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Simmel’s (non-human) humanism: On Simmel’s ‘ethics of endings and futures’ (2020)
Journal Article
featherstone. (2020). Simmel’s (non-human) humanism: On Simmel’s ‘ethics of endings and futures’. Journal of Classical Sociology, 21(2), 203-220.

Given the recent non-human turn in sociology and the social sciences, the popularity of theories of entanglement, and contemporary concern with the concept of the anthropocene, it is easy to forget that classical sociology was always-already aware of... Read More about Simmel’s (non-human) humanism: On Simmel’s ‘ethics of endings and futures’.

Introduction: Towards a Sociology of Debt (2019)
Book Chapter
Featherstone. (2019). Introduction: Towards a Sociology of Debt. In The sociology of debt (1-26)

This collection brings together a range of perspectives of key thinkers on debt to provide a sociological analysis focused upon the social, political, economic, and cultural meanings of indebtedness.

Ecologies of Indebtedness (2019)
Book Chapter
Featherstone. (2019). Ecologies of Indebtedness. In The sociology of debt

This collection brings together a range of perspectives of key thinkers on debt to provide a sociological analysis focused upon the social, political, economic, and cultural meanings of indebtedness.

Against the Humiliation of Thought: The university as a space of dystopic destruction and utopian potential (2019)
Journal Article
Featherstone. (2019). Against the Humiliation of Thought: The university as a space of dystopic destruction and utopian potential. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51(3), 297-309.

My objective in this paper is to write a pharmacology of the university by thinking about its relationship to systemic stupidity, intelligence, and the possibility of becoming. Starting with an exploration of the contemporary dystopia of drive-based... Read More about Against the Humiliation of Thought: The university as a space of dystopic destruction and utopian potential.

Luxus: A Thanatology of Luxury from Nero to Bataille (2016)
Journal Article
Featherstone. (2016). Luxus: A Thanatology of Luxury from Nero to Bataille. Cultural Politics, 66-82.

In this article, I seek to explore the psychopolitical significance of the contemporary idea of luxury through reference to the Roman concept of luxus, which means excess, extravagance, indulgence, and debauchery. In the first section of the article,... Read More about Luxus: A Thanatology of Luxury from Nero to Bataille.