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Measuring the statistical validity of summary meta-analysis and meta-regression results for use in clinical practice (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). Measuring the statistical validity of summary meta-analysis and meta-regression results for use in clinical practice. Statistics in Medicine, 3283 -3301.

An important question for clinicians appraising a meta-analysis is: are the findings likely to be valid in their own practice-does the reported effect accurately represent the effect that would occur in their own clinical population? To this end we a... Read More about Measuring the statistical validity of summary meta-analysis and meta-regression results for use in clinical practice.

Performance of methods for meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy with few studies or sparse data (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). Performance of methods for meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy with few studies or sparse data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 1896 -1911.

Hierarchical models such as the bivariate and hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristic (HSROC) models are recommended for meta-analysis of test accuracy studies. These models are challenging to fit when there are few studies and/or spar... Read More about Performance of methods for meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy with few studies or sparse data.

Police and cross-border crime in an era of globalisation: The case of the Benin–Nigeria border (2017)
Journal Article
(2017). Police and cross-border crime in an era of globalisation: The case of the Benin–Nigeria border. Security Journal, 859 - 879.

West Africa has become notorious for instability and armed conflict and is increasingly known for transnational criminal networks. Free movement across borders creates security threats in the sub-region. Smugglers, traffickers, terrorists and armed r... Read More about Police and cross-border crime in an era of globalisation: The case of the Benin–Nigeria border.

The effect of ovarian cancer screening on sexual activity and functioning: results from the UK collaborative trial of ovarian cancer screening RCT (2017)
Journal Article
Solis-Trapala. (2017). The effect of ovarian cancer screening on sexual activity and functioning: results from the UK collaborative trial of ovarian cancer screening RCT. British journal of cancer, 1111-1117.

To examine the impact of multimodal (MMS) and ultrasound (USS) screening on the sexual activity and functioning of 22?966 women in the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS) RCT.

Fallowfield’s Sexual Ac... Read More about The effect of ovarian cancer screening on sexual activity and functioning: results from the UK collaborative trial of ovarian cancer screening RCT.

A conceptual understanding of criminality and integrity challenges in food supply chains (2017)
Journal Article
Fassam, L., & Dani, S. (2017). A conceptual understanding of criminality and integrity challenges in food supply chains. British Food Journal, 119(1), 67 - 83.

Purpose: Business, consumers and governmental organisations are harbouring a growing need to gain an appreciation of behaviours connected to food criminality. In order to acquire a cross-functional understanding of these thematic areas (crime and fra... Read More about A conceptual understanding of criminality and integrity challenges in food supply chains.

Does attrition during follow-up of a population cohort study inevitably lead to biased estimates of health status? (2013)
Journal Article
Lacey, R. J., Jordan, K. P., & Croft, P. R. (2013). Does attrition during follow-up of a population cohort study inevitably lead to biased estimates of health status?. PloS one, e83948 - ?.

Attrition is a potential source of bias in cohort studies. Although attrition may be inevitable in cohort studies of older people, there is little empirical evidence as to whether bias due to such attrition is also inevitable. Anonymised primary care... Read More about Does attrition during follow-up of a population cohort study inevitably lead to biased estimates of health status?.

The Development of Entrepreneurial Identity within a HE environment; The COVID-19 Context
Presentation / Conference
McLuskie. The Development of Entrepreneurial Identity within a HE environment; The COVID-19 Context. Presented at ISBE2021, Cardiff

The purpose of this research is to explore the process of identity formation of first year higher education students. This study was designed in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic and data was collected as COVID struck with full force during t... Read More about The Development of Entrepreneurial Identity within a HE environment; The COVID-19 Context.

Design Thinking pedagogy and enterprise education
Presentation / Conference
McLuskie, P., & Dewitt, S. Design Thinking pedagogy and enterprise education. Presented at 14th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Kalamata, Greece