher education: a survey of university provision and students’ perceptions of it. (Thesis). Keele University

This thesis examines how students perceive pastoral support in universities and suggests changes to pastoral care which can make the support more personal and effective. ‘Pastoral support’ and ‘personal tutoring’ are terms commonly used in higher edu... Read More about Pastoral support in higher education: a survey of university provision and students’ perceptions of it.

Neoliberalism, new public management and the sustainable development agenda of higher education: history, contradictions and synergies (2015)
Journal Article
Ormerod, R., Bessant, S., & Robinson, Z. (2015). Neoliberalism, new public management and the sustainable development agenda of higher education: history, contradictions and synergies. Environmental Education Research, 417-432.

This paper explores the ideological and the practical relationship between neoliberalism and New Public Management (NPM) and the sustainable development agenda of western higher education. Using the United Kingdom and specifically English universitie... Read More about Neoliberalism, new public management and the sustainable development agenda of higher education: history, contradictions and synergies.