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Parents’ intention to vaccinate their child for COVID-19: a mixed-methods study (CoVAccS – wave 3) (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, L., Sherman, S., Sim, J., Amlôt, R., Cutts, M., Dasch, H., …Rubin, G. (2022). Parents’ intention to vaccinate their child for COVID-19: a mixed-methods study (CoVAccS – wave 3). PloS one,

Aim: To investigate UK parents’ vaccination intention at a time when COVID-19 vaccination was available to some children.

Methods: Data reported are from the second wave of a prospective cohort study. We conducted a mixed-methods study using an on... Read More about Parents’ intention to vaccinate their child for COVID-19: a mixed-methods study (CoVAccS – wave 3).

A social identity perspective on interoperability in the emergency services: Emergency responders' experiences of multiagency working during the COVID‐19 response in the UK (2022)
Journal Article
Davidson, L., Carter, H., Amlôt, R., Drury, J., Haslam, S. A., Radburn, M., & Stott, C. (2022). A social identity perspective on interoperability in the emergency services: Emergency responders' experiences of multiagency working during the COVID‐19 response in the UK. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 31(3), 353-371.

Recent research has shown that multiagency emergency response is beset by a range of challenges, calling for a greater understanding of the way in which these teams work together to improve future multiagency working. Social psychological research sh... Read More about A social identity perspective on interoperability in the emergency services: Emergency responders' experiences of multiagency working during the COVID‐19 response in the UK.

Mental health and intentions to quit among nurses in Iran during COVID‐19 Pandemic: A social identity approach (2022)
Journal Article
Cakal, H., Keshavarzi, S., Ruhani, A., Dakhil‐Abbasi, G., & Ünver, H. (2022). Mental health and intentions to quit among nurses in Iran during COVID‐19 Pandemic: A social identity approach. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 33(3), 690-707.

The positive effects of social identification on mental health are well documented in the literature. However, most of this research has been conducted among small groups in WEIRD (Western Educated Industrialized Rich and Democratic Henrich, Heine, &... Read More about Mental health and intentions to quit among nurses in Iran during COVID‐19 Pandemic: A social identity approach.

Psychological factors associated with reporting side effects following COVID-19 vaccination: a prospective cohort study (CoVAccS – wave 3) (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, L., Sim, J., Sherman, S., Amlot, R., Cutts, M., Dasch, H., …Rubin, G. (2023). Psychological factors associated with reporting side effects following COVID-19 vaccination: a prospective cohort study (CoVAccS – wave 3). Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 164, Article 111104.

Objective: To investigate symptom reporting following the first and second COVID-19 vaccine doses, attribution of symptoms to the vaccine, and factors associated with symptom reporting.
Methods: Prospective cohort study (T1: 13-15 January 2021, T2:... Read More about Psychological factors associated with reporting side effects following COVID-19 vaccination: a prospective cohort study (CoVAccS – wave 3).

The evolution of primate short-term memory (2022)
Journal Article
Grange. (2022). The evolution of primate short-term memory. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 428-516.

Short-term memory is implicated in a range of cognitive abilities and is critical for understanding primate cognitive evolution. To investigate the effects of phylogeny, ecology and sociality on short-term memory, we tested the largest and most diver... Read More about The evolution of primate short-term memory.

Secondary transfer effect and intergroup solidarity: alternative processes of generalisation (2022)
Unver, H. (2022). Secondary transfer effect and intergroup solidarity: alternative processes of generalisation. (Thesis). Keele University

Through a series of six studies (Studies 1, 5, and 6 involves two groups), this thesis focuses on a relatively understudied dimension of intergroup contact, i.e. secondary transfer effect (STE; Pettigrew, 2009). More specifically, the thesis investig... Read More about Secondary transfer effect and intergroup solidarity: alternative processes of generalisation.

