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Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin (2019)
Journal Article
Dodd, T., McCarthy, D., & Clarke, S. (2019). Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin. Sedimentology,

This paper details and describes a suite of 143 sub-seismic-scale clastic injectites encountered within the early Cretaceous, early post-rift of the deep-lacustrine North Falkland Basin. The injectites, referred to here as the Sea Lion Injectite Syst... Read More about Clastic injectites, internal structures and flow regime during injection: The Sea Lion Injectite System, North Falkland Basin.