Lithofacies and age data of Jurassic foreslope and basin sediments of Rudabanya Hills (NE Hungary) and their tectonic interpretation
Journal Article
(2009). Lithofacies and age data of Jurassic foreslope and basin sediments of Rudabanya Hills (NE Hungary) and their tectonic interpretation. Geologica Carpathica, 351 -379.
Jurassic sedimentary rocks of the Telekesvölgy Complex (Bódva Series), Telekesoldal Complex (Telekesoldal Nappe) and the Csipkés Hill olistostrome in Rudabánya Hills (NE Hungary) were sampled for microfacies studies and interpretation of the depositi... Read More about Lithofacies and age data of Jurassic foreslope and basin sediments of Rudabanya Hills (NE Hungary) and their tectonic interpretation.