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Epistemological process towards decolonial praxis and epistemic inequality of an international student (2022)
Journal Article
Hayes, A., Lomer, S., & Hayat Taha, S. (2024). Epistemological process towards decolonial praxis and epistemic inequality of an international student. Educational Review, 76(1), 132-144.

This paper focuses on the epistemic inequality of international students as a “new” inequality that is under-represented in the current debates about decolonisation (albeit shaped by colonial discourses depicting international students as in deficit... Read More about Epistemological process towards decolonial praxis and epistemic inequality of an international student.

From silence to ‘strategic advancement’: institutional responses to ‘decolonising’ in higher education in England (2021)
Journal Article
Shain, F., Kemal Yıldız, Ü., Poku, V., & Gokay, B. (2021). From silence to ‘strategic advancement’: institutional responses to ‘decolonising’ in higher education in England. Teaching in Higher Education, 26(7-8),

Amid the rising calls for a ‘decolonised curriculum’, scholars and activists have outlined what needs to be done to ‘decolonise the university’. Yet in practice, those involved in decolonising work often face considerable backlash and institutional r... Read More about From silence to ‘strategic advancement’: institutional responses to ‘decolonising’ in higher education in England.

Student motivations for studying criminology: A narrative inquiry (2021)
Journal Article
Griffiths, C., & Trebilcock, J. (2021). Student motivations for studying criminology: A narrative inquiry. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 22(3),

The number of students studying criminology at university has significantly increased. Yet, criminology students have been all but ignored in research, despite being key stakeholders and ambassadors in the criminological enterprise. Drawing on the an... Read More about Student motivations for studying criminology: A narrative inquiry.

‘Diaspora at Home’: Class and Politics in the Navigation of Hong Kong Students in Mainland China’s Universities (2019)
Journal Article
(2019). ‘Diaspora at Home’: Class and Politics in the Navigation of Hong Kong Students in Mainland China’s Universities. International Studies in Sociology of Education,

This paper draws on ‘diaspora at home’, a concept that encapsulates the unique dynamics between Hong Kong and mainland China, as an analytical tool to explore the cross-border experiences of 23 Hong Kong students at 11 universities in mainland China.... Read More about ‘Diaspora at Home’: Class and Politics in the Navigation of Hong Kong Students in Mainland China’s Universities.

Regional solidarity undermined?: Higher Education Developments in the Arabian Gulf, Economy and Time (2019)
Journal Article
Hayes. (2019). Regional solidarity undermined?: Higher Education Developments in the Arabian Gulf, Economy and Time. Comparative Education, 55(2), 157-174.

The paper theorises fragility of regional solidarities in light of the emerging ways in which two Arabian Gulf states, Bahrain and Oman, are undertaking their transition to a knowledge economy. The paper shows ways in which regional symbolic solidar... Read More about Regional solidarity undermined?: Higher Education Developments in the Arabian Gulf, Economy and Time.

Against the Humiliation of Thought: The university as a space of dystopic destruction and utopian potential (2019)
Journal Article
Featherstone. (2019). Against the Humiliation of Thought: The university as a space of dystopic destruction and utopian potential. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 51(3), 297-309.

My objective in this paper is to write a pharmacology of the university by thinking about its relationship to systemic stupidity, intelligence, and the possibility of becoming. Starting with an exploration of the contemporary dystopia of drive-based... Read More about Against the Humiliation of Thought: The university as a space of dystopic destruction and utopian potential.

Undergraduate Research, Learning Gain and Equity: The Impact of Final Year Research Projects (2018)
Journal Article
Parker. (2018). Undergraduate Research, Learning Gain and Equity: The Impact of Final Year Research Projects. Higher Education Pedagogies, 3(1), 145-157.

This study evaluates the impact of undergraduate research on student achievement. It analyses graduating students from 2011 to 2016 at a UK university that requires a research project comprising 25% of final-year credits in most subjects, providing a... Read More about Undergraduate Research, Learning Gain and Equity: The Impact of Final Year Research Projects.

“Liberating the ‘oppressed’ and the ‘oppressor’: A model for a new TEF metric, internationalisation and democracy” (2018)
Journal Article
Hayes, A., & Cheng, J. (2018). “Liberating the ‘oppressed’ and the ‘oppressor’: A model for a new TEF metric, internationalisation and democracy”. Educational Review, 72(3), 346-364.

The paper proposes a statistical model for a TEF metric that could liberate the “oppressed” (international students) and the “oppressors” (home students) from the influence of public policies which, through constructions of international students as... Read More about “Liberating the ‘oppressed’ and the ‘oppressor’: A model for a new TEF metric, internationalisation and democracy”.

