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A genealogy of rights: emancipatory rights-claiming as a conscious act of freedom (2022)
Holder, S. D. (2022). A genealogy of rights: emancipatory rights-claiming as a conscious act of freedom. (Thesis). Keele University

This project seeks to excavate and explore the emancipatory potential of rights and rights language. Public international law, and its most powerful normative concept, sovereignty, helped manufacture a distinct brand of freedom and equality in the ro... Read More about A genealogy of rights: emancipatory rights-claiming as a conscious act of freedom.

Exploring the securitisation of climate change within the meaning of Article 39: mapping the narratives of UN Security Council intervention (2021)
Murphy, A. (2021). Exploring the securitisation of climate change within the meaning of Article 39: mapping the narratives of UN Security Council intervention. (Thesis). Keele University

The IPCC is unequivocal that climate change is happening, and its consequences will continue to be devastating for the earth and humanity. The inadequacy of international climate law to mitigate the threat, makes it essential that we search for ways... Read More about Exploring the securitisation of climate change within the meaning of Article 39: mapping the narratives of UN Security Council intervention.

The English torts of defamation and (false) privacy: analysing the impact of the overlap on defences, interim injunctions and damages (2020)
Jinana, H. H. A. (2020). The English torts of defamation and (false) privacy: analysing the impact of the overlap on defences, interim injunctions and damages. (Thesis). Keele University

Following the enactment of the Human Rights Act 1998, the English law recognised direct protection of the right to privacy under the tort of misuse of private information (MOPI) by virtue of the House of Lords’ judgment in the landmark case of Campbe... Read More about The English torts of defamation and (false) privacy: analysing the impact of the overlap on defences, interim injunctions and damages.

Re-evaluating the moral status of the embryo and pre-sentient fetus: a multi-criterial, multi-level approach (2020)
Suffield, W. M. (2020). Re-evaluating the moral status of the embryo and pre-sentient fetus: a multi-criterial, multi-level approach. (Thesis). Keele University

This thesis contends that the concept of moral status, which earmarks those entities towards which we have moral obligations, ought to be re-evaluated so that it is ascribed on the basis of multiple criteria, each of which may have increasing levels... Read More about Re-evaluating the moral status of the embryo and pre-sentient fetus: a multi-criterial, multi-level approach.

Climate change and disappearing island states: deterritorialisation, sovereignty and statehood in international law (2020)
Allen, E. L. (2020). Climate change and disappearing island states: deterritorialisation, sovereignty and statehood in international law. (Thesis). Keele University

At the present time, at least eight low-lying islands have been found to have disappeared as a result of climate change-induced rising sea levels and more seem likely to suffer the same fate in the future. Indeed, according to scientific estimates, i... Read More about Climate change and disappearing island states: deterritorialisation, sovereignty and statehood in international law.

The ethical accommodation of patients’ religious beliefs in healthcare: a care respect framework prompted by examples from modern Paganism (2020)
Griffin, S. J. M. (2020). The ethical accommodation of patients’ religious beliefs in healthcare: a care respect framework prompted by examples from modern Paganism. (Thesis). Keele University

Conflicts of values arise between the values of healthcare staff, and the values of some religious patients. The reasons why, and the extent to which, patient beliefs and values ought to be accommodated has been a feature of the ethics literature for... Read More about The ethical accommodation of patients’ religious beliefs in healthcare: a care respect framework prompted by examples from modern Paganism.

What should be the role of social value in organ allocation decisions? (2019)
Johnson, J. (2019). What should be the role of social value in organ allocation decisions?. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

With this thesis, I argue that when selecting which patient should be the recipient of an organ for transplant, a social value judgment about the patient should be included alongside judgments about the patient’s level of urgency and prognosis. The r... Read More about What should be the role of social value in organ allocation decisions?.

Through Merryman’s Window: The potential of English undergraduate liberal legal education to create proactive critical citizens and advance disability rights (2019)
Pearson, A. V. (2019). Through Merryman’s Window: The potential of English undergraduate liberal legal education to create proactive critical citizens and advance disability rights. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis explores the potential of English undergraduate liberal legal education to increase legal consciousness about the rights of people with disabilities in response to low levels of awareness of these rights throughout society. Including disa... Read More about Through Merryman’s Window: The potential of English undergraduate liberal legal education to create proactive critical citizens and advance disability rights.

Becoming a female solicitor: vocational professional training as a site of identity formation and professional socialisation (2019)
Floyd, L. (2019). Becoming a female solicitor: vocational professional training as a site of identity formation and professional socialisation. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Persistent structural inequalities within the solicitors’ profession in England and Wales include the entry barriers faced by non-traditional applicants, and the hegemonic masculinity of the profession. Legal education is a significant actor in the p... Read More about Becoming a female solicitor: vocational professional training as a site of identity formation and professional socialisation.

