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“Partial solutions to the menace”: Philip K. Dick and the Politics of Genre (2021)
Johnston Jones, R. D. (2021). “Partial solutions to the menace”: Philip K. Dick and the Politics of Genre. (Thesis). Keele University

In an essay published in 1955, titled ‘Pessimism in Science Fiction’, Philip K. Dick posits that science fiction (sf) cannot function as social critique without conveying a tentative utopian impulse: a “partial solution to the menace”. In the unfoldi... Read More about “Partial solutions to the menace”: Philip K. Dick and the Politics of Genre.

A poet prepares: persona, process, and performance in the poetry of Anne Sexton (2020)
Bailey, D. (2020). A poet prepares: persona, process, and performance in the poetry of Anne Sexton. (Thesis). Keele University. Retrieved from

This thesis represents the first sustained examination of Sexton’s early and unpublished poetry, which was written between 1956 and 1960. Additionally, it also represents the first detailed scholarly attempt to discuss Sexton’s creative practice in r... Read More about A poet prepares: persona, process, and performance in the poetry of Anne Sexton.

’Urbs, ’urb girls and Martine Delvaux’s Rose amer (2019)
Journal Article
Morgan. (2019). ’Urbs, ’urb girls and Martine Delvaux’s Rose amer. Québec Studies, 68,

This article considers representations of exurban spaces in Martine Delvaux’s Rose amer (2009), positioning it in relation to a broader take-up of “regional” spaces in Québec fiction. It argues that Delvaux’s novel is prescient in its blurring of dis... Read More about ’Urbs, ’urb girls and Martine Delvaux’s Rose amer.

Mocking the Master: Early Responses to The Sacred Fount (2017)
Journal Article
Lustig. (2017). Mocking the Master: Early Responses to The Sacred Fount. The Henry James Review, 38(1), 22-36.

Reviews of The Sacred Fount (1901) have previously been reprinted in a small number of source books, but it is now possible to extend our knowledge of the early reception of James’s most controversial and enigmatic novel. This article reprints select... Read More about Mocking the Master: Early Responses to The Sacred Fount.

‘America through the looking-glass, lost’: conflict and traumatic representation in American comics since 1975
(2015). ‘America through the looking-glass, lost’: conflict and traumatic representation in American comics since 1975

This thesis brings together two distinct areas of scholarship – trauma studies and comics. I focus on representations of trauma, specifically trauma arising from conflict and war, in post-Vietnam American comics. Trauma studies is an established area... Read More about ‘America through the looking-glass, lost’: conflict and traumatic representation in American comics since 1975.

Fictional representations of dissociative identity disorder in contemporary American fiction
(2017). Fictional representations of dissociative identity disorder in contemporary American fiction

The representation of mental health disorders and syndromes has increased in contemporary literature, film and television. Characters with disorders and syndromes such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, autism and Asperger’s syndrome, Tourette’s synd... Read More about Fictional representations of dissociative identity disorder in contemporary American fiction.

The material text and the literary marketplace in the novels of Herman Melville
McGettigan, K. E. (2014). The material text and the literary marketplace in the novels of Herman Melville

This thesis examines Herman Melville's representations of the material text and the literary marketplace in the novels he published between 1846 and 1857. Thus far,
scholarship has emphasized Melville's hostility towards literary production in mid­... Read More about The material text and the literary marketplace in the novels of Herman Melville.