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The performance and politics of memory-work in contemporary documentary film: transforming violent pasts (2024)
Housby, K. E. (2024). The performance and politics of memory-work in contemporary documentary film: transforming violent pasts. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis investigates the dynamics of ‘memory-work’ in contemporary documentary films that deal with painful pasts involving violence. The analysis will focus on four recently produced documentary films. Memory-work in this thesis is understood as... Read More about The performance and politics of memory-work in contemporary documentary film: transforming violent pasts.

Artistic representations of infectious disease. (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Artistic representations of infectious disease. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 1 - 5.

Artistic representations of disease are widespread yet largely ignored in health psychology research. In this paper we use two infectious diseases, tuberculosis and the plague, as tracers to study how infectious diseases are represented in novels, fi... Read More about Artistic representations of infectious disease..

The Very Worst Things: Vulnerability and Violence in Djamila Sahraoui's Yema (2012) (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). The Very Worst Things: Vulnerability and Violence in Djamila Sahraoui's Yema (2012). Studies in French Cinema, 246-264.

This article explores the connections between vulnerability, gender and terrorist violence, drawing on Algerian filmmaker Djamila Sahraoui’s Yema (2012). The film will first be situated in relation to Sahraoui’s oeuvre, and within a wider context of... Read More about The Very Worst Things: Vulnerability and Violence in Djamila Sahraoui's Yema (2012).

Torture in Word and Image: Inhuman Acts in Resnais and Pontecorvo (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Torture in Word and Image: Inhuman Acts in Resnais and Pontecorvo. Cinema Journal, 26-48.

This article examines the interplay of word and image in two depictions of torture during the Algerian War: Muriel (Alain Resnais, 1963) and The Battle of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966). While Resnais offers the spectator a desynchronized sound-ima... Read More about Torture in Word and Image: Inhuman Acts in Resnais and Pontecorvo.

Transnational Science Fiction at the End of the World: Consensus, Conflict and the Politics of Climate Change (2019)
Journal Article
Archer. (2019). Transnational Science Fiction at the End of the World: Consensus, Conflict and the Politics of Climate Change. Cinema Journal, 1-25.

This article considers the significance of transnational production, aesthetic, and narrative strategies in recent forms of "apocalyptic" science fiction cinema. As the article explores, a more transnational mode of science fiction offers the opportu... Read More about Transnational Science Fiction at the End of the World: Consensus, Conflict and the Politics of Climate Change.

Pouring out of one vessel into another: Originality and Imitation in Two Modern Adaptations of Tristram Shandy (2018)
Journal Article
Seager. (2018). Pouring out of one vessel into another: Originality and Imitation in Two Modern Adaptations of Tristram Shandy. Adaptation, 228-251.

Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy (1759–67) appears to resist adaptation. Its verbal density, narrative complexity, and self-conscious bookishness mark it out as intensely medium-specific. However, its richly allusive style, scepticism about conventi... Read More about Pouring out of one vessel into another: Originality and Imitation in Two Modern Adaptations of Tristram Shandy.

(Un)familiar Fictions: The 17th October 1961 Massacre And Jacques Panijel’s Octobre À Paris (1962) (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). (Un)familiar Fictions: The 17th October 1961 Massacre And Jacques Panijel’s Octobre À Paris (1962). Forum for Modern Language Studies, 157-175.

The 17th October 1961 police massacre of hundreds of protesting Algerians in the centre of Paris has become one of the most recognized events of the French-Algerian war. There are several online interactive documentaries about the event as well as a... Read More about (Un)familiar Fictions: The 17th October 1961 Massacre And Jacques Panijel’s Octobre À Paris (1962).

The Letting Go: The Horror of Being Orphaned in Nicolas Winding Refn's Cinema (2017)
Journal Article
featherstone. (2017). The Letting Go: The Horror of Being Orphaned in Nicolas Winding Refn's Cinema.

In this article, I read the recent cinema of the Danish-American Director Nicolas Winding Refn through a contradictory complex of Freudian–Jungian psychoanalysis, Bataillean philosophy and Buddhist thought. By focusing on Winding Refn’s three most re... Read More about The Letting Go: The Horror of Being Orphaned in Nicolas Winding Refn's Cinema.

Genre on the Road: The Road Movie as Automobilities Research (2017)
Journal Article
Archer. (2017). Genre on the Road: The Road Movie as Automobilities Research. Mobilities, 509-519.

This article argues for the use of film studies in the study of mobilities, with a specific focus on the analysis of genre, and the particularly fictional character of genre film. The article focuses on genre’s emerging and shifting forms across temp... Read More about Genre on the Road: The Road Movie as Automobilities Research.

Politics and the Police: Documenting the 17th October 1961 Massacre (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). Politics and the Police: Documenting the 17th October 1961 Massacre. Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, 599-606.

The police massacre, in the center of Paris, of hundreds of protesting Algerians on the 17th of October 1961 has become one of the most recognized events of the Algerian War. Amid a wealth of historical and fictional works that treat the event, Jacqu... Read More about Politics and the Police: Documenting the 17th October 1961 Massacre.

Fan du Cinéma: Imitation, Europe and The Trip to Italy (2014) (2016)
Journal Article
Archer. (2016). Fan du Cinéma: Imitation, Europe and The Trip to Italy (2014). Studies in European Cinema, 246-259.

his essay considers the role of imitation in Michael Winterbottom’s film The Trip to Italy, with reference to the performances of mimicry by its two protagonists (Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon), but also on the part of the film itself, both as a sequel... Read More about Fan du Cinéma: Imitation, Europe and The Trip to Italy (2014).

Women Resisting Terror: Imaginaries of Violence in Algeria (1966–2002) (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Women Resisting Terror: Imaginaries of Violence in Algeria (1966–2002). The Journal of North African Studies, 109-131.

This article charts the roles and representations of Algerian Women as both agents and victims of violence in the War of Independence (1956–1962) and the Algerian Civil War of the 1990s in which the role of women emerged as a significant site of ideo... Read More about Women Resisting Terror: Imaginaries of Violence in Algeria (1966–2002).