Child trafficking from the perspective of Islamic law: a case study of Saudi Arabia (2018)
AlShareef, N. (2018). Child trafficking from the perspective of Islamic law: a case study of Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the legal responses to child trafficking in Saudi Arabia (SA). It primarily examines whether SA has created a legal response that accounts for all trafficked children regardless of the type of exploitation they experience and whe... Read More about Child trafficking from the perspective of Islamic law: a case study of Saudi Arabia.

Migrant workers in the UAE’s private sector: a critical analysis of employment dispute management and resolution from their perspective (2018)
Al Ameri, H. M. M. (2018). Migrant workers in the UAE’s private sector: a critical analysis of employment dispute management and resolution from their perspective. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the wider Gulf region is an epicentre for global business. A hallmark of this prosperous oil-producing region is the reliance it has on migrant workers sourced from South Asia. Unfortunately these largely unskilled... Read More about Migrant workers in the UAE’s private sector: a critical analysis of employment dispute management and resolution from their perspective.

Transgender prisoners: law, prison administration, and the emerging tension between human rights and risk (2018)
Emerton, R. (2018). Transgender prisoners: law, prison administration, and the emerging tension between human rights and risk. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Through the figure of the transgender prisoner, this thesis examines both the transformative potential, and the limits, of law and human rights, in redrawing the lines of sex/gender and expanding the possibilities and liveability of transgender lives... Read More about Transgender prisoners: law, prison administration, and the emerging tension between human rights and risk.

Professionalism, disadvantage and identity: marginal actors in the legal profession – a case study of Muslim women solicitors (2018)
Atherton-Blenkiron, D. L. (2018). Professionalism, disadvantage and identity: marginal actors in the legal profession – a case study of Muslim women solicitors. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Over the past 30 years, the solicitors’ profession has become increasingly diverse. However, the existing literature demonstrates the persistence of structural inequalities as the profession continues to be stratified on a gendered, classed and raced... Read More about Professionalism, disadvantage and identity: marginal actors in the legal profession – a case study of Muslim women solicitors.

A-Legal space as a political strategy : an analysis of constitutive power and democracy based on case studies from Latin America
Hughes, C. (2017). A-Legal space as a political strategy : an analysis of constitutive power and democracy based on case studies from Latin America

This project develops a theory of a-legal space as a political strategy. A-legal space refers to the space created by initiatives which assume a quasi-legal or quasi-institutional form without any official basis, or where they exceed their recognized... Read More about A-Legal space as a political strategy : an analysis of constitutive power and democracy based on case studies from Latin America.

A conceptual analysis of trust in medicine: its definition, decline, and significance
Wolfensberger, M. (2016). A conceptual analysis of trust in medicine: its definition, decline, and significance

Over the past decades, trust in medicine has steadily declined. The purpose of this thesis is to present a definition of 'trust', which helps us (a) understand what trust means in medicine, (b) analyse whether and if so why we have reason to be conce... Read More about A conceptual analysis of trust in medicine: its definition, decline, and significance.

Professional associations, agency, motivation and capacity for change: The case of social mobility and the Bar.
Freer, E. A. O. (2016). Bar

This thesis uses a mixed methods approach utilising questionnaires, focus groups and interviews to explore how and why an embedded professional association may act to alter a longstanding trait of its profession. Focussing on the trait of social clos... Read More about Professional associations, agency, motivation and capacity for change: The case of social mobility and the Bar..

The queer, the cross and the closet: a critique of rights discourse in conflicts between religious belief and sexual orientation
Coyle, S. M. (2017). The queer, the cross and the closet: a critique of rights discourse in conflicts between religious belief and sexual orientation

The clash between religious belief and sexual orientation has become a key flashpoint in modern rights struggles. A decade after the first recognition of lesbians and gay men in UK equality law, the conflict continues to be played out in domestic cou... Read More about The queer, the cross and the closet: a critique of rights discourse in conflicts between religious belief and sexual orientation.

Rich law, poor law: differential response to tax and supplementary benefit fraud
(1988). Rich law, poor law: differential response to tax and supplementary benefit fraud

People who (in relation to their personal taxation) defraud the Inland Revenue and people who (in relation to their supplementary benefit payments) defraud the Department of Health and Social Security are similarly engaged in economic crimes which re... Read More about Rich law, poor law: differential response to tax and supplementary benefit fraud.