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Adapting Dickens for the screen (2022)
Kelsall, H. A. (2022). Adapting Dickens for the screen. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the value of film and television adaptations of Dickens’ novels; Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, Bleak House and Great Expectations. Adaptations are bound to the multiple landscape, where they emerge from social, economic, comme... Read More about Adapting Dickens for the screen.

Post-millennial South African theatre: politics, legacies and futures (2019)
Croton, R. (2019). Post-millennial South African theatre: politics, legacies and futures. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

During both the apartheid and post-apartheid eras, South African theatre has been a vital source of resistance and creativity. South African theatre-makers have proven the continuing vitality of representing resistance through postcolonial drama. The... Read More about Post-millennial South African theatre: politics, legacies and futures.

The labour of feminist performance: postfeminism, authenticity, and celebrity in contemporary representations of girlhood on screen (2018)
Seaton, W. A. (2018). The labour of feminist performance: postfeminism, authenticity, and celebrity in contemporary representations of girlhood on screen. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the labour that is made visible by the individual on-screen performances of five distinct postfeminist identities from contemporary popular culture. Each chapter focuses on one of three texts: the English-language film adaptation... Read More about The labour of feminist performance: postfeminism, authenticity, and celebrity in contemporary representations of girlhood on screen.

A textual and theoretical reframing of Derek Jarman’s films in the context of British cinema in the 1970s and 1980s
Davies, W. J. (2016). A textual and theoretical reframing of Derek Jarman’s films in the context of British cinema in the 1970s and 1980s

The purpose of this work is to present a reframing and repositioning of films made by Derek Jarman via in-depth textual analysis (rarely seen previously) and attention to relevant theoretical connections (such as heritage, pastiche, camp, adaptation)... Read More about A textual and theoretical reframing of Derek Jarman’s films in the context of British cinema in the 1970s and 1980s.