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Securing sustainability and access to energy in low- and middle-income countries: opportunities for the ‘Hayah Karima’ programme in Egypt (2022)
Journal Article
George. (2022). Securing sustainability and access to energy in low- and middle-income countries: opportunities for the ‘Hayah Karima’ programme in Egypt

“Hayah Karima” or “Decent Life” is a national initiative that aims to improve the quality of life and provide better services in rural and unplanned settlements in Egypt within the framework of the Sustainable Development Strategy: Egypt Vision 2030.... Read More about Securing sustainability and access to energy in low- and middle-income countries: opportunities for the ‘Hayah Karima’ programme in Egypt.

Populism, scandal management and state-facilitated “covid-corruption” in the United Kingdom (2021)
Journal Article
Corcoran. (2021). Populism, scandal management and state-facilitated “covid-corruption” in the United Kingdom. Archiwum Medycyny Sądowej i Kryminologii, 39-61.

The pandemic presented a uniquely unrestricted bonanza in many countries for opportunistic profitmaking at the public expense. In the United Kingdom, this took the form of collusion between senior political figures and business associates in purchasi... Read More about Populism, scandal management and state-facilitated “covid-corruption” in the United Kingdom.

A commitment to marginalized children in the European Union: The hope and challenges of the EU Child Guarantee (2021)
Journal Article
Rigby, M. J. (2022). A commitment to marginalized children in the European Union: The hope and challenges of the EU Child Guarantee. Child: Care, Health and Development, 48(1), 170-174.

While children in general are usually seen as a societal priority, many children are disadvantaged by marginalization, with adverse effects on health and development. Following feasibility studies, the European Commission has now adopted a formal Chi... Read More about A commitment to marginalized children in the European Union: The hope and challenges of the EU Child Guarantee.

'We did everything we could': An account of toxic leadership (2021)
Journal Article
Paton, C. (2021). 'We did everything we could': An account of toxic leadership. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 36(6), 1972-1989.

BACKGROUND: The UK government's reckless and incompetent response to Covid-19 has produced an outcome which is amongst the worst in the world, and arguably the worst in terms of deaths per 100,000 population of major countries (especially when one me... Read More about 'We did everything we could': An account of toxic leadership.

The international politics of COP26 (2021)
Journal Article
Vogler. (2021). The international politics of COP26. Scottish Geographical Journal, 136(1-4), 31 - 35.

This paper considers the international political context of the UK presidency of COP26 and reflects upon past experience in which climate change discussions, despite their distinctive nature, cannot be effectively isolated from great power politics.... Read More about The international politics of COP26.

World-beating? Testing Britain's Covid response and tracing the explanation. (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). World-beating? Testing Britain's Covid response and tracing the explanation. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 238-245.

The UK, and England in particular, has suffered egregiously poor outcomes in managing the Covid-19 pandemic. This short perspective points to the explanation in terms of both current British politics and the public health policy inheritance. Boris Jo... Read More about World-beating? Testing Britain's Covid response and tracing the explanation..

Insouciance and inexperience: A deadly combination when dealing with COVID-19. (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Insouciance and inexperience: A deadly combination when dealing with COVID-19. International Journal of Health Planning and Management,

This article gives key reasons for the UK's tardy and confused attempts to react to the COVID-19 pandemic. It explains very poor outcomes in the UK (in terms of the spread of the virus and high mortality, already striking at the time of writing), in... Read More about Insouciance and inexperience: A deadly combination when dealing with COVID-19..

Fragility within Stability: the state, the clan and resilience in Somaliland (2020)
Journal Article
Richards. (2020). Fragility within Stability: the state, the clan and resilience in Somaliland. Third World Quarterly, 41(6), 1067-1083.

Even in the context of a relatively flourishing state, fragility can be an enduring feature of a political system, particularly in the case of recently established or unrecognised states. This article examines the nature of statebuilding in a specifi... Read More about Fragility within Stability: the state, the clan and resilience in Somaliland.

What hampers ‘political’ action in environmental alternative action organizations? Exploring the scope for strategic agency under post-political conditions (2019)
Journal Article
Doherty, & Catney. (2019). What hampers ‘political’ action in environmental alternative action organizations? Exploring the scope for strategic agency under post-political conditions. Social Movement Studies,

The proliferation of environmental alternative action organization (EAAOs) is a defining feature of present-day environmentalism. The literature on sustainable materialism has celebrated this as an appropriate, effective, and above all, political str... Read More about What hampers ‘political’ action in environmental alternative action organizations? Exploring the scope for strategic agency under post-political conditions.

