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Child trafficking from the perspective of Islamic law: a case study of Saudi Arabia (2018)
AlShareef, N. (2018). Child trafficking from the perspective of Islamic law: a case study of Saudi Arabia. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis examines the legal responses to child trafficking in Saudi Arabia (SA). It primarily examines whether SA has created a legal response that accounts for all trafficked children regardless of the type of exploitation they experience and whe... Read More about Child trafficking from the perspective of Islamic law: a case study of Saudi Arabia.

Migrant workers in the UAE’s private sector: a critical analysis of employment dispute management and resolution from their perspective (2018)
Al Ameri, H. M. M. (2018). Migrant workers in the UAE’s private sector: a critical analysis of employment dispute management and resolution from their perspective. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the wider Gulf region is an epicentre for global business. A hallmark of this prosperous oil-producing region is the reliance it has on migrant workers sourced from South Asia. Unfortunately these largely unskilled... Read More about Migrant workers in the UAE’s private sector: a critical analysis of employment dispute management and resolution from their perspective.

Transgender prisoners: law, prison administration, and the emerging tension between human rights and risk (2018)
Emerton, R. (2018). Transgender prisoners: law, prison administration, and the emerging tension between human rights and risk. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Through the figure of the transgender prisoner, this thesis examines both the transformative potential, and the limits, of law and human rights, in redrawing the lines of sex/gender and expanding the possibilities and liveability of transgender lives... Read More about Transgender prisoners: law, prison administration, and the emerging tension between human rights and risk.

Professionalism, disadvantage and identity: marginal actors in the legal profession – a case study of Muslim women solicitors (2018)
Atherton-Blenkiron, D. L. (2018). Professionalism, disadvantage and identity: marginal actors in the legal profession – a case study of Muslim women solicitors. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

Over the past 30 years, the solicitors’ profession has become increasingly diverse. However, the existing literature demonstrates the persistence of structural inequalities as the profession continues to be stratified on a gendered, classed and raced... Read More about Professionalism, disadvantage and identity: marginal actors in the legal profession – a case study of Muslim women solicitors.