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Pouring out of one vessel into another: Originality and Imitation in Two Modern Adaptations of Tristram Shandy (2018)
Journal Article
Seager. (2018). Pouring out of one vessel into another: Originality and Imitation in Two Modern Adaptations of Tristram Shandy. Adaptation, 228-251.

Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy (1759–67) appears to resist adaptation. Its verbal density, narrative complexity, and self-conscious bookishness mark it out as intensely medium-specific. However, its richly allusive style, scepticism about conventi... Read More about Pouring out of one vessel into another: Originality and Imitation in Two Modern Adaptations of Tristram Shandy.

Trailing Postmodernism: David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas, Zadie Smith’s NW, and the Metamodern (2018)
Journal Article
Bentley. (2018). Trailing Postmodernism: David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas, Zadie Smith’s NW, and the Metamodern. English Studies, 723-743.

This article examines David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas (2004) and Zadie Smith's NW (2012) against recent theories of the post-postmodern. It argues that although both texts can be seen to be gesturing towards a reconstructive relationship with the absolu... Read More about Trailing Postmodernism: David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas, Zadie Smith’s NW, and the Metamodern.

(Un)familiar Fictions: The 17th October 1961 Massacre And Jacques Panijel’s Octobre À Paris (1962) (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). (Un)familiar Fictions: The 17th October 1961 Massacre And Jacques Panijel’s Octobre À Paris (1962). Forum for Modern Language Studies, 157-175.

The 17th October 1961 police massacre of hundreds of protesting Algerians in the centre of Paris has become one of the most recognized events of the French-Algerian war. There are several online interactive documentaries about the event as well as a... Read More about (Un)familiar Fictions: The 17th October 1961 Massacre And Jacques Panijel’s Octobre À Paris (1962).

When Law became Mobile: The Birth of the Haptic Gaze between Van Eyck's 'Man in a Red Turban' (1433) and da Messina's Male Portrait Series (1474-78) (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). When Law became Mobile: The Birth of the Haptic Gaze between Van Eyck's 'Man in a Red Turban' (1433) and da Messina's Male Portrait Series (1474-78). Law and Humanities,

Starting from a reflection on Erving Goffman’s notion of strategic interaction, this contribution discusses a number of paintings, all completed between 1433 and 1478, to argue that the haptic gaze in painting probably emerged between those dates. Th... Read More about When Law became Mobile: The Birth of the Haptic Gaze between Van Eyck's 'Man in a Red Turban' (1433) and da Messina's Male Portrait Series (1474-78).

Post-9/11 re-orientalism: Confrontation and conciliation in Mohsin Hamid’s and Mira Nair’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist (2018)
Journal Article
Mendes, A., & Lau, L. (2018). Post-9/11 re-orientalism: Confrontation and conciliation in Mohsin Hamid’s and Mira Nair’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 78-91.

This article offers a comparative reading of the novel and film adaptation of The Reluctant Fundamentalist, looking at the ways these texts represent changing Western public perceptions towards Pakistan and vice-versa along the temporal axis 2001–200... Read More about Post-9/11 re-orientalism: Confrontation and conciliation in Mohsin Hamid’s and Mira Nair’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist.