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Public entrepreneurship and the politics of regeneration in multi-Level governance (2015)
Journal Article
Catney. (2015). Public entrepreneurship and the politics of regeneration in multi-Level governance. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy,

The paper uses a case study of urban regeneration policy in Sheffield, UK, to explore local public entrepreneurship in a system of multi-level governance. Recent analyses of public entrepreneurs have directed attention to the macro-political structur... Read More about Public entrepreneurship and the politics of regeneration in multi-Level governance.

Beyond Occult Economies: Akan spirits, New York Idols and Detroit automobiles (2015)
Journal Article
Parish. (2015). Beyond Occult Economies: Akan spirits, New York Idols and Detroit automobiles. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, 5(2), 101-120.

While it has been extensively recorded how the West African occult economy allows for a metanarrative critique of modernity, this article analyzes a convergence between witchcraft discourses and the capitalist market, looking through the local lens o... Read More about Beyond Occult Economies: Akan spirits, New York Idols and Detroit automobiles.

Understanding ethical luxury consumption through practice theories: A study of fine jewellery purchases (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Understanding ethical luxury consumption through practice theories: A study of fine jewellery purchases. Journal of Business Ethics, 525-543.

This paper builds on existing research investigating CSR and ethical consumption within luxury contexts, and makes several contributions to the literature. First, it addresses existing knowledge gaps by exploring the ways in which consumers perform e... Read More about Understanding ethical luxury consumption through practice theories: A study of fine jewellery purchases.

Emerging Market Sovereign Credit Spreads: In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Predictability (2015)
Journal Article
Audzeyeva, A., & Fuertes, A. (2015). Emerging Market Sovereign Credit Spreads: In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Predictability.

This paper investigates the quarter-ahead predictability of Brazil, Mexico, Philippines and Turkey credit spreads for short and long maturity bonds during two separate periods preceding and following the Lehman Brothers' default. A model based on the... Read More about Emerging Market Sovereign Credit Spreads: In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Predictability.

Motives for coporate cash holdings: The CEO optimism effect (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Motives for coporate cash holdings: The CEO optimism effect. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 699-732.

We examine the chief executive officer (CEO) optimism effect on managerial motives for cash holdings and find that optimistic and non-optimistic managers have significantly dissimilar purposes for holding more cash. This is consistent with both theor... Read More about Motives for coporate cash holdings: The CEO optimism effect.

The effects of Code-Share agreements on the temporal profile of airline fares (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). The effects of Code-Share agreements on the temporal profile of airline fares. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42 -54.

This paper aims at investigating how the pricing strategy of European airlines is affected by code-share agreements on international routes. Our data cover several routes linking the main UK airports to many European destinations and includes posted... Read More about The effects of Code-Share agreements on the temporal profile of airline fares.

How to get the most from a business intelligence application during the post implementation phase? Deep structure transformation at a UK retail bank (2015)
Journal Article
Audzeyeva. (2015). How to get the most from a business intelligence application during the post implementation phase? Deep structure transformation at a UK retail bank. European Journal of Information Systems, 29-46.

This paper focuses on the process of maximizing the benefits from a business intelligence (BI) application. A general theoretical framework of analysis is formulated based on previous research into organizational deep structure and inertia. Our frame... Read More about How to get the most from a business intelligence application during the post implementation phase? Deep structure transformation at a UK retail bank.

Selection, heterogeneity and entry in liberal professions (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Selection, heterogeneity and entry in liberal professions. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 925 -951.

We analyze two different cases of entry regulation in professional markets: first, when licensing is a requirement for becoming a professional (lawyers); second, when entry and price restrictions are applied on a geographical basis (pharmacists). Bot... Read More about Selection, heterogeneity and entry in liberal professions.

Airline pricing under different market conditions: evidence from European Low Cost Carriers (2014)
Journal Article
(2014). Airline pricing under different market conditions: evidence from European Low Cost Carriers. Tourism Management, 152 -163.

Traditional theories of airline pricing maintain that fares monotonically increase as fewer seats remain available on a flight. This implies a monotonically increasing temporal profile of fares. In this paper, we exploit the presence of drops in offe... Read More about Airline pricing under different market conditions: evidence from European Low Cost Carriers.

Shopping for Jesus : faith in marketing in the USA (2008)
(2008). Shopping for Jesus : faith in marketing in the USA

This volume explores the connections between faith, the presentation of belief, and the processes by which it is sold and consumed.

Saving-Investment Cointegration Revisited: Implications for capital mobility, external solvency and the intertemporal approach (2004)
Book Chapter
Tsoukis. (2004). Saving-Investment Cointegration Revisited: Implications for capital mobility, external solvency and the intertemporal approach. In Aspects of Globalisation: Macroeconomic and Capital Market Linkages in the Integrated World Economy

Selected papers presented at annual conferences and seminars organised by the UK Chapter of the International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS-UK).