Intra-Sunni contestations in contemporary Lebanon: A framing-theory approach to the analysis of political divides within Lebanon’s Sunni demographic (2005-2016) (2019)
El Sayed, M. (2019). Intra-Sunni contestations in contemporary Lebanon: A framing-theory approach to the analysis of political divides within Lebanon’s Sunni demographic (2005-2016). (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The aim of this research is to examine how the Lebanese Sunni political actors frame intra-Sunni political division in Lebanon. The research draws on Max Weber’s “interpretivist” approach of understanding (Verstehen), which denotes that reality is so... Read More about Intra-Sunni contestations in contemporary Lebanon: A framing-theory approach to the analysis of political divides within Lebanon’s Sunni demographic (2005-2016).

Maritime security: the uncharted politics of the global sea (2019)
Journal Article
Bueger, C., Edmunds, T., & Ryan, B. (2019). Maritime security: the uncharted politics of the global sea. International Affairs, 95(5), 971-978.

In this introduction to a special section of the September 2019 issue of International Affairs, we revisit the main themes and arguments of our article ‘Beyond seablindness: a new agenda for maritime security studies’, published in this journal in No... Read More about Maritime security: the uncharted politics of the global sea.

Political parties and climate policy: A new approach to measuring parties' climate policy preferences (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Political parties and climate policy: A new approach to measuring parties' climate policy preferences. Party Politics, 731-742.

This study presents an innovative approach to hand-coding parties' policy preferences in the relatively new, cross-sectoral field of climate change mitigation policy. It applies this approach to party manifestos in six countries, comparing the prefer... Read More about Political parties and climate policy: A new approach to measuring parties' climate policy preferences.

How do sectoral policies support climate compatible development? An empirical analysis focusing on southern Africa (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). How do sectoral policies support climate compatible development? An empirical analysis focusing on southern Africa. Environmental Science and Policy, 9 -15.

Promoting inclusive and sustainable economic and social development whilst simultaneously adapting to climate change impacts and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions – Climate Compatible Development (CCD) – requires coherent policy approaches that spa... Read More about How do sectoral policies support climate compatible development? An empirical analysis focusing on southern Africa.

Resilient hearts: making affective citizens for neoliberal times (2017)
Journal Article
Corcoran. (2017). Resilient hearts: making affective citizens for neoliberal times

Civil society is regaining critical relevance after decades of attempts to suborn non-governmental organisations and more recent governmental manoeuvres in Western democracies to control activists and social advocates (Civicus, 2016:31-32). In this a... Read More about Resilient hearts: making affective citizens for neoliberal times.

‘Ambiguity, Existence, Cosmopolitanism: Simone de Beauvoir and a Global Theory of Feminist Recognition’ (2016)
Book Chapter
Mookherjee. (2016). ‘Ambiguity, Existence, Cosmopolitanism: Simone de Beauvoir and a Global Theory of Feminist Recognition’. In Recognition and Global Politics: Critical encounters between state and world.

This chapter critically assesses the ability of Nancy Fraser’s status model of recognition to foster an international, or ‘cosmopolitan’, feminist theory of recognition. Fraser’s tripartite account of recognition, redistribution and political represe... Read More about ‘Ambiguity, Existence, Cosmopolitanism: Simone de Beauvoir and a Global Theory of Feminist Recognition’.

State, Nation, Society: The Congruency Fantasy and the In/Security of the Body-National/Social (2016)
Journal Article
Mandelbaum, M. (2016). State, Nation, Society: The Congruency Fantasy and the In/Security of the Body-National/Social. Critical Studies on Security,

Taking cue from Foucault’s Society Must be Defended and drawing on the Lacanian concept of fantasy this paper puts forwards an analytic of in/security by focusing on the fantasy of congruency of state, nation and society. I argue that this ideal of c... Read More about State, Nation, Society: The Congruency Fantasy and the In/Security of the Body-National/Social.

Justification, Critique and Deliberative Legitimacy: The Limits of Mini-Publics (2016)
Journal Article
Böker, M. (2016). Justification, Critique and Deliberative Legitimacy: The Limits of Mini-Publics. Contemporary Political Theory, 16, 19-40.

I contend that the popular ‘mini-publics’ approach to implementing deliberation in practice is unable to realize deliberative democracy in a way that fulfills the deliberative democratic standard of legitimacy. Deliberative democratic legitimacy requ... Read More about Justification, Critique and Deliberative Legitimacy: The Limits of Mini-Publics.