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The Uneasy Relationship between Intra-EU Investment Tribunals and the Court of Justice’s Achmea Judgment (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). The Uneasy Relationship between Intra-EU Investment Tribunals and the Court of Justice’s Achmea Judgment.

This paper focuses on the ways in which investment tribunals constituted under intra-EU BITs and the Energy Charter Treaty (in an intra-EU dispute) have reacted to the Court of Justice’s Achmea judgment of 6 March 2018. The first part of the paper ma... Read More about The Uneasy Relationship between Intra-EU Investment Tribunals and the Court of Justice’s Achmea Judgment.

A Theories of Practice Perspective in Understanding Barriers to Sustainable Commuting: The Case of UAE (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). A Theories of Practice Perspective in Understanding Barriers to Sustainable Commuting: The Case of UAE. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing,

A critical step to mitigate climate change is to reduce automobile pollution emissions. The transportation sector produces 23% of world energy-related CO2 emissions with three-quarters of the emissions coming from road transport, specifically passeng... Read More about A Theories of Practice Perspective in Understanding Barriers to Sustainable Commuting: The Case of UAE.

The Growing Tendency of Including Investment Chapters in PTAs (2019)
Book Chapter
(2019). The Growing Tendency of Including Investment Chapters in PTAs. In Netherlands Yearbook of International Law (267-304).

In the context of a rising number of preferential trade agreements (PTAs) that include investment protection provisions traditionally found in bilateral investment treaties (BITs), this chapter has a double purpose. First, based on an empirical analy... Read More about The Growing Tendency of Including Investment Chapters in PTAs.

The interplay of strategic and internal green marketing orientation on competitive advantage (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). The interplay of strategic and internal green marketing orientation on competitive advantage. Journal of Business Research, 632-643.

This paper seeks to clarify and refine the relationship between strategic and internal green marketing and firm competitiveness. Despite the significance of corporate environmental strategy to firms adopting a triple-bottom line performance evaluatio... Read More about The interplay of strategic and internal green marketing orientation on competitive advantage.

Investigating the celebrity effect: The influence of well-liked celebrities on adults’ explicit and implicit attitudes to brands and brand choice. (2019)
Journal Article
Sherman, S., Rowley, M., & Gilman, H. (2019). Investigating the celebrity effect: The influence of well-liked celebrities on adults’ explicit and implicit attitudes to brands and brand choice. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(4), 402-409.

Celebrities are used within advertisements in an attempt to impact positively on consumers’ attitudes towards brands, purchase intentions, and ad believability. However, the findings from previous research on the effects of celebrity liking on brand... Read More about Investigating the celebrity effect: The influence of well-liked celebrities on adults’ explicit and implicit attitudes to brands and brand choice..

Real-time big data processing for instantaneous marketing decisions: A problematization approach (2019)
Journal Article
Dani, S. (2019). Real-time big data processing for instantaneous marketing decisions: A problematization approach. Industrial Marketing Management,

The collection of big data from different sources such as the internet of things, social media and search engines has created significant opportunities for business-to-business (B2B) industrial marketing organizations to take an analytical view in de... Read More about Real-time big data processing for instantaneous marketing decisions: A problematization approach.

Predicting supply chain risks using machine learning: The trade-off between performance and interpretability (2019)
Journal Article
Dani, S. (2019). Predicting supply chain risks using machine learning: The trade-off between performance and interpretability. Future Generation Computer Systems, 993 - 1004.

Managing supply chain risks has received increased attention in recent years, aiming to shield supply chains from disruptions by predicting their occurrence and mitigating their adverse effects. At the same time, the resurgence of Artificial Intellig... Read More about Predicting supply chain risks using machine learning: The trade-off between performance and interpretability.

International networking and knowledge acquisition of Chinese SMEs: the role of global mind-set and international entrepreneurial orientation (2019)
Journal Article
Lin, Z., Cao, X., & Cottam, E. (2019). International networking and knowledge acquisition of Chinese SMEs: the role of global mind-set and international entrepreneurial orientation. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 32(5-6), 449-465.

Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasing their international networking and knowledge acquisition activities. This paper attempts to explain this phenomenon by examining the joint influence of leader global mind-set and firms’... Read More about International networking and knowledge acquisition of Chinese SMEs: the role of global mind-set and international entrepreneurial orientation.

Growing Consumers Through Production and Play: A Phenomenological Exploration of Food Growing in the School Foodscape (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Growing Consumers Through Production and Play: A Phenomenological Exploration of Food Growing in the School Foodscape. Sociology, 468-485.

This article adopts a phenomenological perspective to illustrate how gardens become important spaces where children informally encounter, produce, consume and learn about food. We extend the theoretical concept of the ‘foodscape’ by applying it to bo... Read More about Growing Consumers Through Production and Play: A Phenomenological Exploration of Food Growing in the School Foodscape.

Understanding Transience and Participation in University Student-Led Food Gardens (2019)
Journal Article
Pedersen, R., Robinson, Z., & Surman, E. (2019). Understanding Transience and Participation in University Student-Led Food Gardens. Sustainability,

In an increasingly mobile world, transience is becoming the norm. Sustainable community food initiatives, therefore, must organise to withstand high turnover of volunteers. Using a case study of the United Kingdom’s National Union of Students’ food g... Read More about Understanding Transience and Participation in University Student-Led Food Gardens.

Enforcement Actions, Market Movement and Depositors' Reaction: Evidence from the US Banking System (2019)
Journal Article
Pereira, J., Malafronte, I., Sorwar, G., & Nurullah, M. (2019). Enforcement Actions, Market Movement and Depositors' Reaction: Evidence from the US Banking System. Journal of Financial Services Research, 143 - 165.

We examine market movement and depositors’ reaction following the announcement of enforcement actions (EAs) on US banks over the period 2004 to 2015. Using an extensive dataset of manually collected EAs, employing event study and multivariate analyse... Read More about Enforcement Actions, Market Movement and Depositors' Reaction: Evidence from the US Banking System.

State, community community and the negotiated construction of energy markets: Community energy policy in England (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). State, community community and the negotiated construction of energy markets: Community energy policy in England. Geoforum, 21 -31.

This article provides fresh insight on the political construction of markets through empirical analysis of community energy in the UK. It considers the diverse actors, understandings, processes and technologies enrolled in market creation, stabilisat... Read More about State, community community and the negotiated construction of energy markets: Community energy policy in England.

Assessing the use of computer-based assessment-feedback in teaching digital accountants (2019)
Journal Article
Ekara Helfaya. (2019). Assessing the use of computer-based assessment-feedback in teaching digital accountants. Accounting education, 28(1), 69-99.

Both assessment and feedback have a vital impact on students’ learning. Using computer-based assessment (CBA) with constructive and prompt computer-based feedback (CBF) reduces the attainment gap of the new generation of digital students. Action rese... Read More about Assessing the use of computer-based assessment-feedback in teaching digital accountants.