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Optimisation of sample preparation using glass slides for spectral pathology (2020)
Journal Article
Dowling, L., Roach, P., Rutter, A., Yousef, I., Pillai, S., Latham, D., …Sule-Suso, J. (2020). Optimisation of sample preparation using glass slides for spectral pathology. Applied Spectroscopy, 75(3), 343-350.

The clinical translation of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy in pathology will require bringing this technique as close as possible to standard practice in pathology departments. An important step is sample preparation for both FTI... Read More about Optimisation of sample preparation using glass slides for spectral pathology.

Rapid implementation and validation of a cold-chain free SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing workflow to support surge capacity (2020)
Journal Article
Bosworth, A., Whalley, C., Poxon, C., Wanigasooriya, K., Pickles, O., Aldera, E. L., …Beggs, A. D. (in press). Rapid implementation and validation of a cold-chain free SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing workflow to support surge capacity. Journal of Clinical Virology, 128, Article 104469.

Background In January 2020 reports of unidentified severe respiratory illness were described in Wuhan, China. A rapid expansion in cases affecting most countries around the globe led to major changes in the way people live their daily lives. In the U... Read More about Rapid implementation and validation of a cold-chain free SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing workflow to support surge capacity.

Muscle overexpression of Klf15 via an AAV8-Spc5-12 construct does not provide benefits in spinal muscular atrophy mice (2020)
Journal Article
Bowerman, Ahlskog, N., Hayler, D., Krueger, A., Kubinski, S., Claus, P., …Bowerman, M. (2020). Muscle overexpression of Klf15 via an AAV8-Spc5-12 construct does not provide benefits in spinal muscular atrophy mice. Gene Therapy, 27, 505–515.

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neuromuscular disease caused by loss of the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene. While there are currently two approved gene-based therapies for SMA, availability, high cost, and differences in patient response indicat... Read More about Muscle overexpression of Klf15 via an AAV8-Spc5-12 construct does not provide benefits in spinal muscular atrophy mice.

Molecular characterisation of human atopic asthma and house dust mite induced pulmonary inflammation in a murine experimental model (2020)
Whittle, E. L. (2020). Molecular characterisation of human atopic asthma and house dust mite induced pulmonary inflammation in a murine experimental model. (Thesis). Keele University

Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases of the 21st century, affecting over 300 million people worldwide 1. It is an inflammatory disorder of the airways that is a major public concern globally due to increasing prevalence and rates of mort... Read More about Molecular characterisation of human atopic asthma and house dust mite induced pulmonary inflammation in a murine experimental model.