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Treaties as a central diplomatic tool in the ‘legal’ pacification, and colonisation of the Western Lower Niger, 1884-1914 (2021)
Ariye, E. C. (2021). Treaties as a central diplomatic tool in the ‘legal’ pacification, and colonisation of the Western Lower Niger, 1884-1914. (Thesis). Keele University

This thesis is a case study of Great Britain’s colonisation of a few indigenous, contiguous peoples of the Western Lower Niger from 1884 to 1914. These are the Itsekiri, the Western Ijo, the Urhobo, the Isoko and the Ukwuani of present-day Delta Stat... Read More about Treaties as a central diplomatic tool in the ‘legal’ pacification, and colonisation of the Western Lower Niger, 1884-1914.

'A great deal of discrimination is necessary in administering the law': Frontier Guards and Migration Control in early twentieth century South Africa (2018)
Journal Article
Bright. (2018). 'A great deal of discrimination is necessary in administering the law': Frontier Guards and Migration Control in early twentieth century South Africa.

This article provides a corrective to recent scholarship surrounding modern migration control, which have emphasised the shared origins of the legal systems created to control migration in the US, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Inst... Read More about 'A great deal of discrimination is necessary in administering the law': Frontier Guards and Migration Control in early twentieth century South Africa.

Assessing the changing relationship between trade unions and the state: a historical analysis of union/state relations in Zimbabwe
Mutema, Z. (2015). Assessing the changing relationship between trade unions and the state: a historical analysis of union/state relations in Zimbabwe

Drawing on semi-structured interviews and published documents, this thesis examines the changing union-state relationship in Zimbabwe. Unlike many existing work on the subject, this thesis is a holistic analysis in that it considers the views of the... Read More about Assessing the changing relationship between trade unions and the state: a historical analysis of union/state relations in Zimbabwe.