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qpower2 - a fast and accurate algorithm for the computation of exoplanet transit light curves with the power-2 limb-darkening law (2018)
Journal Article
Maxted. (2018). qpower2 - a fast and accurate algorithm for the computation of exoplanet transit light curves with the power-2 limb-darkening law. Astronomy & Astrophysics, A33 -?.

Context. The power-2 law, I?( µ) = 1 - c(1-µa), accurately represents the limb-darkening profile for cool stars. It has been implemented in a few transit models to-date using numerical integration but there is as-yet no implementation of the power-2... Read More about qpower2 - a fast and accurate algorithm for the computation of exoplanet transit light curves with the power-2 limb-darkening law.

On the non-variability of HR 7653 (15 Vul) based on BRITE data (2018)
Journal Article
Smalley. (2018). On the non-variability of HR 7653 (15 Vul) based on BRITE data

We present space-based BRITE photometric observations of the metallic line (CP1) star HR 7653 (15 Vul). This chemically peculiar star of the upper main sequence was suspected to show variability due to rotation and a magnetic field. Such a variabilit... Read More about On the non-variability of HR 7653 (15 Vul) based on BRITE data.

Impact of rotation and magnetic fields in low mass AGB stars (2018)
Conference Proceeding
den Hartogh, J. W., Hirschi, R., Georgy, C., Eggenberger, P., Herwig, F., Pignatari, M., …Ritter, C. (2018). Impact of rotation and magnetic fields in low mass AGB stars. .

After core helium burning in low and intermediate-mass stars, starts the AGB phase. In this phase, the s process takes place, which is believed to be at the origin of half of all elements heavier than iron. The role of rotation and magnetic fields on... Read More about Impact of rotation and magnetic fields in low mass AGB stars.

Nucleosynthesis in the first massive stars (2018)
Journal Article
Hirschi. (2018). Nucleosynthesis in the first massive stars. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 012021 -?.

The nucleosynthesis in the first massive stars may be constrained by observing the surface composition of long-lived very iron-poor stars born around 10 billion years ago from material enriched by their ejecta. Many interesting clues on physical proc... Read More about Nucleosynthesis in the first massive stars.

Sensitivity to neutron captures and ß -decays of the enhanced s-process in rotating massive stars at low metallicities (2018)
Journal Article
Hirschi. (2018). Sensitivity to neutron captures and ß -decays of the enhanced s-process in rotating massive stars at low metallicities. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 12051.

The s-process in massive stars, producing nuclei up to A ˜ 90, has a different behaviour at low metallicity if stellar rotation is significant. This enhanced s-process is distinct from the s-process in massive stars around solar metallicity, and deta... Read More about Sensitivity to neutron captures and ß -decays of the enhanced s-process in rotating massive stars at low metallicities.

First Results from the Herschel and ALMA Spectroscopic Surveys of the SMC: The Relationship between [C ii ]-bright Gas and CO-bright Gas at Low Metallicity (2018)
Journal Article
Van Loon. (2018). First Results from the Herschel and ALMA Spectroscopic Surveys of the SMC: The Relationship between [C ii ]-bright Gas and CO-bright Gas at Low Metallicity. Astrophysical Journal, 111 - ?.

The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) provides the only laboratory to study the structure of molecular gas at high resolution and low metallicity. We present results from the Herschel Spectroscopic Survey of the SMC (HS3), which mapped the key far-IR cool... Read More about First Results from the Herschel and ALMA Spectroscopic Surveys of the SMC: The Relationship between [C ii ]-bright Gas and CO-bright Gas at Low Metallicity.

The Detection of Hot Cores and Complex Organic Molecules in the Large Magellanic Cloud (2018)
Journal Article
Sewiło, M., Indebetouw, R., Charnley, S. B., Zahorecz, S., Oliveira, J. M., Van Loon, J. T., …Schilke, P. (2018). The Detection of Hot Cores and Complex Organic Molecules in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Astrophysical Journal Letters, 853(2), L19 -?.

We report the first extragalactic detection of the complex organic molecules (COMs) dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3) and methyl formate (CH3OCHO) with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). These COMs, together with their parent species met... Read More about The Detection of Hot Cores and Complex Organic Molecules in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

A deep X-ray view of the bare AGN Ark120. IV. XMM-Newton and NuSTAR spectra dominated by two temperature (warm, hot) Comptonization processes (2018)
Journal Article
(2018). A deep X-ray view of the bare AGN Ark120. IV. XMM-Newton and NuSTAR spectra dominated by two temperature (warm, hot) Comptonization processes. Astronomy & Astrophysics, A42 -?.

We perform an X-ray spectral analysis of the brightest and cleanest bare AGN known so far, Ark 120, in order to determine the process(es) at work in the vicinity of the SMBH. We present spectral analysis of data from an extensive campaign observing A... Read More about A deep X-ray view of the bare AGN Ark120. IV. XMM-Newton and NuSTAR spectra dominated by two temperature (warm, hot) Comptonization processes.

The VMC survey - XXVI. Structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud from RR Lyrae stars (2018)
Journal Article
Van Loon. (2018). The VMC survey - XXVI. Structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud from RR Lyrae stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 3131-3146.

We present results from the analysis of 2997 fundamental mode RR Lyrae variables located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). For these objects, near-infrared time series photometry from the VISTA survey of the Magellanic Clouds system (VMC) and visu... Read More about The VMC survey - XXVI. Structure of the Small Magellanic Cloud from RR Lyrae stars.

OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb: The First Spitzer Bulge Planet Lies Near the Planet/Brown-dwarf Boundary (2018)
Journal Article
Ryu, Y., Yee, J., Udalski, A., Bond, I., Shvartzvald, Y., Zang, W., …von Essen, C. (2018). OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb: The First Spitzer Bulge Planet Lies Near the Planet/Brown-dwarf Boundary. Astronomical Journal, 155(1), Article 40.

We report the discovery of OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb, which is likely to be the first Spitzer microlensing planet in the Galactic bulge/bar, an assignation that can be confirmed by two epochs of high-resolution imaging of the combined source–lens baseline... Read More about OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb: The First Spitzer Bulge Planet Lies Near the Planet/Brown-dwarf Boundary.

A dearth of OH/IR stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud (2018)
Journal Article
Goldman, S. R., Van Loon, J. T., Gómez, J. F., Green, J. A., Zijlstra, A. A., Nanni, A., …Oliveira, J. M. (2018). A dearth of OH/IR stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473(3), 3835-3853.

We present the results of targeted observations and a survey of 1612-, 1665-, and 1667-MHz circumstellar OH maser emission from asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and red supergiants (RSGs) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), using the Parkes and A... Read More about A dearth of OH/IR stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud.