General practice at the frontline of preventing suicide.
Journal Article
Steeg, S., & Mughal, F. (in press). General practice at the frontline of preventing suicide. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), 74(745), 346.
Osteoporosis and fracture as risk factors for self-harm and suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article
Manning, F. M., Mughal, F., Ismail, H. A. S. M., Baines, L. M., Chew-Graham, C. A., Paskins, Z., & Prior, J. A. (2023). Osteoporosis and fracture as risk factors for self-harm and suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), 73(735), e735-e743. Increase in presentations of self-harm to primary care, a risk factor of suicide, has led to a growing interest in identifying at-risk populations.
Aim: To examine whether osteoporosis or fractures are risk factors for self-harm, sui... Read More about Osteoporosis and fracture as risk factors for self-harm and suicide: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Protocol for the mixed methods, Managing young people (aged 16–25) with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Primary care (MAP) study: mapping current practice and co-producing guidance to improve healthcare in an underserved population (2023)
Journal Article
Price, A., Smith, J. R., Mughal, F., Salimi, A., Melendez-Torres, G. J., & Newlove-Delgado, T. (2023). Protocol for the mixed methods, Managing young people (aged 16–25) with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Primary care (MAP) study: mapping current practice and co-producing guidance to improve healthcare in an underserved population. BMJ Open, 13(7), Article e068184. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in children and adolescents, with an average worldwide prevalence of 5%. Up to 40% of young people continue to experience symptoms into adult... Read More about Protocol for the mixed methods, Managing young people (aged 16–25) with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Primary care (MAP) study: mapping current practice and co-producing guidance to improve healthcare in an underserved population.
The functions of self-harm in young people and their perspectives about future general practitioner-led care: A qualitative study. (2023)
Journal Article
Mughal, F., Chew-Graham, C., Babatunde, O., Saunders, B., Meki, A., & Dikomitis, L. (2023). The functions of self-harm in young people and their perspectives about future general practitioner-led care: A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 26(3), 1180-1188. Self-harm in young people is a serious concern but a deeper understanding of the functions of self-harm in young people can tailor care and inform new clinical interventions to reduce repeat self-harm and suicide risk. General practitione... Read More about The functions of self-harm in young people and their perspectives about future general practitioner-led care: A qualitative study..
Has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced suicide rates differentially according to socioeconomic indices and ethnicity? More evidence is needed globally (2022)
Journal Article
Dekel, D., Eyles, E., Marchant, A., Mughal, F., Webb, R., John, A., …Schmidt, L. (2022). Has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced suicide rates differentially according to socioeconomic indices and ethnicity? More evidence is needed globally. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 1-4.<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The COVID-19 pandemic has harmed many people's mental health globally. Whilst the evidence generated thus far from high-income countries regarding the pandemic's impact on suicide rates is generally reassurin... Read More about Has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced suicide rates differentially according to socioeconomic indices and ethnicity? More evidence is needed globally.
Supporting general practitioners in the assessment and management of suicide risk in young people: an evaluation of an educational resource in primary care (2022)
Journal Article
Michail, M., Cairns, A., Preece, E., & Mughal, F. (2022). Supporting general practitioners in the assessment and management of suicide risk in young people: an evaluation of an educational resource in primary care. Primary Health Care Research and Development,
To conduct a local evaluation of the use of the educational resource: Suicide in Children and Young People: Tips for GPs, in practice and its impact on General Practitioners (GPs)’ clinical decision making.
This Royal College of... Read More about Supporting general practitioners in the assessment and management of suicide risk in young people: an evaluation of an educational resource in primary care.
Suicide and death by other causes among patients with a severe mental illness: cohort study comparing risks among patients discharged from inpatient care v. those treated in the community. (2022)
Journal Article
Musgrove, R., Carr, M., Kapur, N., Chew-Graham, C., Mughal, F., Ashcroft, D., & Webb, R. (2022). Suicide and death by other causes among patients with a severe mental illness: cohort study comparing risks among patients discharged from inpatient care v. those treated in the community. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, e32 - ?. People diagnosed with a severe mental illness (SMI) are at elevated risk of dying prematurely compared to the general population. We aimed to understand the additional risk among people with SMI after discharge from inpatient psychiatric care,... Read More about Suicide and death by other causes among patients with a severe mental illness: cohort study comparing risks among patients discharged from inpatient care v. those treated in the community..
Perspectives of young people who access support for mental health in primary care: a systematic review of their experiences and needs. (2022)
Journal Article
Appleton, R., Gauly, J., Mughal, F., Singh, S., & Tuomainen, H. (2022). Perspectives of young people who access support for mental health in primary care: a systematic review of their experiences and needs. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), e161 - e167. There is an increasing demand for mental health support in primary care, especially for young people. To improve mental health support for young people in general practice, the needs of young people must be considered. AIM: To explore the... Read More about Perspectives of young people who access support for mental health in primary care: a systematic review of their experiences and needs..
