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A Thematic Analysis of Students’ Perceptions and Experiences of Bullying in UK Higher Education (2022)
Journal Article
Harrison, E. D., Hulme, J. A., & Fox, C. L. (in press). A Thematic Analysis of Students’ Perceptions and Experiences of Bullying in UK Higher Education. Europe's Journal of Psychology,

Bullying in higher education (HE) has been relatively under-researched; despite its likely prevalence and impact on student wellbeing there is scant understanding of students’ lived experiences of bullying. We conducted online and physical focus grou... Read More about A Thematic Analysis of Students’ Perceptions and Experiences of Bullying in UK Higher Education.

The benefits of virtual fieldtrips for future-proofing geography teaching and learning (2022)
Journal Article
Mercer, T. G., Kythreotis, A. P., Harwood, J., Robinson, Z. P., George, S. M., Sands, D., …Sims, T. (2023). The benefits of virtual fieldtrips for future-proofing geography teaching and learning. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 47(2), 330-338.

This resource paper explores the benefits of developing virtual fieldtrips to help future-proof geography teaching and learning in times of uncertainty and change. Drawing on a case study from a second-year biogeography module that saw cancellations... Read More about The benefits of virtual fieldtrips for future-proofing geography teaching and learning.

Student assistantship programme: an evaluation of impact on readiness to transit from medical student to junior doctor. (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). Student assistantship programme: an evaluation of impact on readiness to transit from medical student to junior doctor. BMC Medical Education, 99 - ?.

BACKGROUND: Studies report that medical graduates are not prepared for practice as expected, and interventions have been developed to prepare them for practice. One such intervention is the assistantship, which provides hands-on opportunities to hone... Read More about Student assistantship programme: an evaluation of impact on readiness to transit from medical student to junior doctor..

“Make Glorious Mistakes!” Fostering growth and wellbeing in HE transition (2022)
Journal Article
Coyle. (2022). “Make Glorious Mistakes!” Fostering growth and wellbeing in HE transition. Law Teacher, 37-53.

This paper uses Keele’s Legal Essentials module as a case study to evaluate how curriculum design can promote wellbeing in first-year law students, by supporting their transition to higher education and fostering a sense of belonging to the Law Schoo... Read More about “Make Glorious Mistakes!” Fostering growth and wellbeing in HE transition.

The development of self-care skills by heart failure patients using telemonitoring (2022)
Journal Article
(2022). The development of self-care skills by heart failure patients using telemonitoring. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Telehealth is a rapidly developing aspect of technology use within healthcare, involving the application of health-related services via information technologies. Telemonitoring is a form of telehealth, chosen as the focus of this article because it i... Read More about The development of self-care skills by heart failure patients using telemonitoring.

Conceptualising and Teaching Biomedical Uncertainty to Medical Students: an Exploratory Qualitative Study (2022)
Journal Article
Lukšaitė, E., Fricker, R., McKinley, R., & Dikomitis, L. (2022). Conceptualising and Teaching Biomedical Uncertainty to Medical Students: an Exploratory Qualitative Study. Medical Science Educator, 32, 371–378.

Introduction Certainty/uncertainty in medicine is a topic of popular debate. This study aims to understand how biomedical uncertainty is conceptualised by academic medical educators and how it is taught in a medical school in the UK. Methods This is... Read More about Conceptualising and Teaching Biomedical Uncertainty to Medical Students: an Exploratory Qualitative Study.

Determining the influence of different linking patterns on the stability of students' score adjustments produced using Video-based Examiner Score Comparison and Adjustment (VESCA). (2022)
Journal Article
Yeates, P., McCray, G., Moult, A., Cope, N., Fuller, R., & McKinley, R. (2022). Determining the influence of different linking patterns on the stability of students' score adjustments produced using Video-based Examiner Score Comparison and Adjustment (VESCA). BMC Medical Education, 22, Article 41.

BACKGROUND: Ensuring equivalence of examiners' judgements across different groups of examiners is a priority for large scale performance assessments in clinical education, both to enhance fairness and reassure the public. This study extends insight i... Read More about Determining the influence of different linking patterns on the stability of students' score adjustments produced using Video-based Examiner Score Comparison and Adjustment (VESCA)..

Memory, credibility and insight: How video-based feedback promotes deeper reflection and learning in objective structured clinical exams (2022)
Journal Article
Makrides, A., & Yeates, P. (2022). Memory, credibility and insight: How video-based feedback promotes deeper reflection and learning in objective structured clinical exams. Medical Teacher, 44(6), 664-671.

INTRODUCTION: Providing high-quality feedback from Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCEs) is important but challenging. Whilst prior research suggests that video-based feedback (VbF), where students review their own performances alongside usual... Read More about Memory, credibility and insight: How video-based feedback promotes deeper reflection and learning in objective structured clinical exams.

Students’ Experiences of Peer Observed Teaching: A Qualitative Interview Study (2021)
Journal Article
Rees. (2021). Students’ Experiences of Peer Observed Teaching: A Qualitative Interview Study. Teaching and Learning in Medicine,

Purpose: To summarise and appraise evidence on the prognosis and long-term clinical and socio-economic outcomes following wrist fracture among adults aged 50 years and over.

