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The Development of Entrepreneurial Identity within a HE environment; The COVID-19 Context
Presentation / Conference
McLuskie. The Development of Entrepreneurial Identity within a HE environment; The COVID-19 Context. Presented at ISBE2021, Cardiff

The purpose of this research is to explore the process of identity formation of first year higher education students. This study was designed in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic and data was collected as COVID struck with full force during t... Read More about The Development of Entrepreneurial Identity within a HE environment; The COVID-19 Context.

Direct foreign investment, transnational corporations and the transfer of technology to Egypt
Abdel-Khalek, E. A. (1986). Direct foreign investment, transnational corporations and the transfer of technology to Egypt

The main concern of this thesis is to assess the performance of the transnational corporations in the transfer of technology to Egypt. The thesis first, reviews the economic literature concerning the economic rationale behind the phenomenon of direct... Read More about Direct foreign investment, transnational corporations and the transfer of technology to Egypt.

Women, nature and the Kantian sublime: can a reconciliation be found?
Kings, A. E. (2016). Women, nature and the Kantian sublime: can a reconciliation be found?

This thesis will investigate the relationship between Immanuel Kant, women and the natural world. Using mainly Kant’s third critique, The Critique of Judgement and his Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime, I will seek to establish... Read More about Women, nature and the Kantian sublime: can a reconciliation be found?.

The great transition: implications from environmental policy on the quality-quantity trade-off on children
Journal Article
Tsoukis, C. (2015). The great transition: implications from environmental policy on the quality-quantity trade-off on children. Singapore Economic Review, 1155-1174.

We develop an overlapping-generations model with human capital accumulation and endogenous fertility containing a pollution externality. We study the effects of an environmental policy on individuals' quality-quantity trade-off on children. In a Malt... Read More about The great transition: implications from environmental policy on the quality-quantity trade-off on children.

Efficiency analysis of public higher education institutions in Turkey with parametric and non-parametric approaches
(2014). Efficiency analysis of public higher education institutions in Turkey with parametric and non-parametric approaches

Although the number of researches measuring the efficiencies of higher education institutions has grown especially for the last two decades, literature of both parametric and non-parametric research on HEIs in Turkey is relatively scant compared to t... Read More about Efficiency analysis of public higher education institutions in Turkey with parametric and non-parametric approaches.

The performance of public industrial enterprises in Algeria an empirical study
(1984). The performance of public industrial enterprises in Algeria an empirical study

The aim of this study is to assess the performance of the
Algerian public industrial sector and identify the reasons for its inefficiency. The study is based on an empirical analysis of six public industrial enterprises: SONIC (pulp and paper), SNMC... Read More about The performance of public industrial enterprises in Algeria an empirical study.

The relevance of Hayek’s theory of the trade cycle for understanding the United Kingdom business cycle
understanding the United Kingdom business cycle

The ‘Great Recession’ has brought about a justified critique of the neoclassical economic model. It is within the context of this shock to the mainstream that the economic orthodoxy can be queried. The calls for a new economic paradigm request the ma... Read More about The relevance of Hayek’s theory of the trade cycle for understanding the United Kingdom business cycle.

A no-arbitrage affine term-structure model with macroeconomic and market factors and its empirical applications to the UK bond markets
Jayathilaka, U. S. S. (2016). A no-arbitrage affine term-structure model with macroeconomic and market factors and its empirical applications to the UK bond markets

This study describes the joint dynamics of the U.K. risk-free government bonds and risky corporate bond yields using a large set of macroeconomic and market variables. In this context, the thesis develops for the new understanding of the determinatio... Read More about A no-arbitrage affine term-structure model with macroeconomic and market factors and its empirical applications to the UK bond markets.

British direct investment and economic development in Nigeria, 1955-1972
Awojinrin, J. F. (1974). British direct investment and economic development in Nigeria, 1955-1972

This thesis is intended to assess the contribution of British direct investment to the economic development of Nigeria between 1955 and 1972. Chapter One establishes the background to the study by considering the main features of the Nigerian economy... Read More about British direct investment and economic development in Nigeria, 1955-1972.

Design Thinking pedagogy and enterprise education
Presentation / Conference
McLuskie, P., & Dewitt, S. Design Thinking pedagogy and enterprise education. Presented at 14th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Kalamata, Greece