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Selection, heterogeneity and entry in liberal professions (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Selection, heterogeneity and entry in liberal professions. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 925 -951.

We analyze two different cases of entry regulation in professional markets: first, when licensing is a requirement for becoming a professional (lawyers); second, when entry and price restrictions are applied on a geographical basis (pharmacists). Bot... Read More about Selection, heterogeneity and entry in liberal professions.

Airline pricing under different market conditions: evidence from European Low Cost Carriers (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Airline pricing under different market conditions: evidence from European Low Cost Carriers. Tourism Management, 152 -163.

Traditional theories of airline pricing maintain that fares monotonically increase as fewer seats remain available on a flight. This implies a monotonically increasing temporal profile of fares. In this paper, we exploit the presence of drops in offe... Read More about Airline pricing under different market conditions: evidence from European Low Cost Carriers.