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Erosive osteoarthritis: a more severe form of radiographic hand osteoarthritis rather than a distinct entity? (2014)
Journal Article
Marshall, M., Nicholls, E., Kwok, W., Peat, G., Kloppenburg, M., Van Der Windt, D., …Dziedzic, K. (2014). Erosive osteoarthritis: a more severe form of radiographic hand osteoarthritis rather than a distinct entity?. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 74(1), 136 - 141.

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether erosive osteoarthritis shares the same pattern of joint involvement and risk profile as increasing grades of non-erosive hand osteoarthritis. METHODS: Participants were from two population-based cohorts, aged =50 year... Read More about Erosive osteoarthritis: a more severe form of radiographic hand osteoarthritis rather than a distinct entity?.

Measurement properties of asthma-specific quality-of-life measures: protocol for a systematic review (2014)
Journal Article
Apfelbacher, C., Paudyal, P., Bülbül, A., & Smith, H. (2014). Measurement properties of asthma-specific quality-of-life measures: protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews,

Background Asthma is a frequent chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, and the assessment of health-related quality of life (HrQoL) is important in both research and routine care. Various asthma-specific measures of HrQoL exist but there is unc... Read More about Measurement properties of asthma-specific quality-of-life measures: protocol for a systematic review.

The impact of chronic venous leg ulcers: a systematic review. (2014)
Journal Article
Green, J., Jester, R., McKinley, R., & Pooler, A. (2014). The impact of chronic venous leg ulcers: a systematic review. Journal of Wound Care, 601 - 612.

OBJECTIVE: Chronic venous leg ulcers are common, intractable and often recurrent, but care tends to be wound focused, potentially overlooking the significant impact the condition has on patients' lives. A systematic review was undertaken to explore t... Read More about The impact of chronic venous leg ulcers: a systematic review..

PICO, PICOS and SPIDER: a comparison study of specificity and sensitivity in three search tools for qualitative systematic reviews (2014)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2014). PICO, PICOS and SPIDER: a comparison study of specificity and sensitivity in three search tools for qualitative systematic reviews. BMC Health Services Research,

Qualitative systematic reviews are increasing in popularity in evidence based health care. Difficulties have been reported in conducting literature searches of qualitative research using the PICO search tool. An alternative search tool, e... Read More about PICO, PICOS and SPIDER: a comparison study of specificity and sensitivity in three search tools for qualitative systematic reviews.

CASPER plus (CollAborative Care in Screen-Positive EldeRs with major depressive disorder): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. (2014)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2014). CASPER plus (CollAborative Care in Screen-Positive EldeRs with major depressive disorder): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials,

Depression accounts for the greatest disease burden of all mental health disorders, contributes heavily to healthcare costs, and by 2020 is set to become the second largest cause of global disability. Although 10% to 16% of people aged 65... Read More about CASPER plus (CollAborative Care in Screen-Positive EldeRs with major depressive disorder): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial..

Large portion sizes increase bite size and eating rate in overweight women. (2014)
Journal Article
Solis-Trapala. (2014). Large portion sizes increase bite size and eating rate in overweight women. Physiology and Behavior, 297 - 302.

OBJECTIVE: Larger food portions lead to increased intake but the mechanism behind this effect is unclear. We investigated the effect of portion size on bite size, eating rate, deceleration rate, and meal duration. DESIGN AND METHODS: Thirty-seven ove... Read More about Large portion sizes increase bite size and eating rate in overweight women..

Ageism and Autonomy in Health Care: Explorations through a relational lens (2014)
Journal Article
Pritchard-Jones. (2014). Ageism and Autonomy in Health Care: Explorations through a relational lens. Health Care Analysis, 72-89.

Ageism within the context of care has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Similarly, autonomy has developed into a prominent concept within health care law and ethics. This paper explores the way that ageism, understood as a set of negati... Read More about Ageism and Autonomy in Health Care: Explorations through a relational lens.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation as adjunct to primary care management for tennis elbow: (2014)
Journal Article
Chesterton, L. S., Lewis, A. M., Sim, J., Mallen, C. D., Mason, E. E., Hay, E. M., & van der Windt, D. A. (2014). Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation as adjunct to primary care management for tennis elbow:. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 1458 - ?.

Can transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), as a patient controlled adjunct to primary care management for tennis elbow, provide superior pain relief to primary care management alone.

Quality of care for OA: the effect of a point-of-care consultation recording template. (2014)
Journal Article
Edwards, J. J., Jordan, K. P., Peat, G., Bedson, J., Croft, P. R., Hay, E. M., & Dziedzic, K. S. (2015). Quality of care for OA: the effect of a point-of-care consultation recording template. Rheumatology, 54(5), 844-853.

OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to determine the feasibility of introducing a computerized template for identifying quality of care during an OA consultation, describe quality of OA care in practices in which the template was introduced and as... Read More about Quality of care for OA: the effect of a point-of-care consultation recording template..

