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Angels, warriors, and beacons: Totemic law, territorial coding, and monumental sculpture in post-industrial landscapes (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). Angels, warriors, and beacons: Totemic law, territorial coding, and monumental sculpture in post-industrial landscapes. Semiotica, 225 - 248.

National or local authorities regularly commission artists to build or construct sculptures and artworks destined for a place in a public space. Some of those sculptures and artworks are monumentally huge. Positioned in the open landscape, they are v... Read More about Angels, warriors, and beacons: Totemic law, territorial coding, and monumental sculpture in post-industrial landscapes.

Glasgow’s Doulton Fountain and Postcolonial Heterotopia in ‘There’s the Bird that Never Flew (2011)
Journal Article
Palladino. (2011). Glasgow’s Doulton Fountain and Postcolonial Heterotopia in ‘There’s the Bird that Never Flew. Safundi, 407 - 423.

Zoë Wicomb's short story ‘There's the Bird that Never Flew’ engages with one of Glasgow's most prominent pieces of public art. Unveiled as part of the 1888 Empire Exhibition, the Doulton Fountain commemorates Queen Victoria's colonial achievements wi... Read More about Glasgow’s Doulton Fountain and Postcolonial Heterotopia in ‘There’s the Bird that Never Flew.