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Using Convolutional Neural Network for Edge Detection in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Images (2016)
Conference Proceeding
Jabbar, S. I., Day, C. R., Heinz, N., & Chadwick, E. K. (2016). Using Convolutional Neural Network for Edge Detection in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Images. In 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)

Fast and accurate segmentation of musculoskeletal ultrasound images is an on-going challenge. Two principal factors make this task difficult: firstly, the presence of speckle noise arising from the interference that accompanies all coherent imaging a... Read More about Using Convolutional Neural Network for Edge Detection in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Images.

Analysis of the dynamics of temporal relationships of neural activities using optical imaging data (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Analysis of the dynamics of temporal relationships of neural activities using optical imaging data. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 107-121.

The temporal relationship between the activities of neurons in biological neural systems is critically important for the correct delivery of the functionality of these systems. Fine measurement of temporal relationships of neural activities using mic... Read More about Analysis of the dynamics of temporal relationships of neural activities using optical imaging data.

Unsupervised home monitoring of Parkinson's disease motor symptoms using body-worn accelerometers (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Unsupervised home monitoring of Parkinson's disease motor symptoms using body-worn accelerometers.

Current PD assessment methods have inherent limitations. There is need for an objective method to assist clinical decisions and to facilitate evaluation of treatments. Accelerometers, and analysis using artificial neural networks (ANN),... Read More about Unsupervised home monitoring of Parkinson's disease motor symptoms using body-worn accelerometers.

Learner Analytics; The Need for User-Centred Design in Learning Analytics (2016)
Journal Article
Kyriacou, & De Quincey. (2016). Learner Analytics; The Need for User-Centred Design in Learning Analytics.

The interaction and interface design of Learning Analytics systems is often based upon the ability of the developer to extract information from disparate sources and not on the types of data and interpretive needs of the user. Current systems also te... Read More about Learner Analytics; The Need for User-Centred Design in Learning Analytics.

Optogenetics in Silicon: A Neural Processor for Predicting Optically Active Neural Networks (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Optogenetics in Silicon: A Neural Processor for Predicting Optically Active Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 15-27.

We present a reconfigurable neural processor for real-time simulation and prediction of opto-neural behaviour. We combined a detailed Hodgkin-Huxley CA3 neuron integrated with a four-state Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) model into reconfigurable silicon h... Read More about Optogenetics in Silicon: A Neural Processor for Predicting Optically Active Neural Networks.

Open-Ended Evolution: Perspectives from the OEE1 Workshop in York (2016)
Journal Article
Channon. (2016). Open-Ended Evolution: Perspectives from the OEE1 Workshop in York. Artificial Life, 408-423.

We describe the content and outcomes of the First Workshop on Open-Ended Evolution: Recent Progress and Future Milestones (OEE1), held during the ECAL 2015 conference at the University of York, UK, in July 2015. We briefly summarize the content of th... Read More about Open-Ended Evolution: Perspectives from the OEE1 Workshop in York.

Follow #eHealth2011: Measuring the Role and Effectiveness of Online and Social Media in Increasing the Outreach of a Scientific Conference (2016)
Journal Article
Winandy, M., Kostkova, P., de Quincey, E., St Louis, C., & Szomszor, M. (2016). Follow #eHealth2011: Measuring the Role and Effectiveness of Online and Social Media in Increasing the Outreach of a Scientific Conference. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 18(7), Article e191.

Background: Social media promotion is increasingly adopted by organizers of industry and academic events; however, the success of social media strategies is rarely questioned or the real impact scientifically analyzed. Objective: We propose a framewo... Read More about Follow #eHealth2011: Measuring the Role and Effectiveness of Online and Social Media in Increasing the Outreach of a Scientific Conference.

SocioGlass: Social interaction assistance with face recognition on google glass (2016)
Journal Article
Mandal, B. (2016). SocioGlass: Social interaction assistance with face recognition on google glass.

We present SocioGlass - a system built on Google Glass paired with a mobile phone that provides a user with in-situ information about an acquaintance in face-to-face communication. The system can recognize faces from the live feed of visual input. Ac... Read More about SocioGlass: Social interaction assistance with face recognition on google glass.

From Uruk to Ur: Automated Matching of Virtual Tablet Fragments (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Gehlken, E., Collins, T., Woolley, S., Hanes, L., Lewis, A., Hernandez Munoz, L., & Ch’ng, E. (2016, July). From Uruk to Ur: Automated Matching of Virtual Tablet Fragments. Paper presented at 62nd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale 2016, Ur in the Twenty-First Century CE, Philadelphia

Neuroevolution of Feedback Control for Object Manipulation by 3D Agents (2016)
Book Chapter
Stanton, A., & Channon, A. (2016). Neuroevolution of Feedback Control for Object Manipulation by 3D Agents. In Proceedings of the Artificial Life Conference 2016 (144-151)

Carlos Gershenson, Tom Froese, Jesus M. Siqueiros, Wendy Aguilar, Eduardo J. Izquierdo and Hiroki Sayama

A Mean Field Game Theoretic Approach to Electric Vehicles Charging (2016)
Journal Article
Fan. (2016). A Mean Field Game Theoretic Approach to Electric Vehicles Charging. IEEE Access, 3501 -3510.

Electric vehicles (EVs) provide environmentally friendly transport and they are considered to be an important component of distributed and mobile electric energy storage and supply system. It is possible that EVs can be used to store and transport en... Read More about A Mean Field Game Theoretic Approach to Electric Vehicles Charging.

Robust Statistical Methods for Empirical Software Engineering (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Robust Statistical Methods for Empirical Software Engineering. Empirical Software Engineering, 579- 630.

There have been many changes in statistical theory in the past 30 years, including increased evidence that non-robust methods may fail to detect important results. The statistical advice available to software engineering researchers needs to be updat... Read More about Robust Statistical Methods for Empirical Software Engineering.

Impact of Smart Metering Data Aggregation on Distribution System State Estimation (2016)
Journal Article
Fan. (2016). Impact of Smart Metering Data Aggregation on Distribution System State Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 1426 - 1437.

Pseudo MV/LV (Medium/Low Voltage) transformer loads are usually used as partial inputs to the Distribution System
State Estimation (DSSE) in MV systems. Such pseudo load can be represented by the aggregation of Smart Metering (SM) data. This follows... Read More about Impact of Smart Metering Data Aggregation on Distribution System State Estimation.

Mitigating inter-cluster interference on the uplink for a three-cell clustered cooperative network (2016)
Journal Article
Fan. (2016). Mitigating inter-cluster interference on the uplink for a three-cell clustered cooperative network. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking,

In this paper, we propose a practical and scalable solution to mitigating interference on the uplink through static clustering and adaptive fractional frequency reuse (CFFR). The focus is on a three-cell clustered network due to its low complexity. M... Read More about Mitigating inter-cluster interference on the uplink for a three-cell clustered cooperative network.

MedHelp: Enhancing medication compliance for demented elderly people with wearable visual intelligence (2016)
Journal Article
Mandal, B. (2016). MedHelp: Enhancing medication compliance for demented elderly people with wearable visual intelligence.

Dementia results in much stress in senior citizens and and immensely affects their quality of life. It also incurs huge financial and emotional burdens to their family members. Personal information assistance may alleviate such a problem by enhancing... Read More about MedHelp: Enhancing medication compliance for demented elderly people with wearable visual intelligence.