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Domes and semi-capsules as model systems for infrared microspectroscopy of biological cells. (2023)
Journal Article
Solheim, J., Brandsrud, M., Kong, B., Banyasz, A., Borondics, F., Micouin, G., …Kohler, A. (2023). Domes and semi-capsules as model systems for infrared microspectroscopy of biological cells. Scientific reports, 13(1), Article 3165.

It is well known that infrared microscopy of micrometer sized samples suffers from strong scattering distortions, attributed to Mie scattering. The state-of-the-art preprocessing technique for modelling and removing Mie scattering features from infra... Read More about Domes and semi-capsules as model systems for infrared microspectroscopy of biological cells..

Physiological Oxygen Causes the Release of Volatile Organic Compounds from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells with Possible Roles in Maintaining Self-Renewal and Pluripotency (2022)
Journal Article
Barreto, S., Al-Zubaidi, M., Dale, T., Worrall, A., Kapacee, Z., Kimber, S., …Rutter, A. (2022). Physiological Oxygen Causes the Release of Volatile Organic Compounds from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells with Possible Roles in Maintaining Self-Renewal and Pluripotency. Preprints,

<jats:p>Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) have widespread potential biomedical applications. There is a need for large-scale in vitro production of hPSCs, and optimal culture methods are vital in achieving this. Physiological oxygen (2% O2) improv... Read More about Physiological Oxygen Causes the Release of Volatile Organic Compounds from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells with Possible Roles in Maintaining Self-Renewal and Pluripotency.

Clinical applications of infrared and Raman spectroscopy in the fields of cancer and infectious diseases (2021)
Journal Article
Paraskevaidi, M., Baker, M., Butler, H., Byrne, H., Chakkumpulakkal, T., Loren, C., …Wood, B. (2021). Clinical applications of infrared and Raman spectroscopy in the fields of cancer and infectious diseases. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews,

Analytical technologies that can improve disease diagnosis are highly sought after. Current screening/diagnostic tests for several diseases are limited by their moderate diagnostic performance, invasiveness, costly and laborious methodologies or the... Read More about Clinical applications of infrared and Raman spectroscopy in the fields of cancer and infectious diseases.

Optical Photothermal Infrared Microspectroscopy Discriminates for the First Time Different Types of Lung Cells on Histopathology Glass Slides. (2021)
Journal Article
Kansiz, M., Dowling, L., Yousef, I., Guaitella, O., Borondics, F., & Sule-Suso, J. (2021). Optical Photothermal Infrared Microspectroscopy Discriminates for the First Time Different Types of Lung Cells on Histopathology Glass Slides. Analytical Chemistry, 11081 - 11088.

The debate of whether a glass substrate can be used in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy is strongly linked to its potential clinical application. Histopathology glass slides of 1 mm thickness absorb the mid-IR spectrum in the rich fingerprint... Read More about Optical Photothermal Infrared Microspectroscopy Discriminates for the First Time Different Types of Lung Cells on Histopathology Glass Slides..

Optimisation of sample preparation using glass slides for spectral pathology (2020)
Journal Article
Dowling, L., Roach, P., Rutter, A., Yousef, I., Pillai, S., Latham, D., …Sule-Suso, J. (2020). Optimisation of sample preparation using glass slides for spectral pathology. Applied Spectroscopy, 75(3), 343-350.

The clinical translation of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy in pathology will require bringing this technique as close as possible to standard practice in pathology departments. An important step is sample preparation for both FTI... Read More about Optimisation of sample preparation using glass slides for spectral pathology.

Clinical applications of infrared and Raman spectroscopy: state of play and future challenges. (2018)
Journal Article
Baker, M., Byrne, H., Chalmers, J., Gardner, P., Goodacre, R., Henderson, A., …Sule-Suso, J. (2018). Clinical applications of infrared and Raman spectroscopy: state of play and future challenges. Analyst, 1735 - 1757.

Vibrational spectroscopies, based on infrared absorption and/or Raman scattering provide a detailed fingerprint of a material, based on the chemical content. Diagnostic and prognostic tools based on these technologies have the potential to revolution... Read More about Clinical applications of infrared and Raman spectroscopy: state of play and future challenges..

Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds for the detection of lung cancer (2017)
Conference Proceeding
Butcher, J. B., Rutter, A. V., Wootton, A. J., Day, C. R., & Sulé-Suso, J. (2017). Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds for the detection of lung cancer. In Advances in Computational Intelligence Systems (183-190).

Lung cancer is a widespread disease and it is well understood that systematic, non-invasive and early detection of this progressive and life-threatening disorder is of vital importance for patient outcomes. In this work we present a convergence of fa... Read More about Artificial Neural Network Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds for the detection of lung cancer.

Virtual imaging for patient information on radiotherapy planning and delivery (2016)
Presentation / Conference
Sule-Suso, J., Finney, S., Bisson, J., Hammersley, S., Jassal, S., Knight, C., …Moloney, A. (2016, April). Virtual imaging for patient information on radiotherapy planning and delivery. Poster presented at ESTRO 35, Turin, Italy

Purpose or Objective: To assess whether both patients and
their relatives would welcome further information on a oneto-one basis on RT planning and delivery using the virtual
reality (VR) system VERT.