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Enhancing authenticity, diagnosticity and equivalence (AD-Equiv) in multicentre OSCE exams in health professionals education: protocol for a complex intervention study. (2022)
Journal Article
Yeates, P., Maluf, A., Kinston, R., Cope, N., McCray, G., Cullen, K., …Wong, G. (2022). Enhancing authenticity, diagnosticity and equivalence (AD-Equiv) in multicentre OSCE exams in health professionals education: protocol for a complex intervention study. BMJ Open, 12(12), Article e064387.

INTRODUCTION: Objective structured clinical exams (OSCEs) are a cornerstone of assessing the competence of trainee healthcare professionals, but have been criticised for (1) lacking authenticity, (2) variability in examiners' judgements which can cha... Read More about Enhancing authenticity, diagnosticity and equivalence (AD-Equiv) in multicentre OSCE exams in health professionals education: protocol for a complex intervention study..

Memory, credibility and insight: How video-based feedback promotes deeper reflection and learning in objective structured clinical exams (2022)
Journal Article
Makrides, A., & Yeates, P. (2022). Memory, credibility and insight: How video-based feedback promotes deeper reflection and learning in objective structured clinical exams. Medical Teacher, 44(6), 664-671.

INTRODUCTION: Providing high-quality feedback from Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCEs) is important but challenging. Whilst prior research suggests that video-based feedback (VbF), where students review their own performances alongside usual... Read More about Memory, credibility and insight: How video-based feedback promotes deeper reflection and learning in objective structured clinical exams.