A kinematically unbiased search for nearby young stars in the Northern hemisphere selected using SuperWASP rotation periods
Journal Article
Binks, A., Jeffries, R., & Maxted, P. (2015). A kinematically unbiased search for nearby young stars in the Northern hemisphere selected using SuperWASP rotation periods. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452(1), 173-192. https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stv1309
We present a kinematically-unbiased search to identify young, nearby low-mass members of kinematic moving groups (MGs). Objects with both rotation periods shorter than 5 days in the SuperWASP All-Sky Survey and X-ray counterparts in the ROSAT All-Sky... Read More about A kinematically unbiased search for nearby young stars in the Northern hemisphere selected using SuperWASP rotation periods.