Comparative geochemistry of Early Carboniferous marine red beds (MRBs) and their significance for deep time paleoceanographic reconstructions
Journal Article
Card, C. J., & Montenari, M. (2022). Comparative geochemistry of Early Carboniferous marine red beds (MRBs) and their significance for deep time paleoceanographic reconstructions. Sedimentary Geology, 106313 - 106313.
Marine red beds (MRBs), also known as oceanic red beds (ORBs), are reddish colored sediments deposited within the marine realm that have been stained during deposition and/or early diagenesis because of changes in the ocean water chemistry in respons... Read More about Comparative geochemistry of Early Carboniferous marine red beds (MRBs) and their significance for deep time paleoceanographic reconstructions.