Can we mitigate the psychological impacts of social isolation using behavioural activation? Long-term results of the UK BASIL urgent public health COVID-19 pilot randomised controlled trial and living systematic review. (2022)
Journal Article
Chew-Graham. (2022). Can we mitigate the psychological impacts of social isolation using behavioural activation? Long-term results of the UK BASIL urgent public health COVID-19 pilot randomised controlled trial and living systematic review. Evidence-Based Mental Health,

BACKGROUND: Behavioural and cognitive interventions remain credible approaches in addressing loneliness and depression. There was a need to rapidly generate and assimilate trial-based data during COVID-19. OBJECTIVES: We undertook a parallel pilot RC... Read More about Can we mitigate the psychological impacts of social isolation using behavioural activation? Long-term results of the UK BASIL urgent public health COVID-19 pilot randomised controlled trial and living systematic review..

Has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced suicide rates differentially according to socioeconomic indices and ethnicity? More evidence is needed globally (2022)
Journal Article
Dekel, D., Eyles, E., Marchant, A., Mughal, F., Webb, R., John, A., …Schmidt, L. (2022). Has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced suicide rates differentially according to socioeconomic indices and ethnicity? More evidence is needed globally. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 1-4.

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The COVID-19 pandemic has harmed many people's mental health globally. Whilst the evidence generated thus far from high-income countries regarding the pandemic's impact on suicide rates is generally reassurin... Read More about Has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced suicide rates differentially according to socioeconomic indices and ethnicity? More evidence is needed globally.

The power of swearing: What we know and what we don’t (2022)
Journal Article
Stapleton, K., Loveday, C., Stephens, R., & Beers Fägersten, K. (2022). The power of swearing: What we know and what we don’t. Lingua, -.

Swearing produces effects that are not observed with other forms of language use. Thus, swearing is powerful. It generates a range of distinctive outcomes: physiological, cognitive, emotional, pain-relieving, interactional and rhetorical. However, we... Read More about The power of swearing: What we know and what we don’t.

Moral psychology of nursing robots: Exploring the role of robots in dilemmas of patient autonomy (2022)
Journal Article
Laakasuo, M., Palomäki, J., Kunnari, A., Rauhala, S., Drosinou, M., Halonen, J., …Francis, K. B. (2023). Moral psychology of nursing robots: Exploring the role of robots in dilemmas of patient autonomy. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(1), 108-128.

Artificial intelligences (AIs) are widely used in tasks ranging from transportation to healthcare and military, but it is not yet known how people prefer them to act in ethically difficult situations. In five studies (an anthropological field study,... Read More about Moral psychology of nursing robots: Exploring the role of robots in dilemmas of patient autonomy.

Epistemological process towards decolonial praxis and epistemic inequality of an international student (2022)
Journal Article
Hayes, A., Lomer, S., & Hayat Taha, S. (2024). Epistemological process towards decolonial praxis and epistemic inequality of an international student. Educational Review, 76(1), 132-144.

This paper focuses on the epistemic inequality of international students as a “new” inequality that is under-represented in the current debates about decolonisation (albeit shaped by colonial discourses depicting international students as in deficit... Read More about Epistemological process towards decolonial praxis and epistemic inequality of an international student.

One-session treatment for specific phobias: Barriers, facilitators and acceptability as perceived by children &amp; young people, parents, and clinicians (2022)
Journal Article
Bee, P., Barr, A., Edwards, H., Lomas, J., Tindall, L., Scott, A., …Solaiman, K. (2022). One-session treatment for specific phobias: Barriers, facilitators and acceptability as perceived by children &amp; young people, parents, and clinicians. PloS one, 17(9), Article e0274424.

Between 2015 and 2020 the Alleviating Specific Phobias Experienced by Children Trial (ASPECT) was conducted in the UK to examine the non-inferiority of One-Session Treatment in comparison to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy based interventions for child... Read More about One-session treatment for specific phobias: Barriers, facilitators and acceptability as perceived by children &amp; young people, parents, and clinicians.

The Impact of Colleague Suicide and the Current State of Postvention Guidance for Affected Co-Workers: A Critical Integrative Review (2022)
Journal Article
Causer, H., Spiers, J., Efstathiou, N., Aston, S., Chew-Graham, C. A., Gopfert, A., …Riley, R. (2022). The Impact of Colleague Suicide and the Current State of Postvention Guidance for Affected Co-Workers: A Critical Integrative Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18), 1-24.