The impact of remote consultations on brief conversations in general practice (2022)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham, C., Mughal, F., Atherton, H., Awan, H., Kingstone, T., Poppleton, A., & Silverwood, V. (2022). The impact of remote consultations on brief conversations in general practice. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), 6(2),
The potential of general practice to support young people who self-harm: a narrative review (2022)
Journal Article
Mughal, F., Dikomitis, L., Babatunde, O., & Chew-Graham, C. (2022). The potential of general practice to support young people who self-harm: a narrative review. British Journal of General Practice Open (BJGP Open), BJGPO.2021.0159 - BJGPO.2021.0159.<jats:sec><jats:title>Background</jats:title><jats:p>Self-harm in young people is a growing public health concern. Young people commonly present to their GP for help with self-harm, and thus general practice may be a key setting to support young peop... Read More about The potential of general practice to support young people who self-harm: a narrative review.
The impact of COVID-19 on primary care: insights from the National Health Service (NHS) and future recommendations (2021)
Journal Article
Mallen, C., Khunti, K., & Mughal, F. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on primary care: insights from the National Health Service (NHS) and future recommendations. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 4345-4349. has changed health systems and services. In this commentary, we outline the impact COVID-19 has had on the delivery of primary health care, and on primary care teams, and describe the NHS response. We highlight the challenges of managing lon... Read More about The impact of COVID-19 on primary care: insights from the National Health Service (NHS) and future recommendations.
Suicide and other causes of death among working-age and older adults in the year after discharge from in-patient mental healthcare in England: matched cohort study (2021)
Journal Article
Musgrove, R., Carr, M., Chew-Graham, C., Mughal, F., Kapur, N., Ashcroft, D., & Webb, R. (2021). Suicide and other causes of death among working-age and older adults in the year after discharge from in-patient mental healthcare in England: matched cohort study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1 - 8.<jats:sec id="S0007125021001768_sec_a1"> <jats:title>Background</jats:title> <jats:p>Evidence for risk of dying by suicide and other causes following discharge from in-patient psychiatric care throughout adulthood is sparse.</jats:p> </jats:sec> <jat... Read More about Suicide and other causes of death among working-age and older adults in the year after discharge from in-patient mental healthcare in England: matched cohort study.
Suicide Prevention in Primary Care (2021)
Journal Article
Gorton, H., Michail, M., Robinson, J., Saini, P., & Mughal, F. (2021). Suicide Prevention in Primary Care. Crisis - The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 241 - 246. is a leading cause of death internationally, and self-harm significantly increases the risk of suicide (Hawton et al., 2015; World Health Organization, 2014). To tackle this global health crisis a multisystem, inter-faceted, joined-up approac... Read More about Suicide Prevention in Primary Care.
Why GPs need to be involved in mental health research. (2021)
Journal Article
Shelley, B., Kessler, D., Mughal, F., & Creswell, C. (2021). Why GPs need to be involved in mental health research. British Journal of General Practice, 365 - ?
The impact of COVID-19 on primary care in Europe (2021)
Journal Article
McKee, M., Mughal, F., & Mallen, C. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 on primary care in Europe. The Lancet Regional Health Europe,'Editorial Material'
What Will It Mean for Me? Perceptions of the ECFMG 2023 Accreditation Requirement from an Online Forum (2021)
Journal Article
Arfeen, Z., Mughal, F., Ahmed Rashid, M., Smith, V., & Tackett, S. (2021). What Will It Mean for Me? Perceptions of the ECFMG 2023 Accreditation Requirement from an Online Forum.<jats:title>ABSTRACT</jats:title> <jats:p>In 2010, the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) announced that as of 2023, physicians applying to train and practice in the United States will be required to graduate from a medical... Read More about What Will It Mean for Me? Perceptions of the ECFMG 2023 Accreditation Requirement from an Online Forum.
The need for compassionate self-harm services (2021)
Journal Article
Mughal, F., & Quinlivan, L. (2021). The need for compassionate self-harm services. BMJ, 373, n1478 - n1478.'Letter'
Suicide prevention training. (2021)
Journal Article
Mughal. (2021). Suicide prevention training. British Dental Journal, 558 - ?.
Experiences of general practice care for self-harm: a qualitative study of young people's perspectives. (2021)
Journal Article
Dikomitis, L., Babatunde, O., Chew-Graham, C., & Mughal, F. (2021). Experiences of general practice care for self-harm: a qualitative study of young people's perspectives. British Journal of General Practice (BJGP), E744-E752. Self-harm is a growing concern and rates of self-harm in young people presenting to general practice are rising. There is however an absence of evidence on young people's experiences of GP care and on accessing general practice. AIM: To e... Read More about Experiences of general practice care for self-harm: a qualitative study of young people's perspectives..
Mental health support through primary care during and after covid-19. (2021)
Journal Article
Samuel, J., Chew-Graham, C., Hossain, M., Brady, A., & Mughal, F. (2021). Mental health support through primary care during and after covid-19. BMJ, 1- 2. Material
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