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Facebook with money: the rise of online brokerage platforms and vulnerable groups (2021)
Journal Article
Pearson. (2021). Facebook with money: the rise of online brokerage platforms and vulnerable groups. Legal Studies, 1 - 19.

<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title> <jats:p>The recent advances in information technology now allow millions of people to trade and invest in an array of financial assets with the help of online brokerage platforms. This allows retail investors to have... Read More about Facebook with money: the rise of online brokerage platforms and vulnerable groups.

Solidarity in the wake of COVID-19: reimagining the International Health Regulations (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Solidarity in the wake of COVID-19: reimagining the International Health Regulations. Lancet,

Amid frenzied national responses to COVID-19, the world could soon reach a critical juncture to revisit and strengthen the International Health Regulations (IHR), the multilateral instrument that governs how 196 states and WHO collectively address th... Read More about Solidarity in the wake of COVID-19: reimagining the International Health Regulations.

Procedural Developments in Investment Arbitration (2020)
Journal Article
(2020). Procedural Developments in Investment Arbitration. Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals, 269 - 303.

This column focuses on procedural developments in recent investment arbitration cases, relying on publicly available interim decisions and final awards, handed down during the period 1 January 2019 to 31 March 2020. Given the large number of new case... Read More about Procedural Developments in Investment Arbitration.

Coronavirus and the homeless: Why increasing police powers is not the answer (2020)
Journal Article
Emmerich, F., & Adams, F. (2020). Coronavirus and the homeless: Why increasing police powers is not the answer

What would be a humane response to the needs of the most vulnerable in society during a humanitarian crisis? Lock them up — that’s what the new Emergency Coronavirus Bill proposes. The Government introduced it on Thursday (March 19) to Parliament. Read More about Coronavirus and the homeless: Why increasing police powers is not the answer.