Overcoming ethical barriers to research with hidden social groups (2017)
Journal Article
Machin, H., & Shardlow, S. M. (2017). Overcoming ethical barriers to research with hidden social groups. Research Ethics,

Researchers engaged in studies about “hidden social groups” are likely to face several ethical challenges. Using a study with undocumented Chinese migrants in the UK, challenges involved in obtaining approval by a University Research Ethics Committee... Read More about Overcoming ethical barriers to research with hidden social groups.

The Teaching Excellence Framework in the UK: an opportunity to include international students as ‘equals’? (2017)
Journal Article
Hayes. (2017). The Teaching Excellence Framework in the UK: an opportunity to include international students as ‘equals’?. Journal of Studies in International Education, 21(5), 483-497.

Research on international students in British higher education points to marginalization of their unique perspectives in university classrooms. The aim of the article is to consider how the most recent policy changes, particularly the teaching excell... Read More about The Teaching Excellence Framework in the UK: an opportunity to include international students as ‘equals’?.

A bone of contention: reflections on the experiences of mature learners in social work education (2017)
Journal Article
Machin. (2017). A bone of contention: reflections on the experiences of mature learners in social work education. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Research has found that mature, female social work learners often face barriers to achievement in higher education due to the demands of managing practice placements and classroom learning around caring responsibilities (Lister, 2003). This paper, or... Read More about A bone of contention: reflections on the experiences of mature learners in social work education.

Postgraduate Engaged Research: Get out of the office and into the field! (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Postgraduate Engaged Research: Get out of the office and into the field!

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has a lively postgraduate community and many of our PGR students are involved in Engaged Research. In this series of blog posts, postgraduates from across the Faculty reflect on how their work engages wit... Read More about Postgraduate Engaged Research: Get out of the office and into the field!.

Why international students have been TEF-ed out? (2016)
Journal Article
Hayes. (2016). Why international students have been TEF-ed out?. Educational Review, 69(2), 218-231.

he article offers a critical review of the developments in the proposals for the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) in the UK, focusing particularly on international students. The analysis points to the absence of views and discussions regarding the... Read More about Why international students have been TEF-ed out?.

Mainland Chinese students at an elite Hong Kong university: habitus–field disjuncture in a transborder context (2016)
Journal Article
(2016). Mainland Chinese students at an elite Hong Kong university: habitus–field disjuncture in a transborder context. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 610-624.

Drawing on in-depth interview data from 31 mainland Chinese (MLC) students in a Hong Kong university, this article conceptualises MLC and Hong Kong higher education as two dissonant but interrelated subfields of the Chinese higher education field. Th... Read More about Mainland Chinese students at an elite Hong Kong university: habitus–field disjuncture in a transborder context.

Transnational academic capitalism in the Arab Gulf:balancing global and local, public and private, capitals (2015)
Journal Article
Findlow, S., & Hayes, A. (2015). Transnational academic capitalism in the Arab Gulf:balancing global and local, public and private, capitals. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 37(1), 110-128.

This article contributes to the emerging theoretical construct of what has been called ‘transnational academic capitalism’, characterised by the blurring of traditional boundaries between public, private, local, regional and international, and betwee... Read More about Transnational academic capitalism in the Arab Gulf:balancing global and local, public and private, capitals.

When the Hong Kong Dream Meets the Anti-Mainlandisation Discourse: Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). When the Hong Kong Dream Meets the Anti-Mainlandisation Discourse: Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs,

This article looks at identity constructions of mainland Chinese undergraduate students in a Hong Kong university. These students shared a “Hong Kong Dream” characterised by a desire for change in individual outlooks, a yearning for international exp... Read More about When the Hong Kong Dream Meets the Anti-Mainlandisation Discourse: Mainland Chinese Students in Hong Kong.

Identity and cross-border student mobility: The mainland China–Hong Kong experience (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Identity and cross-border student mobility: The mainland China–Hong Kong experience. European Educational Research Journal, 65-73.

This article is drawn from research in an ongoing multiple case study of the identity constructions of tertiary-level border-crossing students from mainland China to Hong Kong. It begins by outlining the contextual and conceptual background of the st... Read More about Identity and cross-border student mobility: The mainland China–Hong Kong experience.

The forgotten workforce: clerical and administrative staff within British Higher Education
(2014). The forgotten workforce: clerical and administrative staff within British Higher Education

This thesis examines the employment conditions for clerical and administrative staff within the British Higher Education Sector. For this analysis a national questionnaire was distributed and 747 responses were returned and analysed. In order to furt... Read More about The forgotten workforce: clerical and administrative staff within British Higher Education.