Methods: Five databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, AMED, CINAHL-P and PsycINFO) we... Read More about Students’ Experiences of Peer Observed Teaching: A Qualitative Interview Study.

Effects of an Online Education Program on Physical Therapists' Confidence in Weight Management for People With Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial (2021)
Journal Article
Allison, K., Jones, S., Hinman, R. S., Briggs, A. M., Sumithran, P., Quicke, J., …Bennell, K. (2021). Effects of an Online Education Program on Physical Therapists' Confidence in Weight Management for People With Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Arthritis Care and Research, 75(4), 835-847.

OBJECTIVE: Evaluate effects of an online education program about weight management for osteoarthritis on physiotherapists' self-reported confidence in knowledge and skills in weight management, and attitudes toward obesity.

METHOD: A two-group ran... Read More about Effects of an Online Education Program on Physical Therapists' Confidence in Weight Management for People With Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Adrenal Incidentaloma: Prevalence and Referral Patterns From Routine Practice in a Large UK University Teaching Hospital (2021)
Journal Article
Hanna, F. W. F., Hancock, S., George, C., Clark, A., Sim, J., Issa, B. G., …Fryer, A. A. (2022). Adrenal Incidentaloma: Prevalence and Referral Patterns From Routine Practice in a Large UK University Teaching Hospital. Journal of the Endocrine Society, 6(1),

Context: Adrenal incidentalomas (AIs) are increasingly being identified during unrelated imaging. Unlike AI clinical management, data on referral patterns in routine practice are lacking. Objective: This work aimed to identify factors associated with... Read More about Adrenal Incidentaloma: Prevalence and Referral Patterns From Routine Practice in a Large UK University Teaching Hospital.

The Varsity Drag: Gender, Sexuality and Cross-Dressing at the University of Cambridge, 1850-1950 (2021)
Journal Article
Janes. (2022). The Varsity Drag: Gender, Sexuality and Cross-Dressing at the University of Cambridge, 1850-1950. Journal of Social History, 55(3), 695-723.

The records of student societies show that cross-dressing was a very popular practice at Cambridge University from the second half of the nineteenth century not only in drama but at a wide range of social events. Male and female students were segrega... Read More about The Varsity Drag: Gender, Sexuality and Cross-Dressing at the University of Cambridge, 1850-1950.

Determining influence, interaction and causality of Contrast and Sequence effects in OSCEs. (2021)
Journal Article
Yeates, P., Moult, A., Cope, N., McCray, G., Fuller, R., & McKinley, R. (2022). Determining influence, interaction and causality of Contrast and Sequence effects in OSCEs. Medical Education, 56(3), 292-302.

INTRODUCTION: Differential rater function over time (DRIFT) and contrast effects (examiners' scores biased away from the standard of preceding performances) both challenge the fairness of scoring in Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCEs). This i... Read More about Determining influence, interaction and causality of Contrast and Sequence effects in OSCEs..

Cultivating a culture for reading within Higher Education (2021)
Journal Article
Lee, R. (2021). Cultivating a culture for reading within Higher Education. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

This is a reflective piece from an individual who attended the Becoming Well Read Symposium 2021. The reflections are centred around three interlinked considerations regarding the challenges and opportunities for cultivating a reading culture within... Read More about Cultivating a culture for reading within Higher Education.

Developing students’ academic reading skills: learning developers as lynchpins (2021)
Journal Article
(2021). Developing students’ academic reading skills: learning developers as lynchpins. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

This short article reflects on how active and collaborative reading is crucial to support novice readers in their subject disciplines. Learning developers are key to normalising this practice by modelling it for the subject lecturers.

Towards a digital reading lab: discovering and learning new affordances (2021)
Journal Article
(2021). Towards a digital reading lab: discovering and learning new affordances. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Digital reading is not just a straightforward transition from reading on paper to reading on the screen. The differences come into sharp relief when we consider reading as a multiply articulated gesture rather than simple decoding of the written text... Read More about Towards a digital reading lab: discovering and learning new affordances.

Becoming well-read or reading well?: Academic Reading Circles as an innovative and inclusive practice (2021)
Journal Article
(2021). Becoming well-read or reading well?: Academic Reading Circles as an innovative and inclusive practice. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Academic Reading Circles are an innovative strategy for supporting students’ academic reading practices. Based on reading circles used in more general contexts to develop students’ engagement with reading extensively, Academic Reading Circles have be... Read More about Becoming well-read or reading well?: Academic Reading Circles as an innovative and inclusive practice.

Not seeing the woods for the trees: encouraging active reading (2021)
Journal Article
(2021). Not seeing the woods for the trees: encouraging active reading. The Journal of Academic Development and Education,

Academic reading is often the neglected counterpart to academic writing within higher education. This paper introduces a resource presented at ‘Becoming Well Read 2021’, which was designed to support students with academic reading. Using a fairy tale... Read More about Not seeing the woods for the trees: encouraging active reading.