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From Entrepreneur to Undergraduate: Does the University Support or Constrain Student Entrepreneurs? (2020)
Book Chapter
McLuskie. (2020). From Entrepreneur to Undergraduate: Does the University Support or Constrain Student Entrepreneurs?. In ECIE 2020-Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (880 - 880).

This paper focusses on an under researched area of research within the fields of enterprise education and the entrepreneurial start-up. Much of the scholarly focus around enterprise education and support within Higher Education (HE) institutions has... Read More about From Entrepreneur to Undergraduate: Does the University Support or Constrain Student Entrepreneurs?.

Design Thinking pedagogy and enterprise education
Presentation / Conference
McLuskie, P., & Dewitt, S. Design Thinking pedagogy and enterprise education. Presented at 14th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Kalamata, Greece

The Development of Entrepreneurial Identity within a HE environment; The COVID-19 Context
Presentation / Conference
McLuskie. The Development of Entrepreneurial Identity within a HE environment; The COVID-19 Context. Presented at ISBE2021, Cardiff

The purpose of this research is to explore the process of identity formation of first year higher education students. This study was designed in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic and data was collected as COVID struck with full force during t... Read More about The Development of Entrepreneurial Identity within a HE environment; The COVID-19 Context.