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Coloniality, expert knowledges and the 'war on terror': a survey of three think tanks' discourses 2001-2015 (2022)
Khan, S. (2022). Coloniality, expert knowledges and the 'war on terror': a survey of three think tanks' discourses 2001-2015. (Thesis). Keele University

Informed by the critique of Eurocentrism in the discipline of International Relations, this thesis investigates the relationship between knowledge production defined as expertise, the ‘global war on terror’, and coloniality. It conducts a critical su... Read More about Coloniality, expert knowledges and the 'war on terror': a survey of three think tanks' discourses 2001-2015.

Turkish Neutrality in the Second World War and relations with the Soviet Union (2021)
Journal Article
Gokay. (2021). Turkish Neutrality in the Second World War and relations with the Soviet Union. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 23(6),

According to official Turkish and Western historiography, following the key victories against the Nazi German forces, the Soviet leadership changed its position and started putting pressure on Turkey. Accordingly, the Soviet-Turkish relations changed... Read More about Turkish Neutrality in the Second World War and relations with the Soviet Union.

The international politics of COP26 (2021)
Journal Article
Vogler. (2021). The international politics of COP26. Scottish Geographical Journal, 136(1-4), 31 - 35.

This paper considers the international political context of the UK presidency of COP26 and reflects upon past experience in which climate change discussions, despite their distinctive nature, cannot be effectively isolated from great power politics.... Read More about The international politics of COP26.

Pluralising International Relations?with the Global IR Agenda (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Pluralising International Relations?with the Global IR Agenda. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

How global is International Relations really? The discipline of International Relations (IR) has long been criticised for its Eurocentric foundations and perspectives. At the International Studies Association (ISA) Convention in 2014, the ISA Preside... Read More about Pluralising International Relations?with the Global IR Agenda.

Lenin’s 'Eastern policy' and communism in Turkey and Greece, 1918-1923 (2020)
Journal Article
Fouskas, V. K., & Gökay, B. (2020). Lenin’s 'Eastern policy' and communism in Turkey and Greece, 1918-1923. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 22(2), 210-221.

Examining Lenin's strategy towards colonial and semi-colonial periphery is crucial in understanding the way in which early Soviet policy was shaped and implemented towards the crucial conflict in Anatolia between Greece-Britain's proxy-and Turkish na... Read More about Lenin’s 'Eastern policy' and communism in Turkey and Greece, 1918-1923.

Fragility within Stability: the state, the clan and resilience in Somaliland (2020)
Journal Article
Richards. (2020). Fragility within Stability: the state, the clan and resilience in Somaliland. Third World Quarterly, 41(6), 1067-1083.

Even in the context of a relatively flourishing state, fragility can be an enduring feature of a political system, particularly in the case of recently established or unrecognised states. This article examines the nature of statebuilding in a specifi... Read More about Fragility within Stability: the state, the clan and resilience in Somaliland.

Maritime security: the uncharted politics of the global sea (2019)
Journal Article
Bueger, C., Edmunds, T., & Ryan, B. (2019). Maritime security: the uncharted politics of the global sea. International Affairs, 95(5), 971-978.

In this introduction to a special section of the September 2019 issue of International Affairs, we revisit the main themes and arguments of our article ‘Beyond seablindness: a new agenda for maritime security studies’, published in this journal in No... Read More about Maritime security: the uncharted politics of the global sea.

Feeling Everyday IR: Embodied, affective, militarising movement as choreography of war (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Feeling Everyday IR: Embodied, affective, militarising movement as choreography of war. Cooperation and Conflict, 149-166.

This article explores affective, embodied encounters between military and civilian bodies in the everyday as choreography of war. It argues that by paying attention to the intersecting political sphere of bodies, affect and movement – through the met... Read More about Feeling Everyday IR: Embodied, affective, militarising movement as choreography of war.

Constructions of neoliberal hegemony: An ideology critique and critical discourse analysis of neoliberalism in the late 20th century (2018)
Cope, J. (2018). Constructions of neoliberal hegemony: An ideology critique and critical discourse analysis of neoliberalism in the late 20th century. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the role of ideas in relation to institutional change. It develops a critical constructivist analysis, drawing on neo-Gramscian political economy perspectives in IR, in order to understand how ideational factors such as beliefs,... Read More about Constructions of neoliberal hegemony: An ideology critique and critical discourse analysis of neoliberalism in the late 20th century.

An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946) (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946). Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 909-934.

Before the Second World War it was a cardinal Commonwealth principle that intra-imperial disputes must be kept away from international fora. Yet in 1946 the not-yet-independent India complained to the United Nations about South African legislation di... Read More about An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946).

An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946) (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946). Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 909-934.

Before the Second World War it was a cardinal Commonwealth principle that intra-imperial disputes must be kept away from international fora. Yet in 1946 the not-yet-independent India complained to the United Nations about South African legislation di... Read More about An acutely embarrassing affair: Whitehall and the Indian-South African dispute at the United Nations (1946).

Human Rights Conditionality in the EU’s Newly Concluded Association Agreements with the Eastern Partners (2016)
Book Chapter
(2016). Human Rights Conditionality in the EU’s Newly Concluded Association Agreements with the Eastern Partners. In Defending Human Rights and Democracy in the Era of Globalization (50-79).

The recent association agreements with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia are meant to replace the existing Partnership and Cooperation Agreements between the EU and the three Eastern Partners. Their purpose is to deepen the political and economic ties bet... Read More about Human Rights Conditionality in the EU’s Newly Concluded Association Agreements with the Eastern Partners.

State, Nation, Society: The Congruency Fantasy and the In/Security of the Body-National/Social (2016)
Journal Article
Mandelbaum, M. (2016). State, Nation, Society: The Congruency Fantasy and the In/Security of the Body-National/Social. Critical Studies on Security,

Taking cue from Foucault’s Society Must be Defended and drawing on the Lacanian concept of fantasy this paper puts forwards an analytic of in/security by focusing on the fantasy of congruency of state, nation and society. I argue that this ideal of c... Read More about State, Nation, Society: The Congruency Fantasy and the In/Security of the Body-National/Social.

The dance of militarisation: a feminist security studies take on the political (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). The dance of militarisation: a feminist security studies take on the political. Critical Studies on Security, 154-168.

Intrigued about a political puzzle of militarisation, the argument presented here is built on three anchoring concepts that, combined, demonstrate what a feminist security studies take on ‘the political’ can offer: it involves a focus on the everyday... Read More about The dance of militarisation: a feminist security studies take on the political.

Security spheres: a phenomenology of maritime spatial practices (2015)
Journal Article
Ryan. (2015). Security spheres: a phenomenology of maritime spatial practices. Security Dialogue, 46(6), 568-584.

This article explores maritime protection zones (MPZ), which are being created in the territorial waters of a number of European states. Through the work of Gaston Bachelard and Peter Sloterdijk, the article analyses maritime zonation as a paradigmat... Read More about Security spheres: a phenomenology of maritime spatial practices.

Bringing the Outside In: Somaliland, Statebuilding, and Dual Hybridity (2015)
Journal Article
Richards, R. (2015). Bringing the Outside In: Somaliland, Statebuilding, and Dual Hybridity. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 9(1), 4 - 25.

International norms of what it means to be a state dictate domestic policy within developing and unrecognized states but must co-exist with internal demands. With a mutual dependence between internal and external considerations and, indeed, legitimac... Read More about Bringing the Outside In: Somaliland, Statebuilding, and Dual Hybridity.