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Theoretical investigation of variable infra-red emission by cosmic dust sources
Bode, M. F. (1979). Theoretical investigation of variable infra-red emission by cosmic dust sources

Light travel time considerations are applied to the development of the infra-red flux from a cloud of dust grains surrounding a variable cosmic source of heating radiation. The properties of individual grains are explored, and the equation of radiati... Read More about Theoretical investigation of variable infra-red emission by cosmic dust sources.

The effects of hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour on the work function and resistance of titanium films
(1980). The effects of hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour on the work function and resistance of titanium films

The changes of work function; ? and resistance; R of titanium films were measured in U.H.V. at room temperature, when- hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour interacted with them. The interaction of hydrogen reduced R by 30% after an initial increase of 1... Read More about The effects of hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour on the work function and resistance of titanium films.

Fracture and flow in glass
(1980). Fracture and flow in glass

The indentation creep Behaviour and the apparent healing of cracks are studied in several silicate glasses in different environments and at different temperatures.
The results obtained do not confirm previous findings that the indentation creep rate... Read More about Fracture and flow in glass.

Single- and multi- cavity beam masers for microwave and ultramicrowave frequencies
(1966). Single- and multi- cavity beam masers for microwave and ultramicrowave frequencies

An amnonia beam maser with a single resonant cavity and with two cascaded cavities is investigated.
A single cavity microwave beam maser is described and its characteristics of operation determined. This maser is constructed so that a second resonan... Read More about Single- and multi- cavity beam masers for microwave and ultramicrowave frequencies.

Ionization in oxygen being a thesis on the measurement of ionization and attachment coefficients in low pressure oxygen discharges
(1966). Ionization in oxygen being a thesis on the measurement of ionization and attachment coefficients in low pressure oxygen discharges

Ionization processes in oxygen have been studied using a Townsend type apparatus 'using electron swarms of mean energy of about a few electron volts. From a measurement
of currents and gap distances the ionization and attachment coefficients have be... Read More about Ionization in oxygen being a thesis on the measurement of ionization and attachment coefficients in low pressure oxygen discharges.

Some electrical properties of alkaline earth oxides with particular reference to oxide-coated cathodes
(1957). Some electrical properties of alkaline earth oxides with particular reference to oxide-coated cathodes

The electrical conductivity and thermionic emission from
cathodes coated with barium oxide and a mixture of barium and strontium oxides has been studied as a function of temperature in the range 2900 - 10000 degrees K employing cylindrical diodes co... Read More about Some electrical properties of alkaline earth oxides with particular reference to oxide-coated cathodes.

Fracture surfaces of glass
(1963). Fracture surfaces of glass

Glass specimens tested in simple tension, bending, or torsion, with breaking strengths up to approximately 100 Kg/mm2 , develop a characteristic morphology of the fracture face which has become known as "mirror, mist and
hackle". This general patter... Read More about Fracture surfaces of glass.

Work function changes of clean and contaminated metal films in vacuum and in hydrogen
(1964). Work function changes of clean and contaminated metal films in vacuum and in hydrogen

This investigation is concerned with changes in the work functions of evaporated metal films caused by gas adsorption and variations in temperature. The importance of such changes is underlined by a description of the work function dependent discharg... Read More about Work function changes of clean and contaminated metal films in vacuum and in hydrogen.