People bereaved by suicide are affected psychologically and physically and may be at greater risk of taking their own lives. Whilst researchers have explored the impact of suicide on family members and friends, the area of colleague suicide has been... Read More about The Impact of Colleague Suicide and the Current State of Postvention Guidance for Affected Co-Workers: A Critical Integrative Review.

Validity testing of the conspiratorial thinking and anti-expert sentiment scales during the COVID-19 pandemic across 24 languages from a large-scale global dataset (2022)
Journal Article
Han, H., M. Blackburn, A., Jeftić, A., Phuong Tran, T., Stöckli, S., Reifler, J., & Vestergren, S. (2022). Validity testing of the conspiratorial thinking and anti-expert sentiment scales during the COVID-19 pandemic across 24 languages from a large-scale global dataset. Epidemiology and Infection, 150, Article e167.

In this study, we tested the validity across two scales addressing conspiratorial thinking that may influence behaviors related to public health and the COVID-19 pandemic. Using the COVIDiSTRESSII Global Survey data from 12,261 participants, we valid... Read More about Validity testing of the conspiratorial thinking and anti-expert sentiment scales during the COVID-19 pandemic across 24 languages from a large-scale global dataset.

Time structures in ethnomethodological and conversation analysis studies of practical activity (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). Time structures in ethnomethodological and conversation analysis studies of practical activity. Sociological Review, -.

<jats:p> Time is regarded as the immanent dimension for the social experience. This phenomenologically informed perspective of time is built into the ethnomethodological programme jointly proposed by Garfinkel and Sacks as they set out to uncover soc... Read More about Time structures in ethnomethodological and conversation analysis studies of practical activity.

Which interventions improve HPV vaccination uptake and intention in children, adolescents and young adults? An umbrella review (2022)
Journal Article
Edwards, D., Sherman, S., Baker, P., Kelly, D., Nayab, W. D. -. E. -., Vorsters, A., …Bennett, C. (2022). Which interventions improve HPV vaccination uptake and intention in children, adolescents and young adults? An umbrella review. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 599-607.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination offers protection against the virus responsible for cervical, oropharyngeal, anal, vulval and penile cancers. However, there is considerable variation across, and even within, countries as to how HPV... Read More about Which interventions improve HPV vaccination uptake and intention in children, adolescents and young adults? An umbrella review.

Shared Flashbulb Memories Lead to Identity Fusion: Recalling the Defeat in the Brexit Referendum Produces Strong Psychological Bonds Among Remain Supporters (2022)
Journal Article
Muzzulini, B., van Mulukom, V., Kapitany, R., & Whitehouse, H. (2022). Shared Flashbulb Memories Lead to Identity Fusion: Recalling the Defeat in the Brexit Referendum Produces Strong Psychological Bonds Among Remain Supporters. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 374 - 383.

Identity fusion—a visceral feeling of oneness with a group—is thought to result from the sharing of emotional, often dysphoric, experiences. In this pre-registered longitudinal study, we address the impact of flashbulb memories of learning about the... Read More about Shared Flashbulb Memories Lead to Identity Fusion: Recalling the Defeat in the Brexit Referendum Produces Strong Psychological Bonds Among Remain Supporters.

Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ perspectives on a community-based intervention for schizophrenia in Pakistan: A focus group study (2022)
Journal Article
Ishaq Khattak, M., Dikomitis, L., Firaz Khan, M., Ul Haq, M., Saeed, U., Riaz Awan, N., …Farooq, S. (2022). Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ perspectives on a community-based intervention for schizophrenia in Pakistan: A focus group study. PloS one,

OBJECTIVE: To explore the perceptions and experiences of schizophrenia from patients, their care givers, health care providers, spiritual and traditional healers to develop a community-based intervention for improving treatment adherence for people w... Read More about Patients’ and healthcare professionals’ perspectives on a community-based intervention for schizophrenia in Pakistan: A focus group study.