Effect of information and telephone-guided access to community support for people with chronic kidney disease: randomised controlled trial. (2014)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham, C. (2014). Effect of information and telephone-guided access to community support for people with chronic kidney disease: randomised controlled trial. PloS one, e109135 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Implementation of self-management support in traditional primary care settings has proved difficult, encouraging the development of alternative models which actively link to community resources. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common co... Read More about Effect of information and telephone-guided access to community support for people with chronic kidney disease: randomised controlled trial..

A systematic review finds variable use of the intention-to-treat principle in musculoskeletal randomized controlled trials with missing data (2014)
Journal Article
Joseph, R., Sim, J., Ogollah, R., & Lewis, M. (2015). A systematic review finds variable use of the intention-to-treat principle in musculoskeletal randomized controlled trials with missing data. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 15 - 24.

OBJECTIVES: In randomized trials, the primary analysis should be consistent with the intention-to-treat (ITT) principle and should address missing data appropriately to draw valid inferences. This review focuses on current practices relating to the I... Read More about A systematic review finds variable use of the intention-to-treat principle in musculoskeletal randomized controlled trials with missing data.

Sleep Apnea and Risk of Incident Gout: A Population-Based Body-Mass Index Matched Cohort Study. (2014)
Journal Article
Roddy. (2014). Sleep Apnea and Risk of Incident Gout: A Population-Based Body-Mass Index Matched Cohort Study. Arthritis and Rheumatology, S72 - S72.

Sleep apnea is associated with hyperuricemia owing to hypoxia-induced nucleotide turnover. We undertook this study to assess the relationship between incident sleep apnea and the risk of incident gout.

Using data from The Healt... Read More about Sleep Apnea and Risk of Incident Gout: A Population-Based Body-Mass Index Matched Cohort Study..

Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition versus enalapril in heart failure. (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition versus enalapril in heart failure. New England Journal of Medicine, 993 - 1004.

BACKGROUND: We compared the angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor LCZ696 with enalapril in patients who had heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction. In previous studies, enalapril improved survival in such patients. METHODS: In this double... Read More about Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition versus enalapril in heart failure..

The effectiveness of collaborative care for people with memory problems in primary care: results of the CAREDEM case management modelling and feasibility study. (2014)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2014). The effectiveness of collaborative care for people with memory problems in primary care: results of the CAREDEM case management modelling and feasibility study. Health Technology Assessment, 1 - 148.

People with dementia and their families need support in different forms, but currently services are often fragmented with variable quality of care. Case management offers a way of co-ordinating services along the care pathway and therefor... Read More about The effectiveness of collaborative care for people with memory problems in primary care: results of the CAREDEM case management modelling and feasibility study..

Knowledge and Attitudes towards Psychological Counselling and Guidance among Undergraduates in Sri Lanka (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Knowledge and Attitudes towards Psychological Counselling and Guidance among Undergraduates in Sri Lanka

Introduction: Students are the major recipients of psychological guidance and counselling services in a university setting where each student is enable to derive optimal educational benefits so as to actualize his/her potentialities. Students face gr... Read More about Knowledge and Attitudes towards Psychological Counselling and Guidance among Undergraduates in Sri Lanka.

Feasibility trial of GP and case-managed support for workplace sickness absence. (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Feasibility trial of GP and case-managed support for workplace sickness absence. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 252 - 261.

UNLABELLED: Aim Our aim was to compare the return-to-work rates between individuals supported by their GP plus workplace health advisers (intervention group) and those supported by their GP alone. BACKGROUND: Workplace sickness absence places a signi... Read More about Feasibility trial of GP and case-managed support for workplace sickness absence..

What is wrong with NHS leadership development? (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). What is wrong with NHS leadership development?. British Journal of Healthcare Management,

2014 will see the advent of a new fast-track leadership development scheme (costing some £10 million) for the NHS in England which aims to combine development for senior NHS clinicians with advancement for managers from outside the NHS. Following com... Read More about What is wrong with NHS leadership development?.

Chronic pain and mortality: a systematic review (2014)
Journal Article
Smith, D., Wilkie, R., Uthman, O., Jordan, J. L., & McBeth, J. (2014). Chronic pain and mortality: a systematic review. PloS one, 9(6), Article e99048.

Chronic pain is common, often widespread and has a substantial impact on health and quality of life. The relationship between chronic pain and mortality is unclear. This systematic review aimed to identify and evaluate evidence for a relationship bet... Read More about Chronic pain and mortality: a systematic review.

The relationship of individual and neighbourhood deprivation with morbidity in older adults: an observational study. (2014)
Journal Article
Jordan, K. P., Hayward, R., Roberts, E., Edwards, J. J., & Kadam, U. T. (2014). The relationship of individual and neighbourhood deprivation with morbidity in older adults: an observational study. European Journal of Public Health, 396 - 398.

The objective was to determine the relative association of social class and neighbourhood deprivation with primary care consultation for eight morbidities. In 18,047 survey responders aged =50 years, living in more deprived neighbourhoods was indepen... Read More about The relationship of individual and neighbourhood deprivation with morbidity in older adults: an observational study..