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Industrial policy, productivity and place: London as a ‘role model’ and High Speed 2 (HS2) (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). Industrial policy, productivity and place: London as a ‘role model’ and High Speed 2 (HS2). Regional Studies, 1 - 13.

Britain’s industrial strategy, preoccupied with labour productivity, projects London as a role model because of a high gross value added (GVA) to employment ratio, an approach since followed in the national ‘levelling-up’ agenda. We demonstrate that... Read More about Industrial policy, productivity and place: London as a ‘role model’ and High Speed 2 (HS2).

Assessing the impact of market logic and long-term strategic plans of top management in share buyback decisions (2022)
Journal Article
Demirag, I., Kungwal, T., & Bakkar, Y. (2022). Assessing the impact of market logic and long-term strategic plans of top management in share buyback decisions. Managerial Finance, 48(3), 392 - 408.

<jats:sec><jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Purpose</jats:title><jats:p>This paper investigates stakeholders' perspectives of share buybacks in the context of time-horizons of investment decisions and strategy.</jats:p></jats:sec><jats:s... Read More about Assessing the impact of market logic and long-term strategic plans of top management in share buyback decisions.

When is entrepreneurial orientation beneficial for new product performance? The roles of ambidexterity and market turbulence (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). When is entrepreneurial orientation beneficial for new product performance? The roles of ambidexterity and market turbulence. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research,

Purpose Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is an exploratory orientation because its dimensions such as innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking are the essence of exploration that entails uncertain returns. While literature suggests firms might n... Read More about When is entrepreneurial orientation beneficial for new product performance? The roles of ambidexterity and market turbulence.

Control, resistance and the labour process: a study of information communication technology utilization in local government Revenues and Benefits departments (2019)
Maybury, A. D. (2019). Control, resistance and the labour process: a study of information communication technology utilization in local government Revenues and Benefits departments. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis provides a qualitative study of control of the labour process and its relationship to technology in Revenues and Benefits departments within local government. The study, from a Marxist analytical perspective, focuses on three aspects of I... Read More about Control, resistance and the labour process: a study of information communication technology utilization in local government Revenues and Benefits departments.

Enforcement Actions, Market Movement and Depositors' Reaction: Evidence from the US Banking System (2019)
Journal Article
Pereira, J., Malafronte, I., Sorwar, G., & Nurullah, M. (2019). Enforcement Actions, Market Movement and Depositors' Reaction: Evidence from the US Banking System. Journal of Financial Services Research, 143 - 165.

We examine market movement and depositors’ reaction following the announcement of enforcement actions (EAs) on US banks over the period 2004 to 2015. Using an extensive dataset of manually collected EAs, employing event study and multivariate analyse... Read More about Enforcement Actions, Market Movement and Depositors' Reaction: Evidence from the US Banking System.

The Potential Use of Legitimate Force for the Preservation of Order: Defining the Inherent Role of Public Police Through Policing Functions That Cannot Be Carried Out by Private Police (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). The Potential Use of Legitimate Force for the Preservation of Order: Defining the Inherent Role of Public Police Through Policing Functions That Cannot Be Carried Out by Private Police.

In the UK, private policing institutions have been rapidly increasing since the 1980s, so the lines between public- and private police have been blurred. This paper explores whether there is a policing function that is inherent in public police and i... Read More about The Potential Use of Legitimate Force for the Preservation of Order: Defining the Inherent Role of Public Police Through Policing Functions That Cannot Be Carried Out by Private Police.

Heading for disaster: the management of skill mix changes in the emergency services (2016)
Journal Article
Mather, K., & Seifert, R. (2016). Heading for disaster: the management of skill mix changes in the emergency services. Capital and Class, 3-22.

This article examines the impact on staff of state-imposed public sector reforms alongside austerity cuts since 2010 in the emergency services of England. We discuss the contextual imperatives for change in the police, fire and ambulance services whi... Read More about Heading for disaster: the management of skill mix changes in the emergency services.

Public entrepreneurship and the politics of regeneration in multi-Level governance (2015)
Journal Article
Catney. (2015). Public entrepreneurship and the politics of regeneration in multi-Level governance. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy,

The paper uses a case study of urban regeneration policy in Sheffield, UK, to explore local public entrepreneurship in a system of multi-level governance. Recent analyses of public entrepreneurs have directed attention to the macro-political structur... Read More about Public entrepreneurship and the politics of regeneration in multi-Level governance.

Efficiency analysis of public higher education institutions in Turkey with parametric and non-parametric approaches
(2014). Efficiency analysis of public higher education institutions in Turkey with parametric and non-parametric approaches

Although the number of researches measuring the efficiencies of higher education institutions has grown especially for the last two decades, literature of both parametric and non-parametric research on HEIs in Turkey is relatively scant compared to t... Read More about Efficiency analysis of public higher education institutions in Turkey with parametric and non-parametric approaches.