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A kinematically unbiased search for nearby young stars in the Northern hemisphere selected using SuperWASP rotation periods (2015)
Journal Article
Binks, A., Jeffries, R., & Maxted, P. (2015). A kinematically unbiased search for nearby young stars in the Northern hemisphere selected using SuperWASP rotation periods. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452(1), 173-192.

We present a kinematically-unbiased search to identify young, nearby low-mass members of kinematic moving groups (MGs). Objects with both rotation periods shorter than 5 days in the SuperWASP All-Sky Survey and X-ray counterparts in the ROSAT All-Sky... Read More about A kinematically unbiased search for nearby young stars in the Northern hemisphere selected using SuperWASP rotation periods.

Journal Article

Between 2012 July and 2013 February, NuSTAR and XMM-Newton performed four long-look joint observations of the type 1.8 Seyfert, NGC 1365. We have analyzed the variable absorption seen in these observations in order to characterize the geometry of the... Read More about THE MULTI-LAYER VARIABLE ABSORBERS IN NGC 1365 REVEALED BY XMM-NEWTON AND NuSTAR.

Journal Article

We present medium-resolution near-infrared (NIR) spectra, covering 1.1–3.4 µm, of the normal Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) SN 2014J in M82 obtained with the FLITECAM instrument on board Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) between 17... Read More about OBSERVATIONS OF TYPE Ia SUPERNOVA 2014J WITH FLITECAM ON SOFIA.

The VMC survey - XIV. First results on the look-back time star formation rate tomography of the Small Magellanic Cloud (2015)
Journal Article
Van Loon. (2015). The VMC survey - XIV. First results on the look-back time star formation rate tomography of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 639 -661.

We analyse deep images from the VISTA survey of the Magellanic Clouds in the YJKs filters, covering 14 deg2 (10 tiles), split into 120 subregions, and comprising the main body and Wing of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). We apply a colour–magnitude... Read More about The VMC survey - XIV. First results on the look-back time star formation rate tomography of the Small Magellanic Cloud.

The catalogue of radial velocity variable hot subluminous stars from the MUCHFUSS project (2015)
Journal Article
Maxted. (2015). The catalogue of radial velocity variable hot subluminous stars from the MUCHFUSS project. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

The project Massive Unseen Companions to Hot Faint Underluminous Stars from SDSS (MUCHFUSS) aims to find sdBs with compact companions such as massive white dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes. Here we provide classifications, atmospheric parameters... Read More about The catalogue of radial velocity variable hot subluminous stars from the MUCHFUSS project.

Revealing a hard X-ray spectral component that reverberates within one light hour of the central supermassive black hole in Ark 564 (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Revealing a hard X-ray spectral component that reverberates within one light hour of the central supermassive black hole in Ark 564. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

Context. Arakelian 564 (Ark 564, z = 0.0247) is an X-ray-bright narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy. By using advanced X-ray timing techniques, an excess of “delayed” emission in the hard X-ray band (4-7.5 keV) following about 1000 s after “flaring” light i... Read More about Revealing a hard X-ray spectral component that reverberates within one light hour of the central supermassive black hole in Ark 564.

Wind from the black-hole accretion disk driving a molecular outflow in an active galaxy (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). Wind from the black-hole accretion disk driving a molecular outflow in an active galaxy. Nature, 436 -438.

Powerful winds driven by active galactic nuclei are often thought to affect the evolution of both supermassive black holes and their host galaxies, quenching star formation and explaining the close relationship between black holes and galaxies. Recen... Read More about Wind from the black-hole accretion disk driving a molecular outflow in an active galaxy.

The Massive Star Population of Cygnus OB2 (2015)
Journal Article
Wright. (2015). The Massive Star Population of Cygnus OB2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 741-760.

We have compiled a significantly updated and comprehensive census of massive stars in the nearby Cygnus OB2 association by gathering and homogenizing data from across the literature. The census contains 169 primary OB stars, including 52 O-type stars... Read More about The Massive Star Population of Cygnus OB2.

The UK Infrared Telescope M33 monitoring project - IV. Variable red giant stars across the galactic disc (2015)
Journal Article
Van Loon. (2015). The UK Infrared Telescope M33 monitoring project - IV. Variable red giant stars across the galactic disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 3973 -3991.

We have conducted a near-infrared monitoring campaign at the UK InfraRed Telescope, of the Local Group spiral galaxy M33 (Triangulum). The main aim was to identify stars in the very final stage of their evolution, and for which the luminosity is more... Read More about The UK Infrared Telescope M33 monitoring project - IV. Variable red giant stars across the galactic disc.

The Gaia-ESO Survey: A globular cluster escapee in the Galactic halo (2015)
Journal Article
Jeffries. (2015). The Gaia-ESO Survey: A globular cluster escapee in the Galactic halo. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

A small fraction of the halo field is made up of stars that share the light element (Z = 13) anomalies characteristic of second generation globular cluster (GC) stars. The ejected stars shed light on the formation of the Galactic halo by tracing the... Read More about The Gaia-ESO Survey: A globular cluster escapee in the Galactic halo.

WASP-20b and WASP-28b: a hot Saturn and a hot Jupiter in near-aligned orbits around solar-type stars (2015)
Journal Article
Hellier, Smalley, & Maxted. (2015). WASP-20b and WASP-28b: a hot Saturn and a hot Jupiter in near-aligned orbits around solar-type stars. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

We report the discovery of the planets WASP-20b and WASP-28b along with measurements of their sky-projected orbital obliquities. WASP-20b is an inflated, Saturn-mass planet (0.31?MJup; 1.46?RJup) in a 4.9-day, near-aligned (? = 12.7 ± 4.2°) orbit aro... Read More about WASP-20b and WASP-28b: a hot Saturn and a hot Jupiter in near-aligned orbits around solar-type stars.

Spots on Am stars (2015)
Journal Article
Balona, L., Catanzaro, G., Abedigamba, O., Ripepi, V., & Smalley, B. (2015). Spots on Am stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1378 - 1388.

We investigate the light variations of 15 Am stars using four years of high-precision photometry from the Kepler spacecraft and an additional 14 Am stars from the K2 Campaign 0 field. We find that most of the Am stars in the Kepler field have light c... Read More about Spots on Am stars.

The well-aligned orbit of Wasp-84b: evidence for disk migration of a hot Jupiter (2015)
Journal Article
Smalley, Hellier, & Maxted. (2015). The well-aligned orbit of Wasp-84b: evidence for disk migration of a hot Jupiter. Astrophysical Journal Letters,

We report the sky-projected orbital obliquity (spin–orbit angle) of WASP-84 b, a 0.69${{M}_{{\rm Jup}}}$ planet in an 8.52 day orbit around a G9V/K0V star, to be ? = -0.3 ± 1.7°. We obtain a true obliquity of ? = 17.3 ± 7.7° from a measurement of the... Read More about The well-aligned orbit of Wasp-84b: evidence for disk migration of a hot Jupiter.

Probing the local bubble with diffuse interstellar abnds. II. The Dib properties in the northern hemisphere (2015)
Journal Article
Van Loon. (2015). Probing the local bubble with diffuse interstellar abnds. II. The Dib properties in the northern hemisphere. Astrophysical Journal,

We present a new high signal-to-noise ratio spectroscopic survey of the Northern hemisphere to probe the Local Bubble and its surroundings using the ?5780 Å and ?5797 Å diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs). We observed 432 sightlines to a distance of 20... Read More about Probing the local bubble with diffuse interstellar abnds. II. The Dib properties in the northern hemisphere.

Probing the local bubble with diffuse interstellar bands. III. The northern hemisphere data and catalog (2015)
Journal Article
Van Loon. (2015). Probing the local bubble with diffuse interstellar bands. III. The northern hemisphere data and catalog. Astrophysical Journal, 33.

We present new high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) observations of the diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) in the Local Bubble and its surroundings. We observed 432 sightlines and obtain the equivalent widths of the ?5780 and ?5797 Å DIBs up to a distance... Read More about Probing the local bubble with diffuse interstellar bands. III. The northern hemisphere data and catalog.

An infrared census of dust in nearby galaxies with Spitxer (Dustings). II. Discovery of metal-poor dusty AGB stars (2015)
Journal Article
Van Loon. (2015). An infrared census of dust in nearby galaxies with Spitxer (Dustings). II. Discovery of metal-poor dusty AGB stars. Astrophysical Journal, 51.

The DUSTiNGS survey (DUST in Nearby Galaxies with Spitzer) is a 3.6 and 4.5 µm imaging survey of 50 nearby dwarf galaxies designed to identify dust-producing asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and massive stars. Using two epochs, spaced approximatel... Read More about An infrared census of dust in nearby galaxies with Spitxer (Dustings). II. Discovery of metal-poor dusty AGB stars.

Characterizing K2 Planet Discoveries: A Super-earth Transiting The Bright K Dwarf HIP 116454 (2015)
Journal Article
Hellier. (2015). Characterizing K2 Planet Discoveries: A Super-earth Transiting The Bright K Dwarf HIP 116454. Astrophysical Journal,

We report the first planet discovery from the two-wheeled Kepler (K2) mission: HIP 116454 b. The host star HIP 116454 is a bright (V = 10.1, K = 8.0) K1 dwarf with high proper motion and a parallax-based distance of 55.2 ± 5.4 pc. Based on high-resol... Read More about Characterizing K2 Planet Discoveries: A Super-earth Transiting The Bright K Dwarf HIP 116454.

The Gaia-ESO survey: Discovery of a spatially extended low-mass population in the Vela OB2 association (2015)
Journal Article
Jeffries. (2015). The Gaia-ESO survey: Discovery of a spatially extended low-mass population in the Vela OB2 association. Astronomy & Astrophysics,

The nearby (distance ~ 350–400 pc), rich Vela OB2 association, includes ?2 Velorum, one of the most massive binaries in the solar neighbourhood and an excellent laboratory for investigating the formation and early evolution of young clusters. Recent... Read More about The Gaia-ESO survey: Discovery of a spatially extended low-mass population in the Vela OB2 association.

In situ apparatus for the study of clathrate hydrates relevant to solar system bodies using synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy (Research Note) (2015)
Journal Article
(2015). In situ apparatus for the study of clathrate hydrates relevant to solar system bodies using synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy (Research Note). Astronomy & Astrophysics,

Context. Clathrate hydrates are believed to play a significant role in various solar system environments, e.g. comets, and the surfaces and interiors of icy satellites. However, the structural factors governing their formation and dissociation are po... Read More about In situ apparatus for the study of clathrate hydrates relevant to solar system bodies using synchrotron X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy (Research Note).

A search for non-pulsating, chemically normal stars in the delta Scuti instability strip using Kepler data (2015)
Journal Article
Murphy, S. J., Bedding, T. R., Niemczura, E., Kurtz, D. W., & Smalley, B. (2015). A search for non-pulsating, chemically normal stars in the delta Scuti instability strip using Kepler data. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 447(4), 3948 -3959.

We identify stars in the d Sct instability strip that do not pulsate in p modes at the 50-µmag limit, using Kepler data. Spectral classification and abundance analyses from high-resolution spectroscopy allow us to identify chemically peculiar stars,... Read More about A search for non-pulsating, chemically normal stars in the delta Scuti instability strip using Kepler data.