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'Th'Extended Dream': Pope's Play with Sexual and Textual Instabilities, 1705-1737 (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). 'Th'Extended Dream': Pope's Play with Sexual and Textual Instabilities, 1705-1737. Modern Language Review, 822-841.

Pope's poems about love have a recurrent motif: a male lover, powerful but otherwise absent, appears in a dream. In the ‘Pastorals’, ‘Sapho to Phaon’, The Rape of the Lock, ‘Eloisa to Abelard’, ‘Ode to Venus’, and To Arbuthnot, this lover focuses the... Read More about 'Th'Extended Dream': Pope's Play with Sexual and Textual Instabilities, 1705-1737.

The Talke of the Towne: News, Crime and the Public Sphere is 17th Century London (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). The Talke of the Towne: News, Crime and the Public Sphere is 17th Century London. Cultural and Social History, 549-564.

This article reconsiders ideas of the public sphere in the seventeenth century, by focusing on how public opinion is shaped by the movement of information between media and between receivers. It contends that the scholarly preoccupation with a public... Read More about The Talke of the Towne: News, Crime and the Public Sphere is 17th Century London.

The Talke of the Towne: News, Crime and the Public Sphere in Seven (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). The Talke of the Towne: News, Crime and the Public Sphere in Seven. Cultural and Social History,

This article reconsiders ideas of the public sphere in the seventeenth century, by focusing on how public opinion is shaped by the movement o information between media and between receivers. It contends that the scholarly preoccupation with a public... Read More about The Talke of the Towne: News, Crime and the Public Sphere in Seven.

In One We Shall Be Slower: Byron, Retribution and Forgiveness (2017)
Journal Article
Shears, J. (2017). In One We Shall Be Slower: Byron, Retribution and Forgiveness. Christianity and Literature, 193-212.

While Byron is a poet often associated with feelings of resentment and anger, he is usually marginalized when it comes to the topic of forgiveness in the Romantic period. If forgiveness is debated in Byron then it is usually dominated by the suspicio... Read More about In One We Shall Be Slower: Byron, Retribution and Forgiveness.