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Responding to misrepresentation: Sample pack creation, branding and distribution (2024)
Journal Article
Blackburn, M. (2024). Responding to misrepresentation: Sample pack creation, branding and distribution. Sound Studies, 1-31.

This article documents the creation and distribution of a new sample pack, Instruments INDIA, as an intervention against systemic orientalist practices observable within the marketing, branding and production of non-Western instrument sample packs. T... Read More about Responding to misrepresentation: Sample pack creation, branding and distribution.

Johann and Eric for bass clarinet and electronics (2021) (6 min)
Exhibition / Performance
Spasov. (2023). Johann and Eric for bass clarinet and electronics (2021) (6 min). (Unpublished)

Pogramme Notes Johann and Eric for bass clarinet and electronics, written for the renown British bass clarinettist Sarah Watts, is a tribute to the legendary jazz saxophonist and bass clarinettist, Eric Dolphy. His music thought was influenced by man... Read More about Johann and Eric for bass clarinet and electronics (2021) (6 min).

Ten Sefirot for piano and electronics (2021) (25 minutes)
Exhibition / Performance
Spasov. (2022). Ten Sefirot for piano and electronics (2021) (25 minutes). (Unpublished)

Premiere: 9th International Symposium on Music and Sonic Arts: Practices and Theories, Miroslav Spasov (piano & electronics), Middlesex University, London, 23 September 2022. As in many other compositions, my main creative interest in this work is cl... Read More about Ten Sefirot for piano and electronics (2021) (25 minutes).

Musical participation and school diversity: an ethnography of six secondary schools
Underhill, J. (2015). Musical participation and school diversity: an ethnography of six secondary schools

Previous research has explored children’s musical participation in relation to motivation, instrumental lessons, extracurricular activities and the historically low uptake of GCSE and A Level music.
This ethnographic study set out to investigate pup... Read More about Musical participation and school diversity: an ethnography of six secondary schools.