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Mining morals, muck and Akan gold in New York City (2015)
Journal Article
Parish, J. (2015). Mining morals, muck and Akan gold in New York City. Anthropology Southern Africa, 68(3-4), 290-301.

Among Akan spirit preachers at shrines in New York, gold and gold weights are at the centre of the creation of new moral topographies in a fluid and contested context. In a get-rich-quick New York marketplace, the preachers appeal to an understanding... Read More about Mining morals, muck and Akan gold in New York City.

Becoming respectable: low-income young mothers, consumption and the pursuit of value (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Becoming respectable: low-income young mothers, consumption and the pursuit of value. Journal of Marketing Management, 652-672.

Teenage mothers find themselves caught between two discourses: the irresponsibility of youth and the responsibility of motherhood. We unravel some of the complexities surrounding the performance of socially approved ‘good mothering’, from a social po... Read More about Becoming respectable: low-income young mothers, consumption and the pursuit of value.

I Lived and Learned': Violence, Survival and Knowledge in Trans Women's Lives in Turkey (2015)
Journal Article
Tascioglu, E. (2015). I Lived and Learned': Violence, Survival and Knowledge in Trans Women's Lives in Turkey. Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 1452-1470

This article examines life story narratives of trans women in an effort to understand how violence produces and shapes their lives and subjectivities in Istanbul, Turkey. After delineating the main forms of violence that target them, it looks at the... Read More about I Lived and Learned': Violence, Survival and Knowledge in Trans Women's Lives in Turkey.

Disturbing Disgust: Gesturing to the Abject in Queer Cases (2015)
Book Chapter
(2015). Disturbing Disgust: Gesturing to the Abject in Queer Cases. In Queering Criminology (83-101)

Emotion plays a central role in the criminalisation of non-normative sexualities, desires, and relationships. Disgust, in particular, has been mobilised as a gesture to condemn queer bodies or intimacies that refuse to subscribe to reproductive heter... Read More about Disturbing Disgust: Gesturing to the Abject in Queer Cases.

Family Practices, Holiday and the Everyday (2015)
Journal Article
Holdsworth, C., & Hall, S. M. (2015). Family Practices, Holiday and the Everyday. Mobilities, 284-302.

Holidays are central to the rhythm of everyday family practices and consumption, and are often depicted, within both academic literature and consumer marketing, as a defining moment in contemporary family life. To date, academic accounts of the exper... Read More about Family Practices, Holiday and the Everyday.

Lifecourse transitions, gender and drinking in later life (2015)
Journal Article
Frisher, M., Holdsworth, C., MENDONÇA, M., DE OLIVEIRIA, C., PIKHART, H., & SHELTON, N. (2017). Lifecourse transitions, gender and drinking in later life. Ageing and society, 37(3), 462-494.

Older people consume less alcohol than any other adult age group. However, in recent years survey data on alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom have shown that while younger age groups have experienced a decline in alcohol consumption, drinking b... Read More about Lifecourse transitions, gender and drinking in later life.

Beyond Occult Economies: Akan spirits, New York Idols and Detroit automobiles (2015)
Journal Article
Parish. (2015). Beyond Occult Economies: Akan spirits, New York Idols and Detroit automobiles. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 5(2), 101-120.

While it has been extensively recorded how the West African occult economy allows for a metanarrative critique of modernity, this article analyzes a convergence between witchcraft discourses and the capitalist market, looking through the local lens o... Read More about Beyond Occult Economies: Akan spirits, New York Idols and Detroit automobiles.

Materiality, magic and belief: framing the countryside in fantastical live-action roleplay games (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Materiality, magic and belief: framing the countryside in fantastical live-action roleplay games. Ethnography, 326-349.

This account of a UK live-action roleplay (LARP) event highlights complex shifts between different interpretive frames, foregrounding the role of the physical setting as well as non-players and locals in providing symbolic resources that inhibit or s... Read More about Materiality, magic and belief: framing the countryside in fantastical live-action roleplay games.

Stakeholder citizenship: the complexities of Polish migrants' citizenship attachments in the context of the Scottish independence referendum (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Stakeholder citizenship: the complexities of Polish migrants' citizenship attachments in the context of the Scottish independence referendum. Citizenship Studies, 115 - 129.

This article focuses on the experiences of Scotland’s largest foreign-born minority group, namely Poles, in the run-up to the Scottish independence referendum in 2014. We draw on 20 in-depth interviews to explore our participants’ intentions and just... Read More about Stakeholder citizenship: the complexities of Polish migrants' citizenship attachments in the context of the Scottish independence referendum.

Identity concealed or revealed?: the use of photography in the Victorian criminal justice system (2015)
Presentation / Conference
(2015, August). Identity concealed or revealed?: the use of photography in the Victorian criminal justice system. Presented at British Association of Victorian Studies, Leeds

Photography promised 'an enhanced mastery of nature' and was adopted by the police and prison services as a means of identifying suspects who endeavoured to conceal their names and previous convictions. The end of transportation to the colonies was p... Read More about Identity concealed or revealed?: the use of photography in the Victorian criminal justice system.

Dignified Futures: A Queer Case on Marriage Equality? (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Dignified Futures: A Queer Case on Marriage Equality?

This Comment queers the logic of love and happiness in the most recent marriage equality case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States.

Social Relationships and Relationships in Context: Post-Accession Poles in Southampton (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Social Relationships and Relationships in Context: Post-Accession Poles in Southampton. Population, Space and Place, 433 - 445.

In this article, we examine post-accession Poles' shifting identity practices through the lens of their attitudes to other Poles in a high-density post-accession Polish migration destination, namely the city of Southampton on England's south coast. W... Read More about Social Relationships and Relationships in Context: Post-Accession Poles in Southampton.

Subjectivity 2.0: digital technologies, participatory media and communicative capitalism (2015)
Journal Article
Giraud, E. (2015). Subjectivity 2.0: digital technologies, participatory media and communicative capitalism. Subjectivity, 8, 124-146.

Drawing on observations and focus group material from pervasive drama project, The Memory Dealer, this article explores both the dynamics and the limitations of existing models of digital subjectivity. It interrogates, in particular, constructions of... Read More about Subjectivity 2.0: digital technologies, participatory media and communicative capitalism.

The cultural politics of pervasive drama: aural narrative, digital media and re-compositions of urban space (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). The cultural politics of pervasive drama: aural narrative, digital media and re-compositions of urban space. Journal of Sonic Studies,

This article argues that pervasive drama has the capacity to illuminate the cultural politics of urban space, by highlighting microsociological power relations that shape everyday movement. It suggests that the medium does this in two ways: firstly,... Read More about The cultural politics of pervasive drama: aural narrative, digital media and re-compositions of urban space.