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Responding to misrepresentation: Sample pack creation, branding and distribution (2024)
Journal Article
Blackburn, M. (2024). Responding to misrepresentation: Sample pack creation, branding and distribution. Sound Studies, 1-31.

This article documents the creation and distribution of a new sample pack, Instruments INDIA, as an intervention against systemic orientalist practices observable within the marketing, branding and production of non-Western instrument sample packs. T... Read More about Responding to misrepresentation: Sample pack creation, branding and distribution.

Music and sound in the Japanese 'ghost' film: cultural representation and transformation (2023)
Bayley, H. S. M. (2023). Music and sound in the Japanese 'ghost' film: cultural representation and transformation. (Thesis). Keele University

This thesis examines the role of music and sound in Japanese ‘ghost’ films. Scholarship on contemporary Japanese horror cinema often examines culture-bound descriptions of spirits. Such discussion typically revolves around tensions between, on the on... Read More about Music and sound in the Japanese 'ghost' film: cultural representation and transformation.

Evolutionary computing in sound synthesis and interactive algorithmic composition (2023)
Brook, M. G. (2023). Evolutionary computing in sound synthesis and interactive algorithmic composition. (Thesis). Keele University

Interactive genetic algorithms (IGAs) present an intriguing and productive way to explore problem space in creative applications and a variety of work has been carried out in this area. This thesis explores the potential for the application of IGAs t... Read More about Evolutionary computing in sound synthesis and interactive algorithmic composition.

Gravitonicity: towards a model of the ‘Gravitation’ in Music (2022)
Shufflebotham, J. D. (2022). Gravitonicity: towards a model of the ‘Gravitation’ in Music. (Thesis). Keele University

This research develops a model of the ‘gravitation’ in Music. In the literature on the ‘gravitational’ properties of melody and harmony, two sub-metaphors are apparent: ‘distance’ and ‘motion’. Gravitation and Music’s ‘gravitation’ are, therefore, fu... Read More about Gravitonicity: towards a model of the ‘Gravitation’ in Music.

A portfolio of three cross-media compositions : Notes from the Conference, Parallel Lines and Mother, Baby, Life (2019)
Anderson, T. J. (2019). A portfolio of three cross-media compositions : Notes from the Conference, Parallel Lines and Mother, Baby, Life. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This portfolio of cross-media work comprises three pieces of audio-visual art, accompanied by a written commentary which discusses the motivations, techniques, and technologies which led to the creation of the works themselves.
The common features o... Read More about A portfolio of three cross-media compositions : Notes from the Conference, Parallel Lines and Mother, Baby, Life.

Fusion: jazz, flamenco, and rethinking aesthetic (2019)
Balzarano, J. P. (2019). Fusion: jazz, flamenco, and rethinking aesthetic. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis is about the music of the fusion movement (1969-1980). Disparaged by writers and critics who denounced the blending phenomenon as a commercially driven jazz substyle offering no artistic merit, the research presented here argues for the r... Read More about Fusion: jazz, flamenco, and rethinking aesthetic.

Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Structure and Expression in John Adams, Kaija Saariaho and Thomas Ades (2018)
Book Chapter
(2018). Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Structure and Expression in John Adams, Kaija Saariaho and Thomas Ades. In The Routledge Research Companion to Modernism in Music (327 - 352).

This chapter conveys postmodernism both as a historical moment and as a force within modernism to expand its range of expression, examining four areas. The first one is postminimalism, particularly as represented by John Adams’s Harmonielehre, which... Read More about Between Modernism and Postmodernism: Structure and Expression in John Adams, Kaija Saariaho and Thomas Ades.

Sound design, composition and performance with interactive genetic algorithms (2018)
Prescott, T. (2018). Sound design, composition and performance with interactive genetic algorithms. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

A variety of work has been carried out investigating the suitability of interactive genetic algorithms (IGAs) for musical composition. There have been some promising results demonstrating that it is, in principle, an effective approach. Modern sound... Read More about Sound design, composition and performance with interactive genetic algorithms.

Composing with images: a portfolio of audiovisual works exploring the compositional potential of associative sonic, visual and intellectual imagery.
Bird, S. (2010). visual and intellectual imagery

Most of the research undertaken within the music community on the combination of sound and imagery, has related either to mainstream filmmaking, or has been rooted in the predominantly abstract world of Visual Music. However, this portfolio utilises... Read More about Composing with images: a portfolio of audiovisual works exploring the compositional potential of associative sonic, visual and intellectual imagery..

Johann and Eric for bass clarinet and electronics (2021) (6 min)
Exhibition / Performance
Spasov. (2023). Johann and Eric for bass clarinet and electronics (2021) (6 min). (Unpublished)

Pogramme Notes Johann and Eric for bass clarinet and electronics, written for the renown British bass clarinettist Sarah Watts, is a tribute to the legendary jazz saxophonist and bass clarinettist, Eric Dolphy. His music thought was influenced by man... Read More about Johann and Eric for bass clarinet and electronics (2021) (6 min).

Ten Sefirot for piano and electronics (2021) (25 minutes)
Exhibition / Performance
Spasov. (2022). Ten Sefirot for piano and electronics (2021) (25 minutes). (Unpublished)

Premiere: 9th International Symposium on Music and Sonic Arts: Practices and Theories, Miroslav Spasov (piano & electronics), Middlesex University, London, 23 September 2022. As in many other compositions, my main creative interest in this work is cl... Read More about Ten Sefirot for piano and electronics (2021) (25 minutes).

A portfolio of compositions consisting of Sketches, Mutations, Evolution, Emergence, Insomnia, Xpressions, and Ut infinitio quod ultra
(2013). A portfolio of compositions consisting of Sketches, Mutations, Evolution, Emergence, Insomnia, Xpressions, and Ut infinitio quod ultra

This thesis builds a conceptual framework that enables the creation of synergetic audiovisual works which is “fundamental to the nature of complex interactive dynamic sound and light systems and their resulting forms.”1 Utilising electroacoustic Scha... Read More about A portfolio of compositions consisting of Sketches, Mutations, Evolution, Emergence, Insomnia, Xpressions, and Ut infinitio quod ultra.

An evaluation of digital interfaces for music composition and improvisation
(2016). An evaluation of digital interfaces for music composition and improvisation

This PhD reports research on current representative performance paradigms using various interfaces for real time interaction with computer-based musical environments. Each device was selected to cover a particular range of interfaces. Research covers... Read More about An evaluation of digital interfaces for music composition and improvisation.