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Regulatory influence, board characteristics and climate change disclosures: evidence from environmentally sensitive firms in developing economy context (2024)
Journal Article
Kumar Saha, A., & Khan, I. (2024). Regulatory influence, board characteristics and climate change disclosures: evidence from environmentally sensitive firms in developing economy context. Corporate Governance,

This study aims to examine the impact of board characteristics on climate change disclosures (CCDs) in the context of an emerging economy, with a unique focus on regulatory influences.

This study analyzes long... Read More about Regulatory influence, board characteristics and climate change disclosures: evidence from environmentally sensitive firms in developing economy context.

Examining the linkage between economic policy uncertainty, coal price, and carbon pricing in China: Evidence from pilot carbon markets (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Dai, P.-F., Chen, X. H., & Nguyen, D. K. (2024). Examining the linkage between economic policy uncertainty, coal price, and carbon pricing in China: Evidence from pilot carbon markets. Journal of Environmental Management, 352, Article 120003.

Economic policies affect companies’ production decisions. And the energy consumption volume is an intuitive reflection of the enterprise’s production decisions. In China, coal is the main source of carbon emissions and the most important energy sourc... Read More about Examining the linkage between economic policy uncertainty, coal price, and carbon pricing in China: Evidence from pilot carbon markets.

Inflation, oil prices, and economic activity in recent crisis: Evidence from the UK (2023)
Journal Article
Ahmed, R., Chen, X. H., Kumpamool, C., & Nguyen, D. T. (2023). Inflation, oil prices, and economic activity in recent crisis: Evidence from the UK. Energy Economics, 126, Article 106918.

This study examines the link between inflation and the macroeconomy such as output, trade balance and unemployment as reflected through crude oil prices. Using monthly data from the UK spanning January 2010 to June 2022, we apply a combination of thr... Read More about Inflation, oil prices, and economic activity in recent crisis: Evidence from the UK.

Fundamentals, real-time uncertainty and CDS index spreads (2023)
Journal Article
Audzeyeva, A., & Wang, X. (2023). Fundamentals, real-time uncertainty and CDS index spreads. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 61(1), 1-33.

The high level of economic uncertainty linked to the pace of the recovery process can persist after a crisis and has implications for the market pricing of firms’ credit risk reflected in credit default swap (CDS) spreads. This paper examines the rol... Read More about Fundamentals, real-time uncertainty and CDS index spreads.

Income diversification and household welfare in Uganda 1992-2012 (2023)
Journal Article
Khan, R., & Morrissey, O. (2023). Income diversification and household welfare in Uganda 1992-2012. Food Policy, 116, Article 102421.

We use five waves of household surveys in Uganda, from 1992/3 to 2011/12, to study income diversification and its effect on the welfare of rural and urban households during a period of sustained economic growth and poverty reduction, comparing the 19... Read More about Income diversification and household welfare in Uganda 1992-2012.

Asymmetric effects of geopolitical risks and uncertainties on green bond markets (2023)
Journal Article
Tang, Y., Chen, X. H., Sarker, P. K., & Baroudi, S. (2023). Asymmetric effects of geopolitical risks and uncertainties on green bond markets. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 189, Article 122348.

This paper examines the asymmetric effects of the United States Economic Policy Uncertainty (USEPU), Geopolitical Threats (GPRT), Geopolitical Acts (GPRA), and the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil on Green Bond returns. Our study analyses USEP... Read More about Asymmetric effects of geopolitical risks and uncertainties on green bond markets.

Smart Building Management System (SBMS) for Commercial Buildings—Key Attributes and Usage Intentions from Building Professionals’ Perspective (2022)
Journal Article
Lee. (2022). Smart Building Management System (SBMS) for Commercial Buildings—Key Attributes and Usage Intentions from Building Professionals’ Perspective. Sustainability, 80 - 80.

Smart buildings conserve energy and create a responsive, comfortable, and productive indoor environment for users and occupants. As a crucial component of smart buildings, smart building management system (SBMS) should provide a wide range of functio... Read More about Smart Building Management System (SBMS) for Commercial Buildings—Key Attributes and Usage Intentions from Building Professionals’ Perspective.

Effective practices for improving service professionals' ethical behaviors: A multiple method study. (2022)
Journal Article
Lee, P. K., Hu, Y., & Yang, Y. (2022). Effective practices for improving service professionals' ethical behaviors: A multiple method study. Frontiers in Psychology, 1042142 - ?.

INTRODUCTION: Enhancing frontline professional service employees' ethics has been an increasingly important issue for organizations in sustaining their reputation and long-term profitability. While many organizations have implemented general ethics p... Read More about Effective practices for improving service professionals' ethical behaviors: A multiple method study..

The puzzle of the informal economy and the circular economy (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). The puzzle of the informal economy and the circular economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, -.

Proponents present the circular economy as an alternative to traditional, linear systems that use natural resources indiscriminately. The puzzle guiding this perspective piece is that the circular economy model needs further investigation in more div... Read More about The puzzle of the informal economy and the circular economy.

Tracing the Sources of Contagion in the Oil-Finance Nexus (2022)
Book Chapter
Legrenzi. (2022). Tracing the Sources of Contagion in the Oil-Finance Nexus. In Applications in Energy Finance, The Energy Sector, Economic Activity, Financial Markets, and the Environment (115-143).

We introduce an approach to trace the genesis of contagion occurring in the oil-finance nexus, which consolidates veteran non-linear oil price measures derived from the empirical oil literature, to construct a rule-based specification for filtering s... Read More about Tracing the Sources of Contagion in the Oil-Finance Nexus.

Enablers to the adoption of blockchain technology in logistics supply chains: evidence from an emerging economy (2022)
Journal Article
Jain. (2022). Enablers to the adoption of blockchain technology in logistics supply chains: evidence from an emerging economy. Annals of Operations Research,

This study identifies the factors that can enable blockchain technology (BCT) implementation in the logistics sector and reveals the interdependencies, hierarchical structure, and causalities between them. This study uses a three-phased research fram... Read More about Enablers to the adoption of blockchain technology in logistics supply chains: evidence from an emerging economy.

Strike ballots under the 2016 Trade Union Act: Unions mobilise to counter the latest legal onslaught (2021)
Journal Article
Lyddon, D. (2021). Strike ballots under the 2016 Trade Union Act: Unions mobilise to counter the latest legal onslaught. Industrial Relations Journal, 52(6), 479-501.

The 2016 Trade Union Act (TUA) added ‘draconian’ restrictions to the already tortuous postal balloting regime for holding lawful strikes. The government predicted that 29–35% of ballots would lose. Using data from trade union returns to the Certifica... Read More about Strike ballots under the 2016 Trade Union Act: Unions mobilise to counter the latest legal onslaught.

Crude oil and stock markets in the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from oil exporters and importers (2021)
Journal Article
Heinlein, R., Legrenzi, G. D., & Mahadeo, S. M. (2021). Crude oil and stock markets in the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from oil exporters and importers. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 223 - 229.

Financial assets tend to immediately react to the developments of a global crisis. We investigate how the relationship between crude oil and stock market returns for a heterogeneous selection of oil exporters and importers has been affected in the on... Read More about Crude oil and stock markets in the COVID-19 crisis: Evidence from oil exporters and importers.

Stock market volatility and jumps in times of uncertainty (2021)
Journal Article
Megaritis. (2021). Stock market volatility and jumps in times of uncertainty. Journal of International Money and Finance,

In this paper we examine the predictive power of latent macroeconomic uncertainty on US stock market volatility and jump tail risk. We find that increasing macroeconomic uncertainty predicts a subsequent rise in volatility and price jumps in the US e... Read More about Stock market volatility and jumps in times of uncertainty.

The Changing Position of Legal Academics in the United Kingdom: Professionalization or Proletarianisation? (2020)
Journal Article
Bradney, A., & Cownie, F. (2020). The Changing Position of Legal Academics in the United Kingdom: Professionalization or Proletarianisation?. Journal of Law and Society, 227-243.

This article analyses changes to United Kingdom (UK) university law schools during the period coinciding with Phil Thomas’ career as a law teacher – the latter part of the twentieth century and the first two decades of the twenty-first – in part illu... Read More about The Changing Position of Legal Academics in the United Kingdom: Professionalization or Proletarianisation?.

Forecasting the volatility of the Australian Dollar using high frequency data: Does estimator accuracy improve forecast evaluation? (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). Forecasting the volatility of the Australian Dollar using high frequency data: Does estimator accuracy improve forecast evaluation?. International Journal of Finance and Economics, 1355-1389.

We compare forecasts of the volatility of the Australian Dollar exchange rate to alternative measures of ex-post volatility. We develop and apply a simple test for the improvement in the ability of loss functions to distinguish between forecasts when... Read More about Forecasting the volatility of the Australian Dollar using high frequency data: Does estimator accuracy improve forecast evaluation?.

Energy contagion analysis: a new perspective with application to a small petroleum economy (2019)
Journal Article
Legrenzi. (2019). Energy contagion analysis: a new perspective with application to a small petroleum economy. Energy Economics, 890-903.

We put forward the novel concept of energy contagion, i.e. a deepening of energy-finance linkages under crisis conditions in energy markets. Further, we show how to construct tests for energy contagion through correlation, co-skewness, and co-volatil... Read More about Energy contagion analysis: a new perspective with application to a small petroleum economy.

Relocation of Economic Activity: Contemporary Theory and Practice in Local, Regional and Global Perspectives (2018)
(2018). Relocation of Economic Activity: Contemporary Theory and Practice in Local, Regional and Global Perspectives

This timely volume provides a thorough analysis of current trends in location and relocation of economic activity globally, regionally and locally. Using robust empirical material this book offers a multidisciplinary, comprehensive overview, critique... Read More about Relocation of Economic Activity: Contemporary Theory and Practice in Local, Regional and Global Perspectives.

Social Networks and Unemployment Exit in Great Britain (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). Social Networks and Unemployment Exit in Great Britain. International Journal of Social Economics, 1205 -1226.

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect employed friends have on the probability of exiting unemployment of an unemployed worker according to his/her educational (skill) level.

In common with studie... Read More about Social Networks and Unemployment Exit in Great Britain.