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Linear and non-linear modelling of thermoacoustic instabilities in a laboratory burner
(2014). Linear and non-linear modelling of thermoacoustic instabilities in a laboratory burner

Thermoacoustic instabilities are a mayor problem in industrial combustors, where they can lead to catastrophic hardware damage. An industrial gas turbine combustion chamber is a very complex and expensive system. Thus, a laboratory burner has been bu... Read More about Linear and non-linear modelling of thermoacoustic instabilities in a laboratory burner.

A survey of the levels of pesticides in bees, their colonies and forage
Wisniewski, K. D. (2016). A survey of the levels of pesticides in bees, their colonies and forage

Bees provide important and economically valuable pollination services to agriculture and other ecosystems. Recent global honeybee declines have been attributed to pesticides, which can ultimately affect the overall functioning and survival of a colon... Read More about A survey of the levels of pesticides in bees, their